Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 218 What Face Are You Putting On Us? !

Chapter 218 What Face Are You Putting On Us? !
Thinking of this, Yi Xueyang could not help but smile, and danced around the field, and then came to the judges again.

She was about to raise the hem of her skirt slightly and circle around in front of everyone, but she just stood on tiptoe, and the next second, the pain intensified!

Yi Xueyang couldn't hold back for a while, she let out a cry of pain, and threw herself on the judges' table in front of her!
"what happened?"

"Yi Xueyang! What are you doing?!"

"Whether you can dance or not, you can't even control the basic balance!"


The judges saw so many people dancing, and it was the first time they saw someone dancing and falling on the table of the judges.I was so angry that I couldn't help scolding people.

And Yi Xueyang's complexion was extremely ugly, she lowered her head to look at her shoes, blood was already oozing slightly!

what happened?Didn't she put the glass shards in...

"Go on! What kind of a person like you is! You must be lazy in dancing!" The dance coach saw that his students danced so badly, worse than a beginner, and felt that all the glory on the face was covered by Yi Xue Yang lost it all!
Yi Xueyang bit her lip in humiliation, but she could only lower her head and said nothing, exited the stage, and went out silently.

"Yangyang! How is the dance?!"

"Have you performed supernormally?!"

As soon as they came out of the door, Qiao Qiancen and Xia Han had already lined up at the door. Both of them had put on their makeup, one was beautiful and the other was clear, with confident and hopeful smiles on their faces.

At this moment, Yi Xueyang looked at their smiles, and felt that they were so fake and ironic!They must have found the shards of glass she sent and put them back in her shoes instead.

But now, they are still pretending to care about her, pretending to be nice people.

Resentment flashed across Yi Xueyang's eyes, she gave them a final look, turned around and left.

She will never see these two fake people again!At this moment, they must be scolding her in their hearts!

"Hey, what's wrong with her? What face is she making with us?! Have we offended her?" After all, Xia Han was a person who was raised with praise. Seeing that she cared for her with good intentions, but was treated coldly, Unable to swallow this breath, he cursed directly.

And Qiao Qiancen's eyes flashed with doubts. After thinking for a while, he still hesitated and said, "Maybe, she missed the jump, and she is in a bad mood..."

She said this on her mouth, but she remembered her last look in her heart.

Full of resentment, resentment, jealousy...

It's like regenerating their breath.

Qiao Qiancen was full of doubts and couldn't figure it out, but she still didn't say it out of fear of arousing the impatient Xia Han next to her, and planned to ask her after the game.
In the end, both Qiao Qiancen and Xia Han performed normally, finished a dance perfectly, and bowed to step down.

I usually practice hard up and down, and I have never been absent seriously.It's almost the same when I'm really on the field.

But when they went to the backstage to find Yi Xueyang, they found that she was also missing, and even took everything away.

Qiao Qiancen and Xia Han looked at each other with a bad premonition in their hearts. Sure enough, they turned off the phone and did not reply to the text message.

"What's going on with Yi Xueyang? If you have something to say, just say it. We are friends and we can solve it together!"

"Really, are we worrying about it because we don't understand it? It's okay to reply a text message!"

Xia Han looked very dissatisfied, his face was full of anger.

Qiao Qiancen patted her on the back lightly, knowing that she has always been a knife-mouthed bean curd, and she must be very concerned about Yi Xueyang in her heart, so she comforted her, "Okay, Xia Han, maybe Yangyang wants to be alone. Now, let's let her calm down for a while, and she will definitely contact us again."

(End of this chapter)

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