Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1209 Time Is The Best Answer

Chapter 1209 Time Is The Best Answer
When Qiao Qiancen said these words, she was already a little angry. She stared at the woman in front of her, and felt that there was an emotion bursting from her heart, as if it was about to burn her whole body.

"No matter what you say, it's your freedom. Whether that person listens or not is my own freedom. If you start with me, it's better to sell it from your own son. After all, my thoughts are in my own hands, and you are not very important to me. I won't remember it at all. You can tell your son, but this matter is here with me. No matter what you say, you don't care. kick in."

He didn't care about anything else, and he spoke without any emotion. At this moment, Fu Yanshen's mother's face changed when she heard these words, she pointed at her angrily, and even said After a few words of "you", it seemed that I couldn't restrain myself, so I turned around and walked out!

It's just that before he went out, he left a cruel sentence, as if he wanted to leave a lump in her heart, and said mercilessly, "You can continue to waste time with him here, anyway, women's Youth is so short, in the end it is you who loses!"

Champagne's mother left, and it was natural for the rest of the people to stay and say something, but they all looked at Qiao Qiancen with a somewhat unfriendly expression, as if they were looking at some hateful and annoying person.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the back of them leaving, and knew that the door was closed, and finally relaxed her tense body, leaning against the wall a little tiredly, and slowly closed her eyes.

The words of Fu Yanshen's mother just now were not without lethality to her.

Any woman understands the preciousness and cherishment of youth. If it is lost, it will be impossible to get it back in the future. Similarly, if he and Fu Yanshen cannot get married smoothly and have a good result during this period of time, then It is self-evident what kind of ending will greet them in the future...

Biting his lips slightly, his whole heart trembled.Judging from the current situation, it is more difficult for him and Fu Yanshen to get married. After all, Fu Yanshen's family does not agree with them being together.

And if the two of them continue to consume like this, she will suffer the most in the end.

After all, his youth is only a few years old, if it goes on like this, if he wants to find someone to be with again in the future, it will be even more difficult than going to heaven.

It's just that she gave up Fu Yanshen directly like this, and it's even more impossible to be with other people. The friendship of so many years, even if you have a pet, there is no way to let go, let alone a person. ?
Slightly pursing his lips, he felt extremely bored at this moment, what can he do to reverse the current situation?She didn't want to be at a disadvantage any longer and let other people dictate her life.

This kind of life is definitely not what she wants, so no matter what method she uses, she must turn this situation back.

Silently made up this idea in his mind, he turned around and picked up the phone, and dialed a familiar number directly.

At first, he was still worried that he still wouldn't answer this time, but he didn't expect that the other end of the phone would get through just after dialing. Qiao Qiancen thought that the man might have lost his anger.

"Yan Shen?"

It's just that after the call was made, the other party didn't speak. Qiao Qiancen thought that the call had been hung up, and asked for his name aloud.

As soon as the voice came out, there was an immediate response on the other end of the phone, but there was only one voice word.


Knowing that he didn't hang up the phone, Qiao Qiancen felt relieved a little, and said to him after thinking about it.

"Let's have a good talk. I thought about something today and I want to have a good talk with you."

If he figured something out, Qiao Qiancen usually didn't feel any burden when he said that, and just quietly waited for the man on the other side to reply. Anyway, he had already predicted what kind of response he would have. Generally, he didn't have any deterrent emotions in his heart.

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, but he seemed to be thinking about the intention of what he said, but he didn't think too much about it, and finally agreed, as if he didn't want to argue, and only wanted to do things according to her wishes .

"Well, if you are free now, I hope you will come to my ward within half an hour. I have actually thought about some things for a long time. If I don't say them, maybe I will hide them in my heart and make myself depressed for a long time."

He didn't say anything more, and hung up the phone directly. After all, in the current form, it would be meaningless for the two of them to say some more words of greeting. It would be easier to talk about everything.

Looking at the hung up phone, the man's eyes were a little dull.

I always felt that what Qiao Qiancen said on the phone just now was a bit strange, as if there was something but nothing, I wanted to tell him directly, I wanted to think again, and confront him face to face.

And he could always guess that what Qiao Qiancen was going to say this time might not be what he wanted to hear...

My heart slipped, and I felt a bit of resistance and resistance, but I still resisted like this. Now that the situation is like this, the two parties should keep in touch and make everything clear. If the cold war continues like today, It will only hurt their relationship even more.

Without any further hesitation, he packed up his things and walked away. He arrived at the ward within half an hour, which was enough time.

During this period, Qiao Qiancen sat alone in the ward without watching TV or listening to any audio. She just sat quietly on the hospital bed with her head lowered, as if she was meditating on something.

Her heart was in a mess, many memories flashed before her eyes, the beautiful ones, the sad ones, the unhappy ones flashed by one by one, like a flying horse watching flowers, she was a little overwhelmed by the speed.

But when all the scenes flashed before her eyes, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Even after so many years, they were still recorded in her mind as clearly as the next day. It turned out that she had been recording every bit of what happened between them. The drops are engraved in my mind...

If they can't agree on the matter this time, will they just break up?Does it mean that from now on, the two of them will no longer need to contact each other, just cut off the past and act as if nothing happened?

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiancen bit her lips slightly and smiled wryly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Even if I don't want to do some things, I have no choice but to be forced to move forward.

But what else will they encounter along the way?No one knows whether it is right to do that, and no one knows that time is the best answer.

(End of this chapter)

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