Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1155 Jocen's Birthday

Chapter 1155 Qiao Qiancen's Birthday
Fu Yanshen seemed a little helpless when he said this, picked up the red wine glass and poured wine for the two of them.

The dining table gradually became lively. The cakes were placed in the center of the table. Fu Yanshen took candles and inserted them one by one until No. 20 and five were inserted.

"It's 25 years old, how time flies."

Fu Yanshen said this with a sigh, Li Yiyuan next to him also nodded in agreement, but at this moment Qiao Qiancen stopped doing it, pretended to be unhappy and asked with a straight face, "Why, you Do you think I'm old?"

The two have been together for so many years, and now they are finally together as they wished, but they find that they are no longer the youthful youths they were back then. I can't help but sigh in my heart. Fu Yanshen didn't expect that his words would give her There was a misunderstanding.

I couldn't help laughing softly, seemed a little helpless, reached out and pinched her face, "You girl, who thinks you are old, besides, I am older than you, isn't it that I think I am older if I think you are old?"

One sentence made everyone at the table laugh, and Qiao Qiancenxing felt better. He deliberately snorted and stopped looking at him.

But Fu Yanshen didn't care, stood up and cut the cake, and shared a piece with each of them, and the plaque with happy birthday was placed on Qiao Qiancen's cake.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the cake in front of him, and felt a little sweet in his heart. He clearly hadn't tasted the cake yet, but he already felt very happy.

Maybe the so-called happiness is like this?
Sitting at the same table with your family and lover, eating happily, there is no gap between anyone, it doesn't matter if you talk and laugh with each other, whatever you talk about, everything is gentle and beautiful.

"Auntie, let's sing birthday song to Qiao Qiancen together, can you sing?"

Fu Yan looked deeply at Li Yiyuan and asked, and Li Yiyuan nodded with a smile, his face full of complacency, "Of course, as Qiancen's mother, I was born in Yuncheng back then." Are you famous? Back then when I sang, all the big bosses and officials in Yuncheng came to listen."

Li Yiyuan responded with a smile.

And Fu Yanshen heard that, after thinking about it, it was true. After all, her daughter is the most beautiful in Yuncheng, and she is naturally not bad as a mother.

He curled his lips and looked at her expectantly.

"Then I'm going to listen to the song sung by my aunt. After all, she was also a big shot in the early morning of that year. I can't let go of such a good opportunity."

Li Yiyuan was amused by his compliments, he couldn't help waving his hands, and said modestly, "I can't sing any good songs, after all, the times are different now, and I haven't sung much for so many years, maybe Now I can’t sing at all.”

Having said that, Li Yiyuan also cleared his voice and began to sing. The singing voice was loud and clear, as if it had the magic power to penetrate the wall. Just listening to a few sentences, he couldn't help being attracted.

Qiao Qiancen didn't expect her mother to sing so well, so she couldn't help looking at her expectantly from the side, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

At that time, my mother was indeed one of the best beauties in Yuncheng, and she came from an art class. She was proficient in many opera performances.And if she hadn't met her father later, her life would not have gone downhill.

Thinking of this, I feel sad. Sometimes a woman makes a wrong decision and ruins the rest of her life. There is no room for you to regret it.

After the song ended, both Fu Yanshen and Qiao Qiancen couldn't react.It was Fu Yanshen who was the first to wake up from the singing, and couldn't help showing a very surprised expression.

"I have listened to many modern singers' concerts, but their singing always feels that there is a lack of charm, only the experience is different from yours, and the songs you sing have a sense of time. It's easy for people to calm down, it's really nice, auntie."

Li Yiyuan was naturally happy when he praised her like this. After all, she was indeed an artist in Yuncheng, and many people were complimenting her, but she never expected to end up like this in the end.If I sang this song now, I will regain the feeling of the past, and it will always be a memory.

"Mom, you are so good at singing, why don't you teach me? You don't know that last time I performed and sang on stage, although there were many praises, many people still pointed out my shortcomings."

Qiao Qiancen said with some regret that his mother is the best teacher to keep up with. He didn't realize this before and wasted such a good resource for nothing. Otherwise, maybe he would have started on the road of singing earlier. lock up.

When his mother heard him say this, she nodded her head helplessly. She didn't seem to expect that she would say such a thing, so she could only explain with a smile, "Art is a kind of knowledge. If you don't have ideas, you can't learn it." Come on, it will be easier for you to learn it with full interest. What's more, when you were a child, your mother wanted to sing you a song, and you thought it was something the old people listened to, so you didn't want to learn it."

The two mother and daughter began to quarrel, and Fu Yanshen was listening by the side, the corners of his mouth kept rising, and he felt that such a scene was very warm.

On the other hand, although their family is a powerful and powerful family, they always feel that there is a little less human touch. Everyone gathers together for interpretation and benefit.Even when speaking with scheming and purpose, it is a bit hard for such a family to get along.

It's not like they...

For some reason, Fu Yanshen had a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't see you talking, so he interrupted the two of them until he picked up the red wine glass and started to drink glass after glass.

If he was born in a warm and loving family, he would rather not have so-called wealth.As long as the family can be together with the United States and the United States, it is enough, no amount of money or benefits can be exchanged.

Qiao Qiancen and his mother chatted and laughed for a while, only to realize that there was something wrong with the man beside him. He frowned and asked him curiously, "What's the matter with you? It seems that you drank a lot of wine, and you gave this big bottle of wine all by yourself. I'm done drinking."

However, after these words fell, a slight blush appeared on his handsome face as if he hadn't heard it, and the whole person was presented in his own thoughts, neither saw nor heard Qiao Qiancen talking to him.

Qiao Qiancen and his mother looked at each other, and his mother thought about what happened just now, and he also understood what it was all about, so he smiled and came over to pat him on the back.

"Yan Shen, today is Qiao Qiancen's birthday, let's be more happy, shouldn't we sing the birthday song? We haven't sung it for him yet, hurry up and finish singing, let's have dinner together, the food is going to be cold?"

After hearing this sentence, Xiangming finally nodded, not immersed in his thoughts, and looked at them apologetically.

(End of this chapter)

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