Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1323 Do you really not care?

Chapter 1323 Do you really not care?
When Fu Yanshen said these words, he hardly hesitated.At this moment, Qiao Qiancen finally gave up. When the man gave this answer, she was already able to determine what he was thinking psychologically, so since she chose herself, why bother to doubt what he most wanted to do in the future? Already figured out what to do.

"Okay, I see. Good night, as long as your answer is like this, then I can study in each group, and I won't think too much or think wrongly."

After Qiao Qiancen finished speaking, the troupe was put to sleep without a choice. Before turning off the screen of the phone, the man on the opposite side sent another message. As if he couldn't bear it, he said helplessly with a smile in his tone, "You I have been coming here in the middle of the night, and I suddenly feel that the father of my treasure, now you are really satisfied with you in your heart, and you want to sleep when you feel comfortable. You can live until you are like this, and when the time comes, I will be so noisy that I can’t sleep. What should I do? How will you make up for me? "

Fu Yanshen said this with some helplessness, Qiao Qiancen was stunned, as if he didn't expect him to say this, then smiled, thought about it and said to him, "Then why don't I sing you a song?" Well, it's been a long time since I sang to you, we two haven't seen each other often since we lived together in college, and now we finally have a chance, let's talk about these things, "

Qiao Qiancen said this sentence with some helplessness. Looking back, the two of them have indeed not seen each other for a long time. Now when they talk about this matter, they will naturally appear a little unfamiliar.

It should be that Fu Yanshen listened and didn't resist anything, so he accepted it softly. After all, for him, there was nothing to refuse this matter.

"Those nicknames are what I am here to listen to, but your girl has to make it clear and don't deceive me. After all, I am very picky. If you don't sing well, I just have the right to let you sing again." Sing it again."

Don't be arrogant to say this sentence, and finally think of the scene of cohabitation in the university at that time. At that time, he kept asking himself to sing for him. Saying this made me laugh after all.

"Okay, just sing and sing."

Qiao Qiancen didn't care, and when he said this sentence, he began to recall again. When he remembered the things he said he had heard at the beginning, when he remembered them again, he just felt very warm.

It's just a pity in my heart, I can't go back to that time, now that they have made their debut in society, the distance between two people is no longer a simple sentence, adults can sum it up.

There is still a family background between them, and there are many related personnel between them. This is an irresistible force. As long as they are in the midst of this, they will not be able to relax.

Qiao Qiancen's eyes became a little dim, and he lowered his head. After all, he didn't say a word at this moment, and then began to sing the lyrics of the boy's training.

This song was a favorite of the two of them in the past. Every time the two of them go to ktv together, they will definitely order this song. It’s just that the two of them have become busy with their affairs over the years, so they never go to KTV again. I sang a song once, and this song just ran aground, and no one mentioned it again.

This Fu Yanshen just listened to the phone, but the girl's voice fell silent after all, without saying a word.

It was as if the memories of the past that had been buried in dust were suddenly exposed, and I became a little dazed, and I couldn't believe it, so many years had really passed, and the things I thought I would stick to at the beginning, after all, passed ...

After all, some psychological emotions have changed, but after all, everything that my own self and this woman have insisted on has been stranded like this, and I am still sad in my heart after all.

"Actually, have you resented me for so long? No matter how you think about this matter, I am sorry for you. After all, I promised to be with you for the rest of my life and said that I would treat you well, but now So many things have happened, you have been wronged all the time, I feel that your mother has disappointed me, I am really guilty."

After listening to Qiao Qiancen's song halfway through, Fu Yanshen couldn't restrain himself from interrupting. At this moment, his emotions seemed to be unable to restrain himself. When he said it, he felt a little guilty, but Qiao Qiancen listened to Then fell silent.

Qiao Qiancen also became silent when he heard this sentence. What he could have said at will, after all, the program changed when he heard this sentence again, because he was at the beginning and understood that this matter was not what he thought. Simple.

I seem to be used to being an empathetic person, no matter how painful or wronged I am, I can always forgive as if nothing happened and don't care at the beginning.

But do you really think so?Not necessarily.

"Have you considered some things clearly? If these things really make it impossible for us to relax in the end, have you really decided to do it?"

Fu Yanshen hesitated for a moment, and still said to the girl on the other side, she just thought that I would always drag a girl's youth, just like what her mother said.

This kind of behavior is obviously very immoral, but I know that I still want to do this, but I still hurt my so-called favorite girl, don't I feel guilty in my heart?Not necessarily.

"It's good for you to think about some things clearly. If you still feel ashamed of others, then think about this matter clearly before making a decision. After all, things have reached such a point now. If you say no, it's still bad after all."

Fu Yanshen seems to be afraid that she will continue to lie to him at this moment while he is doing it. I hope he can think about it carefully before saying whether he should care about such words. After all, once some things are said, there is no way to do them again. changed.

What the kid heard, his words hurt, and for some reason, he felt a little relieved. He always felt that this man said that I started to learn to love myself, and he would think about himself no matter what.This is already a very rare progress.

After all, in the past, for his own benefit, he sometimes hurt her unconsciously, and sometimes she felt sad and would treat it as if nothing happened, but to be honest, she really didn't care ?not really.

(End of this chapter)

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