Chapter 1357

After all, at the end, Qiao Qiancen just made everyone laugh, as if this matter had nothing to do with him last time.

He lifted his steps and left, stepping on high heels, looking very arrogant and out of spirits. At this moment, he rushed up and wanted to beat him again, but the security personnel beside him stopped him.

"This gentleman, if you can do anything else, we have the right to hand you over to the police. You should think about the consequences of the matter before making a decision."

The manager was furious when he heard this sentence, but at this moment he had no other choice. After all, he was in the wrong now, and he had no other reason to refute something. He felt anxious and angry, but in the end he There is no way to speak.

"Qiao Qiancen, just wait for me, you have done so many bad things, you will definitely have revenge, and I will definitely give you a chance to regret it when the time comes, don't do anything because of your arrogance!"

Quietly still yelled at Qiao Qiancen, but in the end Qiao Qiancen didn't seem to hear a word, and let her stride away, her eyes were bright and indifferent.

It's as if everything is within his experience, and he doesn't need to care about it. Everything can be regarded as not caring. Usually, this makes the manager angry, but after all, the manager is stopped by everyone, and he can't take a step closer to say something.

"Why didn't that person make things difficult for you? If I had known earlier, I would have rushed over to teach him a lesson. Don't think that you can be easily bullied. No matter what you say, you are also mine. I am a small agent. How dare you To you, so what if his artist is Qiao Moli, Qiao Moli came out by stepping on your electric baton!"

On the other end of the phone, Miss Jessie was so angry that she began to curse, but she wanted to feel warm in her heart at this moment, to be so comforted and cared for by the manager, she already felt very satisfied psychologically, after all, she just laughed Laughing, as if he doesn't care much.

"Whatever, anyway, they just treat these things as a mad dog biting me. Anyway, I don't need to care about it. It's just that the rabies vaccine still needs to be given a dozen times, and it can't be arbitrary."

Qiao Qiancen smiled and didn't seem to care about how to deal with this matter at all. Many things were just thinking about how to prevent them from happening. How could it be possible for him to keep biting himself like a mad dog and not responding to himself? No matter what I say, I am not easy to bully, how can I let him do this?

Jessie breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Qiao Qiancen speak like this, she seemed to understand that he shouldn't be blamed for everything, maybe he just didn't want to say something, and now there is no need to take it to heart.

"It's the two of you who think clearly about this matter. Don't let them succeed. You also know what kind of force they are. They can do anything for their own benefit. At that time, we want to solve any problem." Nothing is easy.”

Sister Jessie took a deep breath, and her heart sank. She didn't know how to deal with this matter. After all, this matter has developed to the point where it is now. It is still difficult to pretend that nothing happened. After all, they are just one Ordinary people, when faced with these things, will eventually feel a little helpless.

"It's okay, don't worry so much, this matter is not a big deal to me at all, not to mention that I didn't take the disease to heart at all, you don't have to worry so much."

Qiao Qiancen smiled softly to comfort her heart, why didn't she take this matter to heart when she went to the house, but at this moment only he knew best how ugly what Qiao Moli's agent said just now.

He obviously didn't treat himself as a complete personality, otherwise he wouldn't have talked to himself in that tone, and he himself was wronged when suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.Could it be that he was not wronged?Wasn't he very wronged when Qiao Mengli stepped on him? Wouldn't he feel sad when everyone misunderstood him for helping Qiao Muli?Why didn't he think about her?
It turns out that there are really people in this world who don't care about others and always only care about their own interests. Qiao Qiancen suddenly feels depressed and unbelievable, but after all, he is also forcing himself to grow up and accept all kinds of different things. Personality is because people who care about their own interests will only feel depressed psychologically if they want to, and they can't believe it when they feel rich, but after all, she is also forcing herself to grow up and accept all kinds of different personalities.

"Okay, since you have already said that, then I can rest assured, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, no matter what you say now, you can be regarded as a hot person, although the outside world treats you The evaluation is still very poor, even you are in the state of black dragon, but I don't think this will affect your continued development."

On the other end of the phone, the manager analyzed the recent market carefully, and felt that the child still had a chance to stand up again, but there was still a lack of a practical problem. With a little help, she would definitely be able to make her stand up again.

"It doesn't matter, I think everything is okay, I'd better not make any big moves now, after all, there are still many eyes staring at me waiting for me to make mistakes, if I do something wrong, they will definitely take it To make a fuss, he said it made me feel even more uncomfortable, since that’s the case, I might as well make everything easier to develop, anyway, I’m not a big deal, is it?”

Qiao Qiancen smiled, as if he was very relaxed in his heart, knowing that everything is not as simple as he imagined, but now he can't care so much, everything itself is not so easy to solve, now it's better to take this opportunity to take care of it Let's develop what we haven't done well.

"I'm relieved that you can think this way. After all, I was not easy to bring newcomers in Guangzhou. Their handling methods made me very embarrassed. I even felt like an old man taking care of his grandson. It's going to be annoying, but when I meet you, I really feel that there are still many considerate people in this world."

The agent praised her on the other end of the phone, but at this moment Qiao Qiancen laughed at herself, as if she really felt empty in her heart, but she couldn't express it, and her words seemed a little decadent.

If he can, he wants to be a person who can vent his temper wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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