Chapter 1374

She sat on the beach with her agent for a long time that day. Qiao Qiancen didn't know why the two of them were there. They didn't say or do anything for a long time. He waited for a long time, and even said that he had been waiting for a long time to find someone who could listen to his nonsense and sit with him in a daze.

So for her, that day was not a day without gains, at least he gained the comfort in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time, feeling that kind of feeling, making him love, making him feel comfortable like never before Good friend, because of other things, I want to be a disguised self, and be able to show my true side in good faith.

"Qiancen, you can do whatever you want, this world is your own world, why should you worry about others? As long as you do what you want to do, in our eyes, you are an amazing person , no matter how many people feel sad because they can't be themselves, being frustrated and not being able to be yourself is already a very rare thing."

As if thinking of something, the man turned his head and looked at him as he said this, with a smile in his eyes, he didn't care how the whole thing would develop, he just hoped that this matter would be okay in the end. Having a good home is not enough because both of them are very sad.

Qiao Qiancen nodded with a smile. He looked at the agent very cleanly. He knew that the agent had made too many sacrifices for himself, and he was still helping him. This was already a very remarkable achievement for him. kind of thing.

"Then I will work hard to Xiangyang and Shun, and I will sincerely wish you, at least I will not let you down, after all, I once promised you to look forward and move forward, so as not to let yourself down Come on."

"That's right. Live hard and do what you want to do. It doesn't matter what other people think or do. Just do what you want."

The agent smiled helplessly at the words he said, bringing a touch of firmness in the wooden vat. He knew that every word he said would affect his thoughts, so now he just hopes that Qiao Qiancen can be really happy, and the rest She doesn't care about things.
"What right do you have to pay attention to me, I am an independent individual, and the police station can release me, why do you want to take me back, even say that I will not let me go abroad, who do you think you are? How can you do such a thing? You are really ridiculous!"

When Qiao Moli was stopped from going abroad, she couldn't take it anymore and was going crazy in the waiting room, yelling and angrily blaming these words all the time.

As many passengers who came to deal with business saw this scene, they avoided her one after another. They seemed to think that this was a crazy woman who would affect them. They didn't dare to approach her even half a step, which made Qiao Moli very angry.

These rubbish!

Qiao Moli couldn't even get angry, and kept cursing in her heart. He really didn't understand himself. Now that he couldn't have been released by the police station, why didn't he let him cheat? Is there any reason for this?Could it be that he is still on the list of suspects? It's impossible in this respect. It's possible for him to come out after spending so much money and finding so many connections.

"You, it's better to calm down a bit. This is not your prison. What's the use of telling me so much? You are not allowed to go abroad now. You just go abroad and stay here obediently. Maybe someone else The police station will recall you back in a few days, such a lunatic is also very possible!"

A staff member said this with a sneer, he didn't care about his emotions at all, his eyes were full of sarcasm, Qiao Moli was so angry at this moment, he really didn't know what you should do Well, he felt a little annoyed for a moment, he felt that his matter was a joke to them, but he didn't do anything on his own side, all the previous things that had no evidence a few months ago.

As long as there is no evidence to play, there is no way to sue him. Even if his mother had an accident, he has nothing to do with him. He is just a suspect, but why can't he go abroad, even if he gave it back What's the use of not letting him stay in the country?At that time, his every move will still be monitored. If he wants to escape from here, he must get rid of those controls, which is completely nonsense!
"You guys should be careful what you say. Don't bully me just because I'm out of business now. Otherwise, if I stand up one day, you will definitely be finished. That's when you will die. I will definitely I won't make it easy for you!"

Qiao Moli shouted this sentence angrily, she no longer cared what others said.

Now she just wants to leave here like crazy, because for him, this place is a nightmare, and the people here may find themselves back to the bronze words and ask them every day, which is a kind of torture for him. Those times were really terrifying, so now I still hope to find a chance to escape from here no matter what.

After all, I finally got my money back from today's piece and broke up with the agent. Now the agent is angry and blames me when he will react. Normally, he would swallow the money, but now he takes it. If he chooses to leave the money, he will definitely be very angry, so no matter how safe he looks now, he is not safe after all. He has to escape from the country as soon as possible, so that he is safe today.

"I don't want to know about you and your situation. Anyway, yelling is not allowed here. If you do this again, I will send you to the police station. You have to believe that I really have this right. It is still true. I will prosecute you on the charge of disturbing the law and order!"

A man keeps saying this, this one is so violent, he really doesn’t dare to say anything more, he’s afraid that he’ll risk his life, that’s not worth it, so now no matter what All I can do is to compress all the atmosphere, or not to say a word more psychologically, I just hope that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible, and then there will be no such trouble.
"You, you, everything is not handled properly. Now that this matter has been settled, all the cases have not been investigated clearly. You just let him go. I don't know what you are thinking!"

(End of this chapter)

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