Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 223 Who Will Guarantee Your Future Happy Life?

Chapter 223 Who Will Guarantee Your Future Happy Life?

Qiao Qiancen was startled for a moment, but still nodded, as a sign of agreement.

She just wasn't used to the original two-person world with one more person.

And thinking that they will have to deal with his family sooner or later when they get married, it might be a good thing to get acquainted with him now...

Qiao Qiancen comforted himself in his heart.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Qiao Qiancen leaned his head against the window glass, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the man who was driving.

He stared straight ahead, his face was still as clear and handsome as in his impression, with deep eyes, high nose bridge, thin lips, and smooth outline of his side face, the whole face seemed to be finely carved, Sophisticated and perfect...

Qiao Qiancen remembered that when they were just together, she was often jealous of his looks, thinking in her heart why he could look so delicate by himself, he was much better looking than many girls.

If he is really a girl, wouldn't the world be in chaos?I'm afraid thousands of men will go crazy over her...

Thinking about it, she suddenly laughed.

Fu Yanshen glanced at her from the rearview mirror and saw her smiling. Although he knew that he was thinking bad things about him again, he was still very satisfied and happy at this moment.

There have been cold wars between them for so many days, and no one knows how he has lived these days. Thinking about her hurts his heart, but he can only wait until she falls asleep every night before daring to go into the room, quietly Staring at her sleeping face, kissed her forehead lightly.

I was afraid that if I accidentally woke her up, she would be even more angry with herself...

But now they can get along in such a harmonious way, which is something he dare not even think about.

"Silly girl, what are you laughing at? So happy?"

He asked while looking at her in the rearview mirror while manipulating the steering wheel.

When Qiao Qiancen thought of Fu Yanshen's long hair in a skirt and a group of men chasing behind her, she couldn't hold back her smile.

"I, I'm thinking, if you become a woman, will you be very...attractive? Hahahaha..."

As soon as Qiao Qiancen finished speaking, he started laughing again.

The gully glacier between the two seemed to melt and thaw at this moment, the corners of Fu Yanshen's mouth curled up slightly, even though he heard her making fun of him, he still didn't feel angry at all.

"I become a woman? Then you will be sad!"

He looked indifferent, while driving the car, with a calm demeanor.

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help being aroused with curiosity, and said with a face of dissatisfaction, "Oh? Why? You are so confident that I will feel sad because of you?"

She raised her eyebrows, as if to annoy him on purpose, and said directly, "I won't, there is one more in this world...cough cough, a beautiful woman like you, haha...why should I be sad? Woolen cloth?"

Fu Yan smiled lightly, and replied very naturally, "Because I'm going to become a man? Who will guarantee your happy life in the future?"

After the words fell, Qiao Qiancen was stunned for a moment, and her cheeks blushed when she realized it. She was ashamed and angry, and immediately wanted to hit this hateful man.

"'re shameless! I'm have to!"

She thought of the last four words on the spur of the moment, and retorted directly for the sake of her dignity.

But who knows that the voice fell, "Zhi——"

The car stopped suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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