Chapter 1384
Sometimes people will always do things against their will when faced with interests, just like Qiao Muli himself facing the agent, he and his grandson decided that he must part ways, and even divided the two people's property. Clearly.

But she didn't expect that in the face of interests, she still chose to bow her head.

I feel that I don't need to be so decisive in everything, and maybe I try to cooperate with him, as long as I control everything to a certain point, I can continue to maintain the relationship between them, there is no need to do Keep their affairs directly in the relationship between them, there is no need to absolutely treat their affairs as something that cannot be reversed.

People have to live without the key points. Only when you think about things clearly and know how to do these things can you decide what you should do in the end, otherwise you will always make bad decisions, and you will always make yourself unhappy. Satisfied, it is better to think about how to deal with this matter.

"You said that you need to use his shoulders to stand up again. This is not an easy task. You also know that after Xiaobai has experienced a loss once, it is impossible to experience it again. For him As far as you are concerned, your own interests come first, and you framed him so much back then, how could he let you have the opportunity to hurt him now, let alone the relationship you rejected, when will it get better?"

After the manager heard the plan Qiao Moli said, he didn't get raised eyebrows and asked him. He couldn't understand what he said. How did they reconcile and retreat later? The relationship between the sisters has always been that the score of discord and the relationship between them are incompatible, as long as they meet, they will fight.

But now two people can fight side by side, and believe in the characteristics of each other's relationship. He still heard it from Silence, otherwise he would think it was an even more nonsense joke.

But now even if Qiao Moli told him personally, he still couldn't calm down and believed what he said. After all, it's too impossible, right? It's like telling him a joke, he won't Really treat this matter as the truth, and put this matter on the negative list forever.

The care of the two sisters is very bad. It has been like this since they were young. How could they suddenly reconcile when they grow up, and when they grow up, people will put their interests first. How could they still believe in the so-called sisters? Love is deep, and the relationship that was bad when I was young will be reconciled when I grow up.

At this moment, the manager suddenly felt that Qiao Moli was joking with him, and he didn't believe what she said at all.

Then Qiao Moli didn't care. She was treated like a flower inside. Even if she didn't believe in any of herself, he felt that it didn't matter. Facing the present, he didn't need the trust of his agent. People can help themselves, and now the agent is just a tool for him, and it has no other role.

"Then I didn't think too much about it. Since the two of us are partners now, I'll just tell you the matter directly. Anyway, there is no need for us to hide from each other when we are together, right? ?Some things are directly revealed, so that the sense of trust between two people can be strengthened, so since I said so, I will tell you the truth directly. "

Qiao Moli smiled, her eyes were only a bit of his, and she felt that although he didn't believe her and even said that she was skeptical about what she said, but now he didn't care, Because as long as you can get the results you want for these things, what else does it matter.

"Actually, Xiaobai approached me when he was in prison. This matter should be predictable. How did I know about you? I learned from Xiaobai that he mentioned something about me. To be able to talk about what you're not doing behind your back."

The manager didn't expect that Qiao Moli would suddenly expose what she had done before. At this moment, she seemed a little indifferent on the surface, and could only lower her head in embarrassment. But now he still feels a little resentful. If you talk too much about these things, he must have lived a happy life abroad now.

"Oh, forget about the past, don't mention Taobao, anyway, it's a hurtful thing, let's have a good talk, let him pass those things now, and then I will definitely not do that You just trust me."

The manager was using it as a cover, and wanted to brush off the matter, and then start dating this week. It's very simple. If there is a chance, Xiaobai must give that woman a good lesson, and it's not a troublesome person like him who comes out. If the situation is mixed up, things like this will not be in such a state now.He would not speak in a low voice like the dead woman in front of him, nor would he want to coax him. These days, he has already lived a happy life abroad, drinking fine wine and hugging beauties, and there are sailboats waiting for him.

But now he wants to say goodbye to all those things completely. He can only go back to the country and continue to be his bitter manager. If anyone is unhappy, he will vent his anger on himself, but he can't do anything, he can only bear it obediently , this feeling is simply too aggrieved.

"Yeah, it's all over, and there's nothing to mention. I'm just talking casually, and you don't need to think about it in your heart. Anyway, those things, no matter how much you mention them, it doesn't make sense to me, but to you It's just a warning, no one needs to tell this matter, and I didn't mean it."

Qiao Moli seemed to be able to see through what Xiao Ming was thinking at this moment, she smiled very casually, but then there was an inexplicable light in her eyes, waiting for this man.

After saying this, he was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something, he added, "There are some things that don't need to be kept in mind, anyway, I didn't say what to do about it now, but In the future, let this matter be settled now."

Qiao Moli smiled indifferently, but when she spoke, her eyes were full of sarcasm. I just want to see what is in front of me. How could he not know that the police dog is just guilty?

If it wasn't for the agent who hurt him, he wouldn't be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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