Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1330 She Can Understand My Careful Intentions, She Wouldn't Say That

Chapter 1330 She Can Understand My Careful Intentions, She Wouldn't Say That

Said that you walked away from them after saying this, not knowing that everything they do now is being listened to by a certain person.

When I got back to Qiao Qiancen's house, he was about to wake up, so I sat down beside him quickly, and then I said that I had come back and slept for a long time, so that he wouldn't be so worried about this matter, that's all. Not at all, after he passed by, he woke up immediately, opened his eyes and looked at him, with a look of melancholy in his eyes.

"Didn't you say, didn't you come back early? Why didn't you come back all night, and you didn't come back until it was almost dawn now. Are you trying to perfunctory me, trying to lie to me, I already know what you are like Man, it really disappoints me."

The woman's words were a bit aggrieved, and she wanted to spread her hands away to prevent him from touching the product. I brought it to him and hugged him, with a tone of helplessness and indulgence.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I didn't take your feelings into account, you can punish me however you want, that's fine, and you can let me buy whatever you fancy, I can do it all for you Is it okay to pay the bill? I will do whatever you want me to do, as long as you don’t get angry with me, please be obedient.”

For a man, just think of his chin resting on his head so gently and tenderly.

At that moment, Qiao Qiancen clearly felt that he was a spoiled child, very warm, so sweet that he curled the corners of his lips and smiled where he couldn't see.

Then the words he said were still that Zhong Qiu didn't want to make him feel better, and he deliberately complained to him by pretending to be overwhelmed.

"You guys have always only said that my current company's funds can't be allocated at will. You need to do it. I heard that you still have a few projects to deal with. You just spend the money on me. When the time comes, the funds in your company I am afraid that those people will have opinions on me, and you are obviously hurting me when you see this."

Fu Yanshen was immediately amused when she heard these words, and she didn't know where she heard the fallacies.

They clapped their hands and hugged him tighter, as if there was a bit of a long-distance running smell, and a bit of helplessness and pity in the opera.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going bankrupt, so, can you make money to support me? Then you all know that I'm in such pain, so why don't you do something for me? For example, get up now Get a massage, go out and do your own work now, and make me feel better."

Qiao Qiancen heard the joke in his words, and thought that at this moment he couldn't help but feel angry. It was this kind of joke that Qiao Qiancen heard in his words, so he stretched out his hand to scratch his itch at this moment, Just let him be punished.

"See if you still dare to bully me. You are clearly trying to bully me and take advantage of me by saying these words. Let me tell you, don't even think about it. I won't let you succeed easily. This matter is not so simple. I will let you know the mistake." Row!"

The two of you had a great time. When you came out for breakfast in the morning, Qiao Qiancen advised you that the picture of seeing your mother was not good, and it looked extremely complicated as if you were thinking about these things.

Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen looked at each other, feeling puzzled in their hearts. They didn't know what happened. Seeing such an unhappy look, they wanted to go out and play again at this moment, but they knew it was useless after all. .

Qiao Qiancen could only wait until Fu Yanshen left, and then slowly approached her mother, and then said to her as if wanting to test, "What's wrong with you? You seem to be in such a strange mood today, did something happen that made you If you are unhappy, you can tell me directly, that is, if I can solve it, I will definitely solve it for you, and I won't embarrass you!"

Qiao Qiancen's tone was a bit tentative. He wanted his mother, so he immediately told him what he had said to let his mother. After hearing these words, he finally sighed heavily and didn't want to play tricks on him. He just looked at her a little bit. Said impatiently, "I can understand you two are young and energetic, but you can take care of it. I, an old man, live next to me. You two were still making noises in the early morning last night. Do you know Knowing that it seriously affects my sleep, and you are not married now, so you live together and wear a fitted tube!"

Qiao Qiancen was taken aback by her mother's words. Qiao Qiancen only felt that her mother had misunderstood something, but her mother had already said that it was shameful for the two of them to live together without getting married, and at this moment, she seemed a little powerless.

"Then don't get me wrong. Now I'm just playing games with him, and we're not really doing anything. You're thinking wrong."

Qiao Qiancen tried to forcefully explain, but there was still a lump in his heart.

So when my mother heard what he said, she sneered, as if I didn't listen, and her tone became a little hostile.

In fact, why did he want to embarrass his daughter and son-in-law, but the two felt that it was a bit too complicated, and the relationship between them has never been so simple and manageable.

The two of them just being together without an agreed marriage contract at all will look a little weird after all.

But now, no matter how you tell her, this girl, she can't seem to hear clearly at all. All her thoughts are on that man...

"You girl, I don't know what to say to you. In short, don't talk about feudalism, but I don't think you two should sit together if you are not married. After all, you are not as good as the past. After that, can you do something for your computer in the end, and if your future husband dislikes you, what should you do?"

What my mother said was ugly. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen really liked me. The people stood up and looked at my mother angrily. They couldn't understand why she said that, and her tone was always a little angry. mood.

"Mom, it's a bit too much for you to say that. There is no so-called shady relationship between me and him. The two of us have always been open and fair to let everyone know our relationship. We never said that we would cover up anything, so This is also a performance of a title he gave me, so don't think too much, okay?"

Anyway, after Qiao Qiancen finished speaking, she turned around and left her. There was no other way to do anything.

At this moment, the mother knew that she had lost her daughter, but she couldn't say anything after all. After all, these were the words he thought could help her daughter the most. Although it sounded a bit ugly, it was indeed the truth.

"If she could understand my good intentions, she wouldn't say that."

(End of this chapter)

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