Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1309 I just hope that everything can be handled well

Chapter 1309 I just hope that everything can be handled well
But my own life has been ruined just like that, how can I treat it as nothing happened? Others may think that this matter has nothing to do with it, and whatever is fine, but is this really the case for me?I'm afraid it's impossible.

That was the result of my sweat and hard work for a long time, and now I was cut off like this.In any case, there is no way to pretend that nothing happened.

"Your child's mother doesn't know what to say about you, but if you really think it's okay, then do it. I don't know what to say. It's just that you have to remember, protect yourself, don't Let yourself be hurt and threatened, otherwise Mom will feel bad."

After listening to Qiao Qiancen's words, his mother was silent for a while, and then she said this. It was as if he agreed in disguise. He no longer insisted on something and forced him to move forward, but agreed. Let him do what he wants to do. After all, he has no way to let his daughter enjoy the happiness since he was a child. Now that he has grown up, he has to curb its development. Is all this too unfair to her? Woolen cloth?
At this moment, Qiao Qiancen heard that her mother meant that she had already given in. She bent over and smiled and nodded. She agreed last time that she would not say another word. After all, this matter has come to an end, and she also There is no way to say no more, it is not easy for everyone, there is no need to force others to agree with what you say,
"Then let's do this first. I have the same impression tonight. If you care about me, you can watch the live broadcast directly. After all, he will become the live broadcast of Qiao Moli's arrest in a while. If you want to watch it, you can watch it, she's been hurting us for so long."

After saying these words, Qiao Qiancen didn't let her mother have any chance to repent and hung up the phone directly. At this moment, her mother finally fell silent looking at the cut-off phone, feeling a little helpless in her heart. That's where things go.

But now that my daughter is so determined to do this, after all, there is no way but to let her develop like this for the time being.

"This kid is always so stubborn, and I don't know if it will affect him in the end, but he can't say anything after all. He has grown up and has things he wants to do, not to mention he has his own. Is there any way I can ask her to say this and do that.”

The mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and turned on the TV to watch today's live broadcast. For her, she has more important things to do, and that is to protect her daughter's safety. As long as the two of them have something to do , watching this matter progress smoothly, then I can be regarded as a little comfort in my heart.

The award ceremony was resplendent, with thousands of spectators sitting underneath, and the number of fans watching the live broadcast at the other end of the live broadcast room exceeded 10.

However, this is not the final number of people. The data is still rising. Qiao Moli's reputation can be said to be very popular in China, so now her popularity and approval rate are constantly rising.

"Tonight, I'm very glad that everyone can come to the scene, and I also welcome the viewers and friends who watched this live broadcast before commenting. Next, we will present awards to the actors who performed the best performances of the year and many people who have continued to work behind the scenes staff directors."

The host held the microphone and said, the most official word is Qiao Muli, watching all this in the background, knowing that the first award will be his own, it is inevitable that he will be a little excited, but what will happen next? He doesn't know how to develop, he only knows that he must use his most beautiful appearance to win the most important award in his life.

He took the small mirror from the manager's hand, and dressed himself in the mirror. Only at this moment did he relax, and then walked towards the preparation room.

"Come on Jasmine, perform well, I will rely on you for a while, I can't go up to help you, I really won't cheer you up, but you have to remember, this may be the first highlight moment in your life, in the future There are countless more, but this first one must perform the best, and let everyone know that you are the most dazzling person here now!"

The manager patted him on the back and you were thinking about what you said. This little Jasmine just moved forward and never said a word, but she said it very clearly in her heart. From now on, no matter what, I will surprise everyone. The appearance and beauty of oneself, so that everyone will never forget about themselves, and there will be the possibility of climbing up.

The host has been speaking in a very loud voice on the stage, "Then next, we will present to you the most anticipated Best Actress of the Year Award. This award has always attracted much attention. .”

The host's voice was a little excited, and the audience who lay down immediately became excited when he said this sentence, holding up Qiao Moli's sign and shouting excitedly.

"It must belong to my family Jasmine. Don't even think about it. This year's best actor is him. The plays he performs and the events he attends make me really covet her beauty every time. Such a girl Who doesn't love it!"

"Jasmine, Jasmine, come out quickly, I can't help but want to see her beauty! Host, let her come out quickly!"

"My Qiao Qiao is the best, no one can do anything better than her!"

"I'm so happy to see Qiao Qiao receive the award on stage like me. Maybe he will have countless times like this in the future. To be her fan is really the happiest thing for me. I am very happy to meet such a beautiful girl!"

This mother is watching the live broadcast on the mobile phone. Almost everyone on the big screen is applauding Qiao Muli. I see him getting more worried as he walks silently. What his daughter is going to do tonight is almost against the law. Everyone's wish, and after this thing is really realized, will they let their daughter go?
This point has been lingering in Li Yiyuan's heart. After all, he has no way to calm down. He can only look at the current picture, and he begins to doubt and think deeply.

I hope everything is not like that, otherwise, Qiao Qiancen's efforts for so long will be in vain, and it may be another heavy blow to him. He believes that his daughter can no longer bear such pressure And hit, at this moment, she only hopes that all things can be handled well.

(End of this chapter)

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