Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1230 He is going to marry me

Chapter 1230 He is going to marry me

After listening to Fu Yanshen's words, Qiao Qiancen seemed to be a different person the next day. She changed from her previous decadent state, dressed exquisitely and beautifully, and went out to the set. She was in very good condition, almost extraordinary Give full play to the tasks arranged by the director and complete them ahead of schedule.

The director was originally worried that this matter would bring him a great blow, but also thought that during this period of time, his mental state might not be able to return to the previous state, which might delay the filming process of the entire crew.

But he didn't expect that the truth was not only not what he thought, but also the exact opposite. Instead of being depressed, he cheered up even more, and his spirit was even better than before.

"Qiancen, you have worked hard during this period. The comments on the Internet have caused you a lot of pressure, but seeing you work so hard, as a director, I am really glad that I hired you in the first place. You are a very good person. Dedicated actor, I will continue to work with you if I have the opportunity in the future."

The director's words also came from the heart. Originally, he didn't intend to come and talk to him, but now seeing him working so hard, he still couldn't restrain his emotions, and stepped forward to confront him. She said quite admiringly.

Qiao Qiancen smiled unexpectedly when he heard these words, and looked at the director's eyes with flattery, and after thinking about it, he still understood why he had such a reaction.

It seemed that he lowered his head helplessly and said, "There is no way, the current situation is like this, if you just give up like this, those who stepped on your head will always be more excited and get worse, and if you are strong, Show your tough side to them, and they will gradually realize how powerful you are, and they will never dare to mess with you again, this is human nature, and this is the most realistic."

Qiao Qiancen lowered her head and smiled helplessly, her western style red lips seemed to make the whole bright atmosphere.

And this man listened to his words, feeling in his heart, he just felt that something would be fluctuated, looking at the girl in front of him with some surprise, he always felt that he was much stronger and more confident than he imagined.

I have been in this circle for a long time, and I have seen all kinds of people and things. It is not the first female star like him to encounter the pressure of public opinion, but I can think of recovering in a short time and showing a better state. What he faced was really the first person he saw.

My heart is full of admiration and sigh, but more.Pity for this girl.

After all, he is just an ordinary woman who entered the entertainment industry for her dream, and didn't know if I would hide in the sea of ​​people in the end, but those spearheads were still aimed at her, regardless of whether he would be affected or not. Only hurt yourself.

But I didn't expect that such an ordinary and thin woman could still stand up with a bright smile after encountering these things, and let her indomitable spirit prove to the world that she would not be easily defeated. After all, such a woman made everyone feel Amazing and unexpected.

"Very well, you are right to say that. There are very few people who have come to their senses like you. However, sometimes you should not stretch yourself too tightly. If you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable, go out and relax. , don't restrain yourself too much."

Hearing what the director said, Qiao Qiancen nodded with a smile, looked up at the watch on his wrist, then turned his head and said to the director, "It's getting late, I have to go to the hospital, what can we do?" Let's talk again tomorrow, see you again Director Chen."

The director was stunned when he heard what she said. Looking at the expression on her face, he asked worriedly, "What are you going to the hospital for? Are you sick?"

Wanting to realize this, the director misunderstood his own words, so he shook his head and explained with a smile, "No, it was my mother who had an accident, and she is still seriously injured. You have to go to the hospital to take care of him. After all, other people are not relatives, so there is still no way to be completely relieved. After all, a daughter still has to take care of him."

He didn't expect to leave the crew until late at night after filming a few days ago. It turned out that she had to rush to the hospital every day.There will be more sighs and connections in my heart. Looking at her, I couldn't help but nodded and said, "Then go, it's getting late, it's not time for dinner, and I don't know if you are busy. When it's time, don't waste time, go and rest early."

Qiao Qiancen agreed and left, drove his own car to the hospital.

Now she doesn't care whether the director has pity for her or not. She no longer cares about the eyes of the outside world. Now she only focuses on her own life. As long as she and the people around her can continue to live, then yes There is hope, there is hope, so that she can continue to persevere.

When I first arrived at the hospital, the doctors seemed to be talking at the door of the ward. Seeing this, the child couldn't help laughing, and became a little anxious, thinking that something happened to his mother, and the doctors would surround him. Discussing at the door of the ward, I couldn't help speeding up my pace and rushing over to ask aloud, "Is my mother's illness getting worse? What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

She wore a mask on her face, but the doctors still easily recognized her. They didn't say too much, just shook their heads to make her feel relaxed and comforted.

"Miss Qiao, don't get me wrong. It's your mother who woke up today. We all expressed our seriousness. We didn't expect the patient to wake up so soon after suffering such a serious accident, so we came here to ask her about her situation. How is it, we are discussing the condition now."

When Qiao Qiancen heard these words, you were stunned, and then a sense of unconfident joy surged into your heart, your eyes lit up immediately, and you rushed to the ward without saying a word, as if you saw Great hope.


I rushed into the ward excitedly, and saw my mother lying on the hospital bed with her eyes slightly open. Qiao Qiancen didn't care about her emotions, and rushed up, hugging her mother on the bed , Tears fluttered down.

"You've finally woken up. I've been worried about you for a long time and thought you wouldn't be able to wake up at all..."

When talking about these words, Qiao Qiancen was still crying and almost couldn't make a sound, but at this moment he couldn't care about anything else, as long as his mother could wake up, it didn't matter what the world was for her.

(End of this chapter)

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