Chapter 1380

The woman who heard this sentence shocked her greatly. She never thought that she would deceive herself by asking a local person casually. Originally, she wanted to ask where there was food, but she and her two daughters were starving. , but never thought that the girl would deceive him.

It's a pity that the father and daughter don't use notes in any body now. Qiao Moli can't be found here, and Qiao Moli's feet don't know where to go. keep going.

"Mom, I'm so hungry, didn't I say that there will be food here? Why is there nothing here, it looks so remote, where should we go? I'm really hungry, what should I do? I can't move gone."

When the youngest daughter said this pitifully, the woman held back her words, and after a while, the eldest daughter also started to make a fuss.

"Mom, why did you lie to me? Didn't you say that people in this world can't lie, otherwise they will be hated by others? Why did he lie to people? Why did he treat us like this when there is clearly no food here? , he is really hateful, mom, hurry up and take us to find something to eat, I can't take it anymore."

The two girls kept arguing from side to side, the tallest woman was so angry that she was about to get angry, when she was about to speak, she saw a familiar figure in front of her, wasn't it the girl who pointed her the wrong way on purpose just now?I couldn't help but get angry and went forward to make a theory.

"Why did you lie to us just now? Why didn't you give us good directions? You clearly know that there are no restaurants over there, but you still pretend to be a local to give us directions, making me and my two daughters so hungry and looking for food here , why are you so vicious, woman, how do you say you want to make it up to me!"

The woman scolded Qiao Muli when she was riding a bicycle, and looked at him inexplicably, as if she had never seen a father and daughter looking for trouble, as some passers-by did not know what happened whats the matter.

"Why are you arguing so well? What happened now, and the woman doesn't seem to have a local accent. Could it be that something happened here? What's going on?"

"If you don't know about other people's affairs, we'd better not get involved. Let them explain this kind of thing clearly. Let's go and hurry up, don't bother so much."

"After watching the excitement for a while, I don't know what I'm arguing about. I'll be a melon-eating crowd next to me."


For a moment, Qiao Moli was upset when everyone was here, and she finally calmed down a little and blew a cool breeze, and her mood was not so bad. In a blink of an eye, she was scolded by someone pointing at Dongfang, and she suddenly became irritable .

"What's the matter with you, you just find someone to scold you for no reason. Are you crazy or not? It's up to me what I want to do. What's the point of not coming here?"

The woman rolled her eyes, as if she couldn't bear the way he said it, and then fell again at this moment. The woman was indeed very angry, pointing at him and wanting to continue cursing, but the two daughters kept dragging He, don't let him rush forward, she can only restrain herself.

"Now are you clear about the situation? In all things, you are causing trouble yourself. If you make things clear and don't lie to us, why am I so angry now? You caused me and my two daughters to talk here, you said You have done nothing wrong, who would believe you!"

The woman really couldn't hold back her anger. She felt that this woman was clearly a local, and she also knew that there was no place to go to that place. Are the friendly locals up there?
"Oh, I think what you say is really unreasonable. Now the classmate stipulates that you must guide others. I wonder if what he guides is all my thoughts. Does my matter have something to do with you? ? Why do you want to meddle in my affairs? Well, don’t take things seriously when the time comes, you don’t have anything to do with my affairs, so don’t be so annoying here!”

Why did you turn around and leave immediately after saying this, but the father and daughter and the two daughters were both angry, and after all, they couldn't restrain their emotions at this moment. Seeing Qiao Muli driving a bicycle from the side, she wanted to leave Immediately, the atmosphere came, and he rushed forward and dragged her car, regretting not letting her drive.

"You woman didn't give me a reason not to leave. I'm ashamed to let you be so rampant. You are here to deceive others and feel sorry for others. You are reasonable, right? You caused my two daughters to be like this. Now you Without a word of explanation, and still being so arrogant, it seems that you, a woman, are indebted to discipline, so I will take good care of you!"

The woman doesn't care whether her two daughters are watching or how many people are watching. At this moment, her emotions have come to a point and she can no longer restrain her. I just hope that there will be an explanation for this matter. That's all, she didn't want to be bullied just like that.

Then Chocho never thought that the back table behind him would be suddenly pulled by someone, he was completely defenseless, Xin, just fell off the car completely, at that moment the sharp stone next to him pierced his knee, His face was pale from the pain, and he screamed loudly.

"You shrew, how dare you treat me like this, you want to die, don't you? Who let you sit on this cat in my Chaohu Lake, I will go to the police station to sue you, and make you pay for everything!"

As soon as Qiao Moli spoke, she couldn't choose what to say. At this moment, the woman betrayed her father after hearing it. He is a single mother with two daughters. He finally came to sit in the city next to him when he had a vacation. Playing, he also knew that he would meet such a savage person, and now he went forward to grab the car. How could he have thought of such a serious consequence, and the other party would need to ruin them. No matter what, he couldn't calm down.

"How can you be like this? You didn't just say that you want us to pay for this matter. If you want to be normal, you will lose your fortune. If you didn't want to frame me and need my part, you would be so angry with me. I Isn't it just to let you go a few ways? Is it necessary for you to treat me like this?"

The woman was so angry that he didn't know what else to do with this matter. Now that the whole matter has developed to this point, what else can be done, but the most important thing is to settle the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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