Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1175 It's all your fault!

Chapter 1175 It's all your fault!
Qiao Qiancen complained helplessly, full of incomprehension of her mother.

But at this moment, after the mother couldn't help but pull him up, she dragged her to the bathroom, forced her to wash up, and then let her sit at the dining table together to make dumplings.

"Mom, you know that I don't know how to pack, and you didn't let me learn from you before, but now you suddenly ask me to report this thing together, isn't that embarrassing me?!"

Looking at the dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings in front of her, she couldn't help frowning, she couldn't understand how her mother woke her up early in the morning.

It is clear that the weekend is a rare leisure time, and today she planned to have a good rest, but was woken up early in the morning, which really gave her a headache.

Listening to her words, the mother couldn't help but cast a sideways glance, full of indifference.

"Look what you're talking about, girl. Isn't mom going to teach you now? It's never too late to learn. You should study hard now, and you can still make delicious dumplings in the future. After you get married, you can also give them to me." Reporting your husband and children, you can accomplish a lot!"

With a serious look as Li Yiyuan said, he has already started to wrap a dumpling wrapper.

Qiao Qiancen was dizzy from hearing this, and nodded feeling good, his eyes were still a little bit open to see the dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings in front of him, looking at his mother's salty and cooked techniques, still very confused.

"Then you taught me. I'm watching you bag now. How could I do it? You didn't tell me how to bag."

Qiao Qiancen frowned and said that the anger of getting up still didn't dissipate. Thinking that the good weekend was ruined like this, she couldn't help sighing and being irritable.

The mother glanced at her daughter, seeing her attitude, and didn't bother to care about anything, so she picked up a dumpling wrapper and demonstrated it to her.

"That's it. First spread out the leather, then put the thread in the middle and then put the leather on or this leather. Not only is it ok, but it will be more tightly wrapped with some water."

Li Yiyuan said patiently, after all, she was the one who pulled her out of the quilt now, and she still had ulterior motives, and she was guilty of guilt, so I can't blame her.

Even though Qiao Qiancen was impatient, seeing her mother really collapsed with pride at this moment, she didn't complain about anything, and started to watch and learn seriously.

After going back and forth, a dumpling was soon formed in her hands.

It's just that it doesn't look very beautiful in appearance, so he frowned slightly, but didn't care about anything, and put it directly on the plate.

"Anyway, I think my bag looks pretty good, so let's steam it together."

When the mother heard her say this, she glanced at it casually, but she almost didn't laugh out of anger, but seeing her in a bad mood at the moment, she didn't bother and interfere with his emotions anymore, and nodded Pretend to agree, and don't say a word.

The two of them made dumplings like this for half an hour, and looking at the big plate of dumplings after making them, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but look at his mother strangely, "Are we going to make so many dumplings and eat them all? Or are you going to put them in the refrigerator and eat them next time?" "

After finishing the words, her mother looked at her mysteriously, with a smile on her lips, as if she was planning something, but Qiao Qiancen had a bad feeling in her heart.

"No matter how many people are eating, the buns are all wrapped, so you can help to take it to the kitchen, and it will be cooked in a while, let's cook more!"

When the mother said that, Qiao Qiancen didn't say anything more even though she was puzzled. She nodded and brought a plate of dumplings to the kitchen, still wondering what her mother was doing to make so many dumplings.

When the water boiled halfway, Qiao Qiancen put the dumplings into the pot one by one.While listening to the sound of waste water, he ignored the knocking on the door and the echoing voice of his mother.

After a few seconds, he realized that there was a man's voice that did not belong to their family, and this voice was very familiar. After arguing for a while, he turned his head and saw a familiar tall voice in the hall. figure.

At this moment, the girl holding the spatula froze in place, her mind seemed to be stuck, and she gradually realized what was going on, her eyes were filled with surprise and shock.

"Mom, you made so many dumplings because he was coming, why didn't you tell me!"

Qiao Qiancen quit immediately, and shouted out in dissatisfaction.It attracted the attention of two people in the hall.

Even though I felt a little embarrassed at this moment, I still didn't want to endure this kind of thing. After all, my mother brought Fu Yanshen here without her consent, and didn't take her seriously at all!
The mother was also a little embarrassed when she heard this sentence, she smiled unnaturally, and she was sleepy with Fu Yanshen, and the next second the man standing in the hall came over, with a bit of helplessness and kindness in her eyes apology.

"Don't make trouble, I asked my mother for help. If you want to blame me, you can blame me. I just want to come over and have a good chat with you. We have to sit down and open up about this matter. Yes, otherwise there will be another cold war and waste each other's time for ten days and half a month, right?"

What Fu Yanshen said was not unreasonable. In fact, no one would like the Cold War, but at this moment Qiao Qiancen finally felt a little unacceptable.

"Who wants to fight with you, don't you know what you have done yourself? It seems that I am the only one who is making trouble for no reason. You really know how to clean yourself up!"

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen bulged her cheeks and said this with some dissatisfaction, but the man laughed uncontrollably, raised his hand and pinched her cheek, as if amused by her appearance.

"Okay, okay, I didn't say it was your fault, it was all my fault, it was all my fault, okay? Don't make trouble anymore. Let's cook dumplings, and I'll help you cook too. Today I asked your mother what kind of stuffing you like best, and I just sent someone to deliver it last night. I will eat it again this morning, it should be quite fresh."

Fu Yanshen took the spatula in her hand and said seriously.

I heard these words and argued with Qiao Qiancen's friend for a while before I realized that the idea of ​​making dumplings today and his favorite dumpling fillings were all planned and arranged by Fu Yanshen.

Feeling a little moved in his heart, he lifted his eyes to look at him, but he still left quickly, unnaturally unwilling to bow his head and shake hands with him so quickly to make peace.

After all, he really said a lot of words that day, making her and that boy so unbearable, as if their childhood was a joke, how could she accept it?

(End of this chapter)

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