Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1299 Someone is behind the scenes

Chapter 1299 Someone is behind the scenes

Hearing Qiao Qiancen's words, the man finally calmed down. At this moment, he looked at the woman in front of him gravely, not knowing how to answer.

Maybe there are still many things that have not been clarified between them, but now that they have reached such a point, he can't say anything more.

Looking at the girl in front of him, the man didn't know what to do at this moment...
After all, Qiao Qiancen went back with the man. The relationship between the two was relatively silent along the way, and Qiao Qiancen probably did not expect that the relationship between the two would end up like this.

I was silent in my heart, and I didn't take the initiative to speak. I probably felt that such a moment would be awkward between the two of us. I simply didn't make any comments. I only hope that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible. From now on, there will be no Worry about it again.

"Qiancen, you really have nothing to explain? You have nothing to say about this matter."

After an unknown amount of time, the man sitting in the driver's seat finally spoke up. At this moment, his gaze was fixed on her, with an aggressive look in his gaze.Qiao Qiancen was depressed, and had no choice but to look at her realization, only to realize that all the vehicles in front of her had stopped.

She bit her lip slightly, as if she couldn't figure out some things at all, and could only speak out her truest thoughts.

"Actually, no matter how many times you ask me, I always give the same answer. After all, that's what I think. No one can change the facts, can they?"

Qiao Qiancen swallowed her saliva, trying to keep herself calm. After all, there is already a relationship between the two of them now. She believes what she said, and he can believe it.

Just hearing this sentence, the man, my hand on the steering wheel was obviously clenched, as if there was no way to soothe the thoughts in my heart at this moment, I could only do my best to suppress the boredom.

Finally, under Qiao Qiancen's slightly puzzled gaze, he heard the man's slightly cold voice, "I have always been unwilling to think badly about you. After all, the two of us have traveled together for so many years. , Now it’s a bit impulsive to talk about quarreling. So I have been restraining myself all the time. It’s just now..."

As if thinking of something bothering, the man directly thumped the steering wheel. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen looked at the man beside him in a daze. She was a little surprised, but gradually realized the meaning of what he said just now.

He just didn't believe her.

His heart sank a little, at this moment Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him, for some reason the smile that was originally on his face suddenly couldn't be maintained.

His face completely sank, probably because he was disappointed, but he didn't expect that in the end, the man's trust would still not be gained.

"What do you mean by that?"

Qiao Qiancen asked this sentence without any warmth on his face, as if he was judging something, he didn't say a word, but silently suppressed the emotions in his heart.

But the more this is the case, the more flustered or strange it is.

After all, such a situation doesn't happen often between them.

Adults will no longer easily treat their feelings like a child's play, after all, that is the person they really like, and they would never do that at any time,

But now, everything is different.

Qiao Qiancen discovered a very helpless problem between them, the key point is that there is nothing they can do about it.

Even though they knew everything, they could only accept it silently. This seemed to be the most helpless place between them.

But she clearly told herself over and over again in her heart that she should continue to be patient and hide everything in her heart, but...

He lowered his head and smiled, always thinking that he used to think of a fool, a fool who likes to deceive himself and others.

As long as I used to take my heart a little seriously, I will definitely not fall into such a fate now.After all, she just didn't take herself too seriously to become like this!

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiancen felt an indescribable uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He didn't understand why everything turned out like this in the end. It was clear that from the very beginning, they had already decided to tell each other everything.

But in that way, in the end, the most deadly problem between lovers cannot be escaped.

Do not trust!
Probably because she couldn't understand it in her heart and acted as if nothing happened. After all, her emotions fluctuated a little at this moment. She didn't realize how aggressive what she said just now, and she didn't see the man beside her staring at her. .

It seemed that all emotions collapsed in an instant, and he just calmed down silently.No matter what others say, I don't take it seriously in my heart!
Fu Yan looked sideways at the girl next to her, seeing that she was still so stubborn and unwilling to admit her fault, at this moment there was no way to pretend that nothing happened.

He directly rubbed his temple with one hand, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and directly found a photo to show her, "Then can you explain to me what is going on? I think After a long time, there is really no way to reconcile, so I asked you, but I didn't expect that you didn't mean to explain at all, since this is the case..."

Qiao Qiancen was completely stunned. Seeing the picture on the screen of the mobile phone in front of him, his whole eyes were trembling. Now he seemed to understand something, stared blankly, and finally understood why Fu Yanshen kept asking himself why he was in the past few days. What to do, even with Hua's tone of doubt and disbelief, it turns out...

That's all.

In the photo, there was nothing wrong with him, and the man next to him was just a man he met in the park asking for directions. When he asked about a location, he didn't know the nearby area, so he directly answered that he didn't know.

But the man said that he had hearing problems since he was a child and needed a receiver, but he didn't bring it today, so he asked Qiao Qiancen to come closer and explain clearly.

After all, Qiao Qiancen didn't think too much at that time, so he went closer and repeated his original words, but he didn't expect that the man took advantage of her at all, so he took the opportunity to get closer and try to moleste her.

At that moment, Qiao Qiancen did not expect that everything was a scheme, let alone that this scheme was far worse than what he had imagined.Someone deliberately planned all this secretly, and then when he was not paying attention, he took all these biased pictures and posted them on the Internet...

(End of this chapter)

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