Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1350 Beware of those around you!

Chapter 1350 Beware of those around you!
Qiao Moli seemed a little annoyed at this moment, she looked at the girl in front of her calmly, but her trembling hand still revealed her emotions...

Qiao Qiancen could tell that she was really angry and didn't understand why she said such words?

At this moment, it seemed that something had cleared everything in his heart.

Qiao Qiancen didn't show the slightest emotion, but nodded with a smile, motioning for her to calm down, and he already understood the ins and outs of the whole thing in his heart, but now that he was a victim of these cases, he felt that he really didn't need to talk to him, Will remind the perpetrators who harmed their own mothers.

Immediately force your mother to be the one who really hurt you, but now he is the one who is being hurt. Coincidentally, I don’t think it’s necessary for me to deal with this matter. After all, the person who was hurt in the end is also the one who deserves to be punished. , just really want to hide this matter from him, and let her be kept in the dark?Qiao Qiancen seemed to be hesitating in his heart.

But if he tells Qiao Moli directly now, there is no guarantee that Qiao Muli will stand on the same side as him. After all, Qiao Mengli is the person he wants to sue now. turnaround.

The relationship between two people has been at odds since they were young, how can they come together casually now, and the soldiers are simple, this in itself is a very suspenseful thing, naturally there will be no unreasonable thoughts in the bottom of my heart.

"Okay, just tell me what you have. I really hate other people's mother-in-law who hides something from me. I don't know. I thought you were doing something to me behind my back. Let me tell you, now You make me doubt you, I am the one who hurt your mother, but you have no evidence to prove it, then you have no right to do anything to me, I advise you to think about everything before deciding whether you want to do it Bar!"

Qiao Moli looked at him calmly, feeling a little annoyed in her heart. He didn't know what the sentence just reminded the girl in front of him meant, but now he refused to tell him clearly, and he had no way to expose her lie.

"Calm down, don't be so irritable, I'm just talking about the transfer of the workplace, I'll remind you, because I saw such behavior before I came to the prison, so I'll tell you casually, we two are not Good sister, I just want to remind you that there is no problem, and you don't need to start your rich imagination with this point."

What Qiao Qiancen said seemed like nothing really happened, she was just joking, but Qiao Muli looked at the girl in front of her now, and she always felt that there was something strange about everything, but what was wrong, or not way to distinguish clearly.

Qiao Moli could only tighten her arms silently. At this moment, she felt very angry and annoyed, but she couldn't say anything. After all, if the girl in front of her didn't tell her what happened, she had no choice but to expose it.I can only wait until Qiao Qiancen is willing to tell himself...

She seemed to think this way in her heart, as if it was impossible to give in, at this moment, someone else thought about it deliberately, and threatened her with a perplexed smile.

"Don't keep thinking that I'm going out now to deliberately suppress my confidence in this way, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. Let me tell you, I don't necessarily want to get news from you, I can also get news from my agent. Don’t think that if you don’t tell me about this, you won’t know that I’m reading from a channel!”

Tian Mengli obviously misunderstood Qiao Qiancen's meaning. At this moment, Qiao Qiancenna's reluctance to tell her meant that Qiao Qiancen was deliberately showing her superiority, but Qiao Qiancen couldn't help being stunned when she heard this sentence, because Qian Moli really followed his words If you do that, you will only startle the snake in a disguised form...

Qiao Moli seemed to be really hesitant. Seeing this scene, Qiao Qiancen could only remind her after all.

After all, if Qiao Moli directly tells the whole matter to the manager, it will definitely attract the manager's attention at that time, and at that time, it is already more difficult than trying to cover up this matter. Think about this clearly, so stick to the remedy that you can think of.

According to the current situation, the only and most efficient remedy is to release some news first, let Qiao Moli know something, and then she will not be so curious and want to know.

"It's not that I have to tell you that it's not a big deal anyway, and I don't need to bother you to tell your economic man, I'm just telling you, don't think that this matter is far away from you, it may happen by your side Or your body, you don’t know yet, sometimes as a human being, don’t trust others too much, especially those who know all your roots.”

After saying this, Qiao Qiancen felt that he had already told it clearly enough. At this moment, he must not continue to speak, otherwise, it would be a real warning, and he would find the whole plan at this moment, and lift it up. Standing up step by step, it didn't matter how Mrs. Qiao Moli called her name behind her, and she didn't care what happened, she just left without hesitation.

"You are really abominable woman. Why didn't you tell me what is going on? My uncle wants me to have no way to calm down, right? You are really disgusting at the beginning. You have hated me so much since you were a child. I didn't expect you to hate me even more when I grow up!"

Qiao Moli was so angry that she started to speak incoherently.Because Qiao Qiancen had laid out all the things in front of her, but didn't tell herself what hidden truth was in it, and only let her guess.

But this feeling is obviously more uncomfortable than killing her.

Seeing Qiao Qiancen, he left without saying a word.At this moment, Qiao Moli had nothing to say, she could only sigh, and sat back in her seat silently.

Then he began to think carefully about the combination of the words Qiao Qiancenshu said just now, and began to have some ideas.

The most important thing Qiao Qiancen said was property transfer and not trusting those who knew her roots.

But now these things are combined, it seems to be silently telling himself that someone wants to move his property, and also transfer these properties silently behind his back...

Suddenly thinking of this, Qiao Moli felt a chill enveloping herself. At this moment, she couldn't calm down, her hands were trembling, and she wanted to turn around and ask the prison guard to call the manager, but...

(End of this chapter)

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