Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1196 She Was Abducted

Chapter 1196 She Was Abducted

Looking at the expression of the person in charge, Fu Yanshen seemed to understand something, and immediately took advantage of the victory and asked in a cold voice, "Have you seen him? Tell me quickly what he was doing when you saw him, and what was he doing?" Where exactly did you go, you give me everything, tell me clearly, there must be no half-true!"

Where can the managers of the factory dare to save?If you have any thoughts, immediately explain everything you know.

"I have indeed met this lady. This afternoon, I saw her sneaking to the gate of our factory, and then I came over and asked her what she wanted to do, and I took her as a The thief came, and after asking about it, she said that she heard that we were recruiting workers here, so she came to apply for the job. I went to the office, and I don't know what happened after that."

Fu Yanshen only felt that he had heard the clues, so he hurriedly asked, "You said you took him to the office, which is the place responsible for recruiting, then after that, don't you know? And that office Take me there immediately."

Fu Yanshen asked a few questions by himself, and the manager of the factory looked a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he answered them one by one.

"I really just took him to the office door of the factory. There are many workers who can sit there. They only saw me take it there, and I didn't know about the rest. I was busy with my own business. "

The voice paused, seeing that the man in front of him still didn't speak, as if he was waiting for him to continue and answer, he continued to bite the bullet and explain.

"As for the things in the factory office, I don't know what happened. After all, I don't go there many times, and I don't know what happened there. I only want to bring people there, so I just finished my work and left." Walk."

Fu Yan stared at him with restrained face, did not say a word, just raised his chin, indicating the direction of the factory.

"I heard this matter, probably you just want to say that it has nothing to do with you, right? I will investigate this point. Now you take me in to the office you mentioned. I want to see if she is really there. There."

Fu Yanshen didn't mean to say one more nonsense, but the person in charge showed a somewhat troubled expression on his face when he heard this sentence.

"Sir, it's not that I didn't cooperate on purpose. It's just that he doesn't like people to disturb him. He always does his own things in the office. There is nothing important. He always doesn't let others pass by. , so if you have any doubts about this matter, you should ask me..."

As soon as the voice fell, Fu Yanshen hadn't spoken yet, but the assistant standing beside him sneered and responded directly with sarcasm.

"Look at what you said, the biggest suspect now is your general manager, okay, you are still protecting him here, and you dare not take us there, are you guilty? Let me tell you that this matter is serious. But Xiao Xiao, if you can't solve it, it's not just your work problem, I'm afraid your life will also..."

The assistant's words undoubtedly frightened Guan Shengzhe. His complexion became extremely pale. Looking at Fu Yanshen in front of him, he suddenly seemed to understand something, and there was a bit of shock in his eyes.

Maybe these people standing in front of him not only mean that they are not good at fault, but also all of them are big figures with very scary identities, and this identity is definitely something he can't afford to offend...

As if some things were clear in my heart, I finally took a deep breath and led the people into the factory.

"Actually, I didn't mean to hide this matter. It's just our general manager. He often brings his girlfriend in the office and doesn't like to be disturbed, so we leave space for the two of them. As for what happened after Ms. Qiao went in, I really have to ask our general manager."

The person in charge tried his best to separate this matter from himself, but neither Fu Yanshen nor his assistant gave him any glances. At this moment, what they wanted in their hearts was the final truth. As for these speculations, and They don't care about the gossip.

When they came to the door of the office, the person in charge of the factory took a breath, walked forward cautiously and knocked on the door.

"I'm the manager. Some people want to see you to ask some questions. Can you look at the door? We want to investigate with you."

Then we knocked a few times in a row, we asked several times and there was no reply from inside, the supervisor looked a little unhappy, and then he turned his head and explained to Fu Yanshen and the others, "Maybe our manager has something important Let’s get out of the matter, why don’t we let this matter go, we will talk to you when the manager comes back?”

When Fu Yanshen heard these words, the emotion in his eyes became more and more gloomy.

If this matter is really related to this so-called manager, I will wait until the manager is free to investigate again. I am afraid that the day lily will be cold. By then, something will happen to his girl, and he can't help it. imagine...

Seeing the assistant assistant, he immediately rushed up as if he understood something, grabbed the tie of the person in charge, and asked, "I don't care about you, hand over your manager's phone number right now, and I'll tell you If your time is a step behind, you will not be able to escape all the crimes, and you will be counted as an accomplice at that time!"

Hearing these words, how could the person in charge dare to call again, I immediately took out my mobile phone and handed it over to them carefully like a tribute.

"This is our manager's phone number. If you have anything to say, just talk to him..."

Fu Yanshen didn't say anything, just snatched the phone and dialed the number without saying a word.

At the moment, Lao Zhang was on the way to transport Qiao Qiancen, when he saw the phone rang, he thought it was just something happened in the factory, so he connected it without thinking much.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly, I'm not free today!"

However, when the voice fell, I thought I would hear the familiar voice of the person in charge, but I never expected to hear an extremely cold voice, as if it came from hell.

"What are you busy doing? Is it the person who kidnapped me, where does he want to hide now?"

Lao Zhang was driving the car at first, but when he heard these words, his hands trembled, and the car almost fell off the railing.

There was a very frightened brake sound and a few women's coquettish voices from the other end of the phone.Fu Yanshen suddenly seemed to have heard something, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Isn't the person on the other end of the phone...

(End of this chapter)

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