Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1193 Thanks to her cleverness

Chapter 1193 Thanks to her cleverness

Qiao Qiancen grabbed the woman's hair with one hand, and when she was about to slap her across the face, someone grabbed her elbow behind her.

In the next second, he didn't realize what happened, but when he got the strength, he hit him hard, pushing him to the side, and he fell very badly.

But Zhang Manjie, who was originally at a disadvantage, became happy when she saw this scene, and quickly climbed up with the help of the man, walked towards Qiao Qiancen, and kicked him heavily.

"You girl without a tutor, how did your mother teach you to treat your elders like this, if your mother is not here today, let me, an elder, teach you a lesson, and see if you dare to be so arrogant in the future!"

When Zhang Manjie grinned and said this, she walked over and wanted to kick Qiao Qiancen fiercely, but this one Qiao Qiancen had already struggled to stand up from the ground, and kicked her hard when she came out, As a result, Zhang Manjie lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"How dare you do that!"

Zhang Manjie seemed to be mad with anger. She pointed at the girl in front of her and yelled. She immediately turned her head to look at the man standing beside her, and shouted angrily, "What are you still doing? He beat me like this." Besides, if this matter leaks out from his mouth, none of us will have good fruit to eat in the future, I tell you that this matter must be explained to me, otherwise none of us will be able to continue to hang around here in the future!"

Zhang Manjie said this very angrily, but after the words fell, the man standing beside him came over immediately as if he had just woken up from a dream, and grabbed Qiao Qiancen's hand to prevent her from moving!
"What's the matter with you woman? She's your stepmother, theoretically also your mother, you dare to come here to make trouble, and you dare to come here to play wild, haven't you tried today, we will never let you leave like this! "

But when the words fell, Qiao Qiancen sneered, only thinking that he had heard the funniest words.

"How dare you tell me that you are not an elder here? You don't lead by example, and you dare to sue in reverse! Let my dad know about this matter, and you two don't want to hang around in Yuncheng! What's more, it's still like this Serious matter, you two wait until it's over!"

Qiao Qiancen struggled violently, trying to break free from the man's imprisonment.

But hearing what she said at this moment, how could the men and women in front of them let them go easily, they looked at each other, and there was a light of vigilance in each other's eyes.

"Old Zhang, I don't think this matter can be easily dismissed. This girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance. If she really lets him go, there may be some bad days!"

Hearing what Zhang Manjie said, the man started to panic, and stared fiercely at the girl who was imprisoned by him.

"My old Zhang's career has just started not long ago. If something goes wrong at this time, I will never be able to turn around in my life. You are the one who brought the dead girl to die, so don't blame me if something happens!"

After the man said this, he grabbed Qiao Qiancen's neck and wanted to drag her away.In order not to attract the attention of other employees in the factory, he used great strength. Under the tremendous pressure, Qiao Qiancen could not say a word.The whole complexion was extremely pale and secretly wanted to struggle, but because of a car without a man, he could only be forced to leave.

At this moment, Zhang Manjie looked at the scene in front of her, feeling a little worried, but couldn't help but feel refreshed and refreshed.

I have long seen this dead girl as not pleasing to the eye. Ever since she was a child, she and her mother would only dangle in front of him, making her uncomfortable. Now that she has finally been punished, she will never let it go easily this time. let her go!

Qiao Qiancen had a bad premonition in his heart, but no matter how hard he struggled at this moment, it was useless. Seeing himself being dragged into the office, he was locked up after all without being able to say a word.

"What you want to do is obviously because you have done something wrong. Now you dare to compete with me here. Let me tell you, it is best to solve it quickly before the matter is in trouble. Otherwise, what will you do in the future? It’s too late to regret it!”

Qiao Qiancen struggled to speak, but with the help of two people.His hands were tied behind his back, he couldn't move at all, and he tried to struggle, but it was useless, it was completely wasted.

Seeing that Qiao Qiancen was completely unable to move, Zhang Manjie sneered. She felt that the woman in front of her was really ridiculous. Didn't she, who was so arrogant and proud in the past, fall into his hands now, like a knife on a chopping board? Let her slaughter like a fish.

If Qiao Moli saw this scene, she might be so happy!

Thinking of this, she suddenly had some thoughts, so she took a photo and sent it to her daughter.

"Seeing this scene, what do you think? The person who was hated in the past who was going to die is now sent up by himself. She is really stupid. If I don't kill her today, I will be sorry for the suffering we have suffered in the past!"

As soon as the message was sent, Qiao Moli immediately replied to the text message.

[God, what's going on here?Mom, why did you tie her up?If I remember correctly, she shouldn't be looking at her mother in the hospital now, what are you doing here?You were also arrested! 】

Seeing her daughter's astonishing news, the corners of Zhang Manjie's mouth curled up even wider, and she looked at Qiao Qiancen in front of her with a sneer and directly replied to the text message to mock him.

[This is all thanks to her cleverness, she thought she could bring us to justice if she found our address, but in the end she met Uncle Zhang, ran into the two of us, and said she was going to report us and expose us, Are you saying we can still let her go?She just pushed herself into the pit of death! 】

Seeing the reply message, Qiao Moli felt a little sneer in her heart, and felt that the corners of her lips curled up helplessly as if she was watching a joke.

Even after so many years, Qiao Qiancen still has the same temperament as before, she always acted impulsively, and didn't know if she hurt herself, but now she is so clear that she doesn't know the consequences.

And she didn't expect that she and her mother had already hated her to the bone, and if there was a chance, they would never let her off easily...

【Mom, don't touch her first, I really want to go to the scene to observe this opportunity, how can I go to Consummation without this matter, he didn't look down on me at the beginning, now I want to let him see it Whoever looks down on whoever is the real winner! 】

After Qiao Moli replied to the text message, she packed up her things.

(End of this chapter)

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