Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1223 is going to be more and more miserable

Chapter 1223 is going to be more and more miserable

As long as anyone is willing to give a way, it is an olive branch to me.As long as you climb up, you will be able to see hope. If you give up, you will only be able to stay at the bottom of the well forever, without seeing the sun.

So how to choose among them should be very clear in his heart. He understands that he is not the kind of person who is content with the status quo, let alone the kind of person who pursues an ordinary life. He just wants to have a vigorous life. People, no matter how things will develop in the end, it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as you have worked hard, the best results are also obtained by your own hard work, and you will not feel regret or despair.

"Qiancen, let's have a good discussion about the next play. There will be some changes in the future. It may not be the same as the plot development you watched when you were young, so we have to thoroughly understand this play. You can understand it, you know?"

Qiao Qiancen nodded, knowing very well what the director meant when he said these words.The adaptation of the classic hit design parade is easy to arouse the rejection of the audience. I feel that if the acting is not good enough, the centralism of the show will be changed, and it will easily arouse the hatred and disgust of the audience.These two points are very unfavorable to an actor, so this uncle can understand the meaning of the director's words, so he nodded in agreement with his words.

I went backstage with the director and manager to discuss the role of the film, and today the photos of the two of them coming to the film crew together have been photographed and even posted on the Internet. Everyone is offended, and Qiao Qiancen is going to remake it Listen to some drama.

[Although I like this actress quite a bit, a classic is a classic, and it would be bad for her believers if she wandered around. What did her manager think? It was just to let her take on the show! 】

【Oh, who knows, I don't know what to say now, I hope he does a good job, but if he doesn't do well, then he might be doomed in the future, and maybe not many crews would dare to ask her to make a movie. 】

[The few hot commenters upstairs are also worried. It’s too wide. It’s none of your business whether the actor’s filming is good or not. Besides, they don’t worry about the sky-high salary they have. They just want to get the money. Run, are you worried that what you do will not look ridiculous! 】

[No way, this is my childhood memory. I filmed this movie, and if it ruins it, I will never let you, Qiao Qiancen! 】

[Refused to remake the classics, now that there are so many scenes that can be filmed, if we insist on filming our childhood memories, must we destroy the last piece of pure land?Hate the trash crew! 】

The popularity of this matter was very high, and it was quickly put on the top of the hot search list, and Qiao Qiancen's name was mentioned here. In the eyes of the public, fans saw this opportunity and quickly sent out beautiful photos of their idols, taking the opportunity to attract attention. A wave of powder.

"Before things come to a real conclusion, everyone should not be led by public opinion. Now we all focus on our own lives and strive to improve our lives. Well, our idols have told us that we must focus on our own personal Life is the most important thing, so don't be led astray by those marketing numbers."

"Although it is a fact that classics are classics that cannot be changed, maybe the re-shooting effect will also make you grow greatly. Everyone sees that this is the beauty of my idol, and I can definitely bear this responsibility!"

"You have to know that she has the title of the most beautiful in Yuncheng, and she will definitely not say no to acting in such a play. Everyone who is suitable will just wait and see when the time comes. I will leave the talk here today!"

"Support Qiao Qiancen, support Qiao Qiancen! All black fans, don't be too happy, when you see how my idol slaps you in the face, you will know what blindness is!"


Qiao Moli has been very haggard during this time, thinking about how to deal with the lawsuit, and her father was also offended, this incident completely cut off contact with the two mothers and daughters, as if falling into In the abyss, I couldn't find the lens, and I didn't know what to do.

However, when she saw such news when she was extremely troubled, she instantly exploded and stood up.

"Slut bitch, why can I still make movies? Or shoot the classic movies we had when we were young. He is really bold enough to dare to do anything. Did he think that if he made a classic movie, he would become popular? She really had a good idea!"

There are sarcastic words on the lips, but the bottom of the heart is extremely jealous. Thinking of how miserable he has been in this period of time, but he has a new world in a blink of an eye, it is even more uncomfortable for such a big ip.

"Why is this world really unfair? Our family has become like this now, and it is about to be completely destroyed, but her life is getting better and better. What is the reason? Why can it be like this? it is good!"

Standing up a little resentfully, scratching her hair, it seemed that her life would be completely ruined in the future, and she became even more angry in her heart, becoming angry from embarrassment, no matter what, it was like going to hell, so she had to be pulled in. .

"Such a bitch is not worthy of living in this world! I really can't figure out why he can live more and more comfortably. He is obviously the daughter of a servant, but now he lives better than me. It's almost standing on my head, no matter what, I won't accept such a thing!"

Qiao Moli became more and more angry as she spoke, she stood in front of her and was about to rush out holding a dagger, as if she was going up to Qiao Qiancen to fight to the death.

It's just that as soon as he walked to the door, his whole pace couldn't help but stop, and he even thought of something, so he couldn't help hesitating.

Now, if I really rushed over to settle accounts with her so hastily, I am afraid that not only will I not succeed, but I will lose my tongue again, and in the eyes of the public, I will end up like a bully who has become angry from embarrassment. If this is really the case, everything will not be worth the loss up.

After all, I still have a lawsuit in my body now, making such a decision lightly is not the same as pushing my life into the abyss, it is definitely not a rational behavior.

"Damn it, what should I do!"

I stopped impatiently, scratched my hair, only felt that the current situation is really embarrassing, it seems that everything is wrong, everything is wrong, but if you really give up like this, don’t worry about it In the bottom of my heart, I will feel unwilling again.

After all, I am the proud son of heaven who is above one person and under ten thousand people.And that Qiao Qiancen is nothing to him, he is just a commoner's daughter, why can her life get better and better, but her life is getting more and more miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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