Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1359 I want to open it

Chapter 1359 I want to open it

Still just smiling, and then looked at her indifferently.

"Didn't you say it yourself? Nothing I do will affect you, and you don't care about what I have? So now I'm doing what I want to do, isn't that okay? What are you doing? What are you thinking? Why are you so contradictory, and my affairs are decided by myself, and have nothing to do with you, so don't try to control me, my affairs are my own affairs, don't you think so much, okay? !"

Qiao Moli raised her chin slightly, looked at the warning in front of her, and didn't care about what punishment she would have in the future, as if it didn't matter as long as she persisted in her own affairs. At this moment, her words made the prison guard very angry .

"You lunatic is going to die. Don't die here. You know that you will hurt others, but you still want to do this. You woman really has no shame. Do you obediently do what you should do? Don't do so much, no?" Meaningful things, knowing that you will not be able to change the possibility of being sentenced in the end!"

The prison guard was so helpless that he couldn't figure out what this woman wanted to do. She was doing this kind of thing to hurt others and herself, but she still had a bright future, so she didn't want to be hurt by this woman. Take other people's money, don't let her meet her mother, she actually used such a decisive way to force her.

But this Qiao Moli didn't care what she said, you just smiled inhumanly, looked at her indifferently, and then gently moved your eyes down with a provocative look.

"There are some things you really don't want to think I'm joking. I'm joking with you. What I said will definitely be done. As for what you want to think, that's your business, but I told you not to offend me easily. , I hope you will keep this point in your heart, I am not someone who can be hurt casually."

The prison guard was so angry that her whole face was flushed, but after all, she couldn't do anything. After all, this matter has reached the point where it is now, and if she wants to say something that has nothing to do with it, it is simply embarrassing herself. After all, there is no way but to choose to give up.

"I just want to see your mother. My arrangement is that I don't need to use this method to force me. It's true that you family members are crazy, and I don't know what you are thinking. It is my bad luck to see you! "

The prison guard kept swearing and led Qiao Moli out. She wanted to go to the trial and informed Qiao Moli's mother to come. Qiao Moli's mother was originally unwilling to come, but she heard that Qiao Moli had asked her to die. Come over, her mother is not calm after all, so she can only come over.

"What the hell are you thinking, girl? Isn't it just to let you stay in prison for a while? I'm trying my best to get you out now. Is it necessary to use death to force me to come here? Really Are you crazy? You kid never thinks about the consequences."

No matter how much Zhang Manjie loves her own freedom and loves herself, Qiao Moli is her daughter after all, so she still has to worry about it. She has no way to improve herself. .

At this moment, Qiao Moli looked at her mother's words and really didn't care at all, as if she had heard something unimportant, and then she just looked at her and said indifferently just to brush her hair and laugh.

"Don't worry, you know my temperament, it's just that someone blocked me behind my back, which made me anxious, not to mention that the warning is so insignificant, as if it doesn't matter what happens to me, I just wanted to laugh, who knew she was so sluggish, I just made a small movement, and she started to panic."

Having said that, Qiao Moli couldn't help but stop and smile, and lowered her head to touch her cheek, as if she wanted to rub the face that was stiff from laughing, but Zhang Manjie still easily smiled from Qiao Moli's face. I saw a heartbroken mind.

After all, she was originally a good girl, but now she has to stay in the theater for no reason. She is probably unacceptable to any girl, let alone her daughter who has been pampered and raised by herself since she was a child.

In the end, Zhang Manjie still felt a little distressed. She always felt that she was sorry for her, but she had no other way to do it. After all, she tried her best to complete this matter. In the end, there was no way, and now she can’t say something.

"This is ridiculous. Why should I care about so many things? I just do my own thing well. Sometimes you don't get emotionally affected by these things. I hope you will always Be happy and don't be affected by your emotions."

Qiao Moli started to play the sensational card, but at this moment Zhang Manjie was affected by the emotions just now, and didn't think about what was going on, all his thoughts were on that matter, and he didn't think about the decision he made will also be affected.

She looked at her daughter's way of looking at her, but the cruel decision that she sat down at first began to waver at this moment, and she couldn't calm down anymore, so she looked at her and then hesitated, and said, "Actually, that matter It is basically certain that your economy is not very good. I don't know what to say now. After all, it is not easy to get rid of her. I am not familiar with her. If you really have no way to let go If so, then you tell me her weakness, as long as you trust me, I will find a chance to avenge you."

Zhang Manjie looked at the daughter in front of her and said this, but she didn't notice the red beans slightly curled up at the corners of Qiao Mengli's mouth. At this moment, she seemed to be as happy as eating fish with a fishy smell, but she didn't say anything after all. No emotion, that is, a nod, and it will look like it will be mature without any relationship in the future.

When she died, she didn't know that she had found her daughter's way. At this moment, when I was still thinking about how to make my daughter happy, I didn't expect that my decision had changed invisibly, even I hurt myself.

"It doesn't really matter. There are some things I've always been used to living in prison. Isn't it just a few years of life? You can be liberated after eating alone and dying. It will make you feel more relaxed at that time, I It doesn't matter, anyway, I have really thought about it these days."

(End of this chapter)

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