Chapter 1347
At this moment, Qiao Moli was relieved when she heard the manager say this, she didn't hesitate any more, and she didn't suspect that his words were fraudulent. Treat it with the truth.

"That's really great. I was worried about the impact of this matter, but now that the matter has been dealt with, I don't have anything to worry about. It's really troublesome for you, brother these few days God, you must be working hard, if I go out, I will definitely reward you a lot! I will reward you with many things!"

From this moment in the dream, I was overjoyed to say this sentence, and I didn't notice a glint in the manager's eyes at all. In my heart, because everything has been dealt with almost, I firmly believe that what the manager said every word.

Qiao Moli thought in her heart that she was going to go out soon, so naturally she could say anything and didn't care about anything, but at this moment, the words of the economic man's world couldn't raise her eyebrows, and she felt a little helpless in her heart.

Now that I think Jasmine believes in me so much, I shouldn’t be happy, but he doesn’t doubt anything like this, and I make him feel a little guilty. After all, I used his trust to accomplish this thing. Qiao Moli knew that he planned all the things behind the scenes, and she didn't know how angry she should be.

At this moment, the manager couldn't help but feel a little emotional, so he still smiled, and it's good not to flow in, because he knows very well in his heart that it doesn't matter whether he trusts or not, after all, the final result of the whole thing has nothing to do with him, All I have to do is turn everything back to the right path as much as possible.

As long as he can get the benefits he wants, how the rest of the matter develops and what consequences he will face in the end has nothing to do with him. Anyway, Qiao Moli is just a bridge for him, and he will not care about her ending.

"You silly girl, don't you know it well in your heart? We are two people sitting on the same boat. Since we are on the same boat, if you are subverted, then I can't help it , but if you can move forward smoothly, then my life will definitely be prosperous, so of course I will help you and try my best to help you solve this matter."

At this moment, I quietly watched Qiao Moli say these words with a smile on her face, and she only sighed in her heart that Qiao Moli's mind was too simple, and she didn't know how to trust others casually after considering the consequences.

If he knew that all the consequences would be borne by himself in the end, he probably wouldn't be able to smile so easily and recklessly like himself.

The manager thought hard in his heart.The hands underneath were clenched into fists, as if they were constantly calming themselves down, showing a flawless appearance, and then admonishing themselves from the bottom of their hearts, absolutely not showing anything wrong.

Qiao Moli sent her manager away, thinking that everything had been settled, and she was in a very happy mood at this moment. He didn't know that everything was going in the opposite direction that he didn't expect, and the final result of this matter was still unknown. Will let her fall into a dream in the abyss.

Just when she thought that everything could develop as expected, an unexpected guest came. Qiao Moli never thought that Qiao Qiancen would come to visit the prison, but at this moment, she was in the same place but had no way to think about it. what.

"I'm calling you, didn't Qiao Moli hear my voice? I told you that someone came to visit the prison. That person is the little red star Qiao Qiancen. I heard that you two are still sisters. Do you want to see me? It's clear in one sentence." .”

The prison guard looked at her coldly, as if it didn't matter whether he saw Qiao Qiancen in the end, everything had nothing to do with him, he was just a person to convey the news.

After hearing these words, Qiao Moli really wanted to refuse without even thinking about it. He felt that there was no need to recommend this matter, not to mention that Qiao Qiancen must not be so kind when he came here to see him. If this is the case, there is no need to meet each other!
"I don't see him, you can just send him a message for me, and tell him that if he wants to see me, he can see me when I get out of prison, but he doesn't want to see me at that time." It’s better to be scared and startled!”

Qiao Moli said with a haughty face and turned her head directly, not wanting to see the prison guard.

When the prison guard heard her words at this moment, he couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but the corners of his lips were bent and he didn't show it obviously, then he turned around and left. He was just lamenting Qiao Moli's self-confidence.

After all, this matter is now almost conclusive. Qiao Moli wanted to prove that she did not kill or hire a murderer to hurt others. It is obviously very difficult, but she is so swearing, as if everything is wrong. What she did had nothing to do with her, but the facts were already in front of her eyes.

The prison guard didn't say much, and turned around to convey this sentence, but just after the words fell, Qiao Moli herself regretted it. At this moment, she couldn't calm down. She looked at the prison guard in front of her who was about to leave, and then directly Called him.

"Wait a minute, since he wants to see me, then I'll go see him and say that we are also sisters, so there's no reason to make everything so rigid, right? Since she wants to see me, then I Just go to see her, I really want to see what she wants to do!"

After Qiao Moli said this, she followed the prison guard and walked out. At this moment, the warning didn't say anything more, just raised her eyebrows and let her follow behind.

It's true that Qiao Moli didn't want to see Qiao Qiancen herself. After all, she felt that Qiao Qiancen came to visit her in prison. It must have no good intentions.

So almost when he heard the news at the very beginning, he refused without even thinking about it, but now that the words have come to an end, he regretted it himself. He just thought that Qiao Qiancen would suddenly come to see her in prison. With her usual style, could it be that she has something to say?
With this in mind, Qiao Moli hesitated at this moment, and followed the prison guards out.

"What is the grievance between the two of you? I don't want to divorce, but you must remember clearly that fighting and making loud noises are absolutely not allowed here, otherwise you will only increase the punishment! Remember!"

(End of this chapter)

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