Chapter 1152

At this moment, Zhang Miaomiao felt extremely unwilling, but what should I do if I use it?She just told herself calmly, it will get better if she endures a little longer, anyway, if she can't laugh at him now and suffer a little, she won't really do anything to him.

It's better to be discovered by the time, and she did all the things...

And after almost half an hour of investigation, I quickly came to a conclusion.Even when Zhang Miaomiao thought that no one could do anything to him, he received the news that he was going to jail.

At that moment, she and he were completely dumbfounded, thinking that they had heard wrongly, and repeated confirmation several times.It was only then that she realized that she had heard correctly. This was indeed the judgment result given to her by the police station.

"How can you put all the blame on me? Are you not afraid of being struck by lightning if you do things against your conscience?"

At this moment, she was completely angry, and she was even more thoughtless when she spoke, and said it directly.Several policemen were not surprised that she would say such a thing when they heard it.

"What should we say about this matter? We insist on explaining the matter to him with you. You are ugly. You clearly know that we did not make a mistake when we said this matter, and we did not judge you wrongly. Why do you pretend How about acting innocent?"

The policeman laughed and said this resignedly.

Zhang Miaomiao just couldn't accept this fact, so she pretended to be innocent and asked back: "Who will believe you, you talk without evidence now, be careful, I will report you."

Zhang Miaomiao was certain that they had nothing to do with him, and that they could find no evidence of what they had done.That's why at this moment he echoed so elatedly.

It's just that she didn't expect that the person she thought was a fool was actually the one who really treated her as a fool.

"Of course, Ms. Zhang, we have always been on the side of justice and fairness. Do you know? When you said those words, you actually gave us Ling Gang to investigate your matter from the other side, but we found that, Huangtian paid off, and really found something to do with it."

Zhang Miaomiao saw what they said was very accurate, and finally dared not say anything at this moment, she pursed her lips and waited for them to continue.

"When you say things that should only be known to our police department time and time again, we can suspect that you actually planned all of this, including the matter of getting someone to blame you."

When the man said this with a chuckle, he looked at Zhang Miaomiao playfully, and as expected, he saw her astonished face.

"So we started with the boy who turned himself in, and found out that you were really involved? Why, didn't you promise him that as long as he helped you take the blame, you would be with him? When will you keep your promise? "

As soon as this remark came out, there was laughter all around.

But Qiao Qiancen only felt it was ridiculous after hearing this. He didn't expect that Zhang Miaomiao would do such a thing in order to deal with her?
How much did she hate her?

"To be honest, I have dealt with so many cases, and I rarely see people of your age doing things in this way. Use emotional matters to fool others and take the blame for you. To be honest, you are simply subversive what I think about you."

The other people around nodded their heads. This incident was too shocking. No one would have imagined that a young girl would use such a method to make a deal in order to hurt someone she hated.

Not only sad but also ridiculous.

Zhang Miaomiao's face turned green and white. He never thought that such an ugly thing would be brought up for everyone's discussion. At this moment, she was very angry, but she felt that everyone had no evidence to prove that it was really her. If you do it, you still refute it bluntly, "This is all your own wild guess, what do you want to do so much, you have evidence to prove that I did it, so I can sue you for defamation if you make random guesses .”

The policeman nodded, as if he had expected him to speak like this a long time ago, there was no difference in emotion at all.

"Of course the evidence is correct. He didn't delete all the messages he sent, and the things you asked him to delete, and he even backed up many copies and kept them in his favorites. When you're bored, you can dig them out and see what you think of him. Well, your favor for him."

Zhang Miaomiao's eyes widened when he heard these words.She never thought that the man would do such a thing.

The so-called not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, was actually proved by her at this moment.

She had clearly told him to delete those records and not leave any clues behind.He actually backed up several copies as a commemoration, which obviously needs to kill her!

"I don't have anything to say now. Now that there are all the witnesses and evidence, and I lied to him that you were with another man, he immediately confessed you in anger. Tell me that you are alone and helpless now." , can you say any more sophistry?"

Qiao Qiancen originally thought that this matter was just an ordinary matter, but he never thought that so many stories were involved behind it.

Couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.No wonder the plots of many novels and TV dramas probably evolved from reality.

"Just admit it, what's wrong with admitting it?"

Zhang Miao acted again, and said this sentence directly.At this moment, she looked very free and easy, but the people around her still looked down on her.

I didn't see him pleading guilty just now, and now all the evidence has been presented, and now there is no way to explain it, so he said these words, just to pretend.

"All in all, I pleaded guilty. Now it's considered a surrender. At least it shouldn't be too deep. I think it's too serious to say that I want to go to prison. That's it. I didn't cause any substantial harm to him!"

She looked at Qiao Qiancen unwillingly, and felt that it was unreasonable for her to go to prison for a few days even though she hadn't taken revenge.

And the people around him didn't want to pay attention to his childish remarks and stood up and said to Qiao Qiancen: "I'm really sorry for affecting you during this period, but now that the matter has been investigated, you can go to work and live with confidence. Don't worry! This matter will not affect you. We will announce the development of this matter on Weibo. We will definitely not let everyone misunderstand you."

Qiao Qiancen nodded but did not say a word after all.

This is the best solution now that things have come to an end, and she doesn't want to get entangled with anything.It's just that Zhang Miaomiao was very angry when he heard Guo Guo.

(End of this chapter)

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