Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1312 I Have Nothing To Do With This Matter

Chapter 1312 I have nothing to do with this matter
I just hope that she can be truly happy, and she can't care so much about other things.

"Okay, okay, just don't worry, I will do this. I must have a bottom line in my heart. I know that this matter will not hurt me, so I dare to do it. As for others If you want to think about it, then some of them are good, anyway, I will continue to develop according to my plan."

When I like to say this sentence, I look a little smug and happy, probably because I have a plan in my heart, so I am very motivated to do anything alone, no matter how much resistance others give me, I don’t care about that feeling. You are confident, so it doesn't matter what others say.

"You girl really makes me less and less familiar. I feel like a stranger and a different person, but I know you are you, so I will stand by your side no matter what."

The manager smiled helplessly.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the time and knew that he was about to go to the police station to take a statement. At this moment, he said goodbye to his manager, turned and left.

The manager can only worry, looking at his back, he can't say anything, knowing that now he has his own thoughts, and it is useless for people to dissuade them, so he doesn't have to let go In the bottom of my heart, knowing that he has grown up and can protect himself well, I feel a little calmer in my heart.

"Actually, I will really protect myself. No matter what others say, it doesn't matter. Anyway, for me, I will do nothing less, and I will not let others bully me for what I should do. "

Qiao Qiancen felt that today was still to come, and watched with concern that he felt a little helpless when he was together. He actually made this voice and asked to choose. After listening to it, he laughed and directly refuted it on purpose.

"You stinky girl, who said you should care about you, don't think too much about yourself, and don't drag me into this matter no matter how you develop, you know? I don't want to be influenced by you."

Qiao Qiancen also said with a smile when he heard this sentence. His relatives also said that he didn't know how to swear. How could he be willing to suffer so much for himself? At this moment, he just treated all the bad guys as if he didn't care. He looked like he wanted to relax himself, he felt a little touched, he lowered his head, thought about it and agreed.

When he arrived at the police station, as soon as Qiao Moli was brought out, she stared at him with hatred in her eyes, as if she had completely ruined his life, so resentful and indignant.

After all, Qiao Qiancen didn't have any emotion, just looked at the girl in front of him, because he knew very well in his heart that he really ruined his life, and he didn't refute anything at this moment, but I looked at him flatly, You can think whatever you want, in short, you have your own ideas in your heart, and it's their business to do what others want.

"Qiao Qiancen, you bitch, how could you do this? You just want to ruin my life. Do you know how important that day is to me? You just don't want to pick the one thing you choose. Speaking of pictures, this woman is really bad."

Silence was exhausted, and he kept yelling. At this moment, the police kept warning him, but he still couldn't listen, and kept shouting crazily.That's the only way to express your emotions.

I don't care what he said, just nodded with a smile, as if agreeing with his words, extremely arrogant, this is to make you angry, but after all, you can't say that sentence, you can only say it at this moment. Sitting in the seat resentfully.

Qiao Moli knew that Qiao Qiancen didn't care what she said at first, so she began to curse viciously, "Tell you this woman, don't think that you can get up after I enter, but you will never have this chance, And your mother will definitely be hurt this time in the future. At that time, you will definitely die a miserable death, your mother will also die a miserable death, and your family will die a miserable death!"

When he said these words, Qiao Mu's expression on the ground was extremely ferocious, and when I listened to these words, I stopped him at that moment, and I couldn't restrain myself in the appearance of the person who kept him all the time. He slapped the table and stood up. When he said these words, the patient with a huge score in his eyes quietly felt the expression on his face, and Xiaoy would hurt his whole body when he heard these words, so he just held back It has been maintained the way it has always been, and it is good to conclude that it is good to leave the guest. With a hard shot, this time it can stand up to the coldness and resentment carried by Twilight.

Why is it that I am a policeman with the emotions in my heart, and I wanted to warn Qiao Moli or something, but when I saw Qiao Qiancen's expression, I held back.

"I'm telling you that it's best not to mention the key again. I let me continue the suffering my mother said. I can assure you that I will definitely let people stay in this prison for the rest of their lives. I'm fine. With all my energy and wealth, I will definitely want you to stay in this prison, and you will not be able to leave for the rest of your life!"

When Qiao Qiancen wanted to really say this, he asked if he could do it. No one dared to speak, including Qiao Muli. He obediently forced me to dare not say another word, for fear of the truth. Moreover, if this woman becomes an elder brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to make a comeback if I walk through it for the rest of my life.

Seeing her shutting up, Qiao Qiancen smiled with satisfaction at this moment.

"That's right. Don't let me do everything so badly. After all, I used to be good sisters with you, didn't I? Didn't you always talk about such an image on the Internet?"

Qiao Qiancen smiled with a look of indifference, but this one made Qiao Moli feel bad. Qiao Moli didn't know how to threaten herself, how could she like what he said, and the real customers here pretended to be indifferent , It's really maddening.

"Okay, I'm nervous, thank you. I don't need to start anything today, so let's start. Anyway, I will never say anything about this matter. I know something. I will definitely cooperate with you to let this matter be pointed out later, and those who are against criminals Anyone who has committed a crime should not even try to escape."

In the end, let’s change the plate. I still looked at the one who forced you to grab it. When I forced you to ask for this sentence, I seemed to have obvious thoughts in my heart, but after all, he couldn’t show it. He could only pretend to be calm. look at her.

"Of course, I also hope for this matter, and the main reason is that I was wronged after all, and I have nothing to do with this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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