Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 211 Humble Xiaoyi, Driving Online

Chapter 211 Humble Xiaoyi, Driving Online

She fell silent for a while, she didn't think that that incident left a mark on his heart, and it was the kind that couldn't be easily erased...

Fu Yanshen heard the words, turned her around with a low smile, looked into her eyes and said word by word, "However, even though it has been a long time, when I close my eyes, I can still think of the feeling at that time. When I dreamed back at midnight, And sleepless nights because of it. In my heart, it never really passed. It's so deep... Do you understand?"
Qiao Qiancen walked beside Ethan, and Fu Yanshen walked behind them. They came out of a wilderness and walked towards the car parked in the distance.

At this moment, Ethan felt his back getting cold, but he could only straighten his back and continue to walk firmly.

After such a thing happened just now, Qiao Qiancen didn't want to walk with Fu Yanshen. Even if he explained, he still couldn't calm down for a while, so he could only walk beside Ethan, ignoring the man behind him.

Fu Yanshen was watching their almost touching hands from behind. At this moment, his eyes dimmed, and he wanted to pull the little girl back to his side.However, knowing that she was still sulking, she had no choice but to endure it temporarily and give up.

And poor Ethan, who has been with Fu Yanshen for so long, naturally knows that he is a very possessive person, how dare he show any hint of getting close to Qiao Qiancen, even with his hands tucked in his sleeves, not at all. Dare to stick out.

Finally, after finally walking to the side of the car, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally be relieved.

Even though his back was facing Fu Yanshen just now, he could feel the scorching gaze behind him, so cold, so penetrating, so making him shiver...

How would you know, but at this moment, Qiao Qiancen directly opened the driver's door, "I'll sit with you."

At this time, Fu Yanshen was walking to the back seat and just opened the car door. Seeing this scene, his eyes sank slightly.

Ethan had just sat down on the driver's seat when he heard these words. At this moment, he almost broke down and wanted to cry.

Auntie, if you lose your temper, you lose your temper. Don't let him, an innocent human being, be implicated!Didn't you see Mr. Fu's eyes about killing people?If this continues, he is afraid that he will die young!

Her heart was full of helplessness, but at this moment, Qiao Qiancen didn't seem to feel anything unusual, directly injured the passenger seat, and then started to put on her seat belt, without looking at him at all.

Ethan had no choice but to sit in the driver's seat aggrieved. He glanced at the rear seat from the inside rearview mirror, but met Fu Yan's deep and dark eyes. At that moment, his heart skipped a beat. half a beat...


"Back to the apartment."

Fu Yanshen finally lowered his face and gave instructions while fastening his seat belt.

Ethan was about to agree, but in the next second, he heard Qiao Qiancen's voice, "Go back to the crew first."

Ethan petrified again, so where should he go?
An apartment, a crew, these are two different directions!

She raised her eyes to look at Qiao Qiancen, unexpectedly she didn't even look at him at all, she looked at the front coldly, but had no choice but to look at Fu Yanshen, her eyes were humble, helpless, and bewildered...

Humble Yi, drive online.

"Go to the set!"

Fortunately, Fu Yanshen still didn't make things difficult for him.

(End of this chapter)

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