Chapter 1345

Nowadays, these children who the assistant said will always not understand. This is because he is thinking about how to deal with these things. After all, it is obviously wrong to make other people unable to resist because of this certificate. There is not enough evidence to prove that this is what she did.

But the behavior of Qiao Moli's agent now makes it impossible for people to analyze his existence, not to mention that the agent's behavior is very strange. Under normal circumstances, there is no need for him to do such a thing.

But now he has done it, which shows that he has other factors and reasons, but he has not made it clear.

"What should we do next? In any case, we have to take other people into consideration. After all, there are many eyes staring at us now, because the outside world also knows what the relationship between you and Xiaobai is, so they naturally I won't take my eyes off you so easily."

The author's assistant Wei Wei frowned seriously and analyzed the current situation. It is absolutely impossible to act rashly, otherwise, if other people catch them, all the efforts they have made now will be in vain.

Xiao Ming thought about it and didn't reply immediately. Instead, he picked up the property transfer certificate and began to think about it carefully. There was nothing unusual about this document on the surface. At most, this behavior was a bit strange.

But when Xiao Ming looked at this document, he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong. Judging from the amount of the transfer, it was a very strange point.

According to the bank's regulations, it is clear that the amount of the transfer can now be reported in a larger amount, and a one-time large transfer does not need to be as troublesome as it is now.

However, the economic method of that person is to divide the transfer amount into many points, and also...

Suddenly, Xiao Ming seemed to find something was wrong, and his brows relaxed instantly.

"You can see that the collection scope of this transfer is different accounts, which means that they have not transferred the money to the same person these times, but to different accounts, so it means that this matter is definitely not an ordinary transfer support. Simple, maybe there is a secret behind it that we can't guess, and this may be a crucial point in this single case!"

At this moment, Xiao Ming frowned very tightly, as if he had mentioned something important but could not break through, feeling very depressed.

When the assistant heard these words, he also realized that something was wrong, and couldn't help but have the same reaction, looking at him with excitement and disbelief.

"Like I said, this document looks so strange. It turns out that there is something strange about the amount of asset transfer and the payee. I didn't find this point at a glance just now. I really am!"

The assistant is belatedly aware, so don't get annoyed anymore, but now he can't help himself to think about so many things, now the most important thing is to solve the matter through a breakthrough, but where is the breakthrough point, where can we start, There is no way to know.They can only settle down and think carefully.

"Then what are we going to do now? First of all, we have already excavated the evidence, but if the news is not kept well, the fans will be regarded as alarming the snake after walking out, and maybe the evidence will be buried by them. We will fall into an embarrassing situation that is difficult to break through!"

The assistant has no way to calm down, and now he has finally found a breakthrough point, but there is nowhere to start. This is the most difficult part, but when he heard this sentence, he wanted to make it clear that there was no embarrassment at all, but turned his head to look at Looking at the data on that document, he was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

It's strange here, not necessarily when he was speaking, the man's steady and calm voice would be heard in the next second and he remembered, "We may have to scare this snake with this matter. Because of this case, if they can Changing the data easily without authorization shows that the relationship network behind it will be bigger than we imagined, and will involve more people, so we might as well let them make this bold attempt. He is the participant in this matter, and it is clear at a glance who is innocently implicated, so let's let him leak the matter."

Xiao Ming's eyes were clear and clear. When he said this sentence in this lesson, there was no change in his body, as if he was talking about something that didn't matter, but he was too scared to do this sentence. After all, this matter My mother said that it is not easy, nor is it difficult.

But what Xiao Ming meant was to directly let the wind leak out of this matter, no doubt throwing away all the achievements they had worked so hard to achieve, and going out just to gain that possibility.The risk of all bets is too great!

At this moment, the assistant couldn't agree with his words, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help reminding him, as if there was no way to make him really do this.

"Now you should think twice before doing these things. After all, if this matter is not done well, our efforts will be in vain. Is it possible that you have really entered into such a situation? I think we still have to do it again." Consider it."

The assistant stopped him from doing this, but Xiao Ming didn't take it seriously at all. Now his thoughts have been fixed in his heart. No matter what others say, he will not change his mind easily.

Stretching out his hand to break away from him, when his eyes fell on him again, it was cold and firm, even if something happened, he could already bear the consequences, no matter what the final outcome would be.

"I've thought about it very clearly, and I don't need to persuade me about this matter, because it is impossible for you to change my mind about what I have already decided. I just want you to help me settle this matter immediately. Just go and check it out, remember who the registrant behind each account must be checked out!"

After saying this, Xiao Ming seemed to have other urgent things to do. At this moment, he directly picked up his mobile phone table cloth and was about to leave. Zhu, after all, you were panicked after seeing this scene, so you quickly blocked it his way.

"It's absolutely impossible, Mr. This matter must not be considered as a gamble. If you win this matter, you have a chance to win, but it is not 100%. But if you lose the bet, this matter I can say it 100%!"

The assistant's voice trembled when he said this.

(End of this chapter)

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