Chapter 1244

It's just that now seeing Qiao Qiancen tormenting himself like this, the man's heart is always distressed. At this moment, he still held her hand, watching her seriously when she mentioned those words again.

"Listen to me, okay? Just like what I said at the beginning, don't stay in the entertainment industry anymore. The entertainment industry is a place of right and wrong. Many people can't get real happiness if they stay here. They are very happy. Of course I don't want you It’s the same, you just stay by my side obediently and have children. It’s fine for the two of us to stay together for the rest of our lives. I will support you in whatever other career you want, but I don’t want to see you like this again Criticized."

Fu Yanshen's words this time are slightly different from the last time. In the past, he told Qiao Qiancen that she should stop working and that he would support her by staying by his side, but after realizing that such remarks would make her unhappy , he changed his way, as long as she was willing to change industries, he would promise her anything.

After all, he understood that Qiao Qiancen was a person with strong self-esteem, and she would never accept gratuitous grace and kindness from others.She has always been a believer, and she has never had the idea of ​​wanting everything by herself, and she has to rely on the power of others to obtain so-called material benefits.

So at this moment, he changed his words to this. As expected, Qiao Qiancen's expression did not change as much as last time after hearing this, but he still kept his head down, and his emotions were not too high.

"I understand what you mean. In fact, you are also doing it for my own good, but you also know that I have long been accustomed to the atmosphere in the entertainment circle. I have long set the goal of my life on winning awards such as the queen of movies. , In the end, I no longer have feelings for other things, so in the end you asked me to change industries for a while, I'm afraid I still can't accept it."

This is the truth. In any case, she is unwilling to give up because of a little difficulty. She has to stick to the original idea and concept that she wants. This is an idea that she does not want to change no matter what.

The man felt a little helpless in his heart, he stretched out his hand slightly and hugged the girl in front of him into his arms with a sigh of relief, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said helplessly, "Actually, I really hope you can promise me, I didn't Thinking of having a child of the two of us, we will stay together as a family and no longer be criticized and influenced by these people, and live our own little life, how happy it would be."

There was a bit of helplessness and nostalgia in the man's words, as if he hoped that such a day could become a reality, but after all, there was no way, everything now still depends on Qiao Qiancen's own wishes.

Qiao Qiancen lowered his head when he heard these words, and his eyes slipped with helpless emotions. How could he not know what the man was thinking? At this moment, he also wanted to realize his wish, but he also had his own ambitions and ideals. Before achieving those ideas, there is no way for him to ruin his future categorically.

I can only stretch out my hands to hug the man in front of me even tighter, as if to give him strength and a sense of security, and tell him silently that I will always be by his side and never leave.

"I won't wait for a long time. Trust me again. Within five years, I will marry you and have children. I will do what ordinary couples do."

This is the fact that there is no way to change it now. Even if you sometimes feel regretful or ashamed of others, this is unavoidable in reality. One day when you think about it, you may lament the embarrassment and self-contradiction at this time, but this It's youth.

"Okay, you girl has always been very stubborn, especially when it comes to this kind of thing, you are like a cow. No matter what I say, you won't listen. Since that's the case, I won't force you to do anything, just you Remember, if you have anything, you must tell me, I will do my best to help you, and you and I will be a family in the future, so I will always stand by your side."

Qiao Qiancen was a little moved in his heart. He stood on tiptoe and kissed the man behind him. He stretched out his arms and hugged his waist, as if he wanted to fit his body with him and never separate him. .

"You silly girl, you are really distressing and helpless."

The man lowered his head, kissed her back, and stroked her hair lightly, as if to let her feel how kind he was to her, and the warmth he gave her, and let him understand that there is still love in this world. It was as if someone was in love with her, so tender and tender, with infinite beautiful power.

Qiao Qiancen has been in the man's arms at this moment, without saying a word, only silently feeling his strong heartbeat and warm body.Slowly closing his eyes, he only felt that there were still beautiful things in this world waiting to be discovered by him, so it really shouldn't be so quick to deny the beauty and goodness of this world.
In the dead of night, Qiao Moli came out of a villa with an abnormal bright red on her face.She didn't know how many times she had vomited before she finally endured the nausea and walked out. At this moment, she still had to force herself to leave here, otherwise no one would care about her.

At this moment, a car stopped in front of him, and he looked up.After the window was lowered, it was his manager sitting in the car, and the woman sitting in the co-pilot was the woman he saw in the office today.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, full of mockery and contempt. Qiao Moli couldn't help clenching her fists, raised her chin slightly, and looked at them with contempt and arrogance.

"Why do you come here? When you come to pick up my beauty for a tryst, you can still think of me as an entertainer. It's really touching."

Obsessive-compulsive wiped the red lips hard, and soon the marks on the red lips were smeared on the cheeks. At this moment, she didn't care at all, as if as long as she could disgust the person in front of her, she would do anything.

The manager and the girl who heard this sentence both laughed, as if they heard a joke, and their eyes were full of sarcasm.

"This Miss Qiao really knows how to put gold on her face. We just happened to pass by and saw her like this, so we wanted to come and care for a few words. I didn't expect that she thought we were going to send her back. It's really enough Self-indulgent."

The girl sitting in the co-pilot put her hand on the manager's shoulder, and looked at the woman in front of her with a howling laugh, as if she was joking about something.

However, Qiao Moli was not annoyed when she heard these words at this moment, she just raised her red lips and looked at her mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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