Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 231 Brother Yan Shen Treated Me The Best

Chapter 231 Brother Yan Shen Treated Me The Best
At this moment, Qiao Qiancen looked at her empty eyes, and couldn't help reaching out and shaking her hand in front of her.

But she can't see anything, she doesn't react at all, even her eyes are empty...

Sure enough, as Fu Yanshen said, her eyes can no longer see...

"Zhi'er, this matter will be a secret between you and me from now on, don't let others know, especially Mom, do you understand?" Fu Yan looked at Yan Zhi'er deeply, and reminded in a gentle voice.

And Zhi'er nodded slightly when he heard the words, very obedient and obedient.

"Brother Yan Shen, I will listen to you, and I will definitely not let others know."

"Be good, Zhi'er, these are the new clothes I bought for you." Fu Yan was so relieved that she knew that Zhi'er would listen to her.

Turning around, he handed a pair of bags to Qiao Qiancen, "Qiancen, I temporarily tidy up a room for Zhi'er, which is the room next to ours, which is more spacious, you can take her to change clothes first. "

"Today, I'll be in charge of making some food for you guys. The girl Zhi'er always says she wants to eat my cooking. It's rare that I have time today, so let her wish come true."

Fu Yan smiled lightly, her handsome face was full of helplessness and doting.

Qiao Qiancen took the bag and finally smiled and nodded, "Got it, go cook."

She is slowly digesting this fact in her heart. Anyway, she will live with Zhier for a period of time in the future, and she is Fu Yanshen's younger sister. She might as well get used to getting along early, maybe in the future, she can become a relationship like friends and sisters.

"Zhier, this is your room. From now on, remember to turn into the corridor from the hall and pass through three rooms. This is your room."

Qiao Qiancen led her to find the way, and explained the location of the kitchen and bathroom, while Zhi'er listened quietly and obediently, nodding from time to time.She recognized the way very quickly, and memorized the general structure of the entire apartment in one go.

When she came to the room with the bag of clothes, she took out the clothes that Fu Yanshen bought and prepared to change them for her.

Clinker Zhi'er smiled and refused, saying that she was already used to it by herself and could do it by herself.

Qiao Qiancen didn't argue much, so she agreed. She just turned her back and waited beside her, worrying that she might bump into her when she got out of the room.

After a while, Zhi'er's clothes were changed, and Qiao Qiancen was a little stunned when he turned around to look.

This is a pink dress, with her long black hair hanging down her shoulders, the whole person looks youthful and beautiful, so good-looking that people can't take their eyes off it.

"Sister Qiancen, do I look good in this dress?"

The little girl loves beauty, so she couldn't help asking about the effect once she put it on, but Qiao Qiancen smiled lightly and praised, "It looks good, it looks good, this dress is really suitable for children."

She did not expect that Fu Yanshen, a man with such good eyesight, even chose the right size, wearing it like a little princess on her body.

"Brother Yan Shen is the best to me. He knows what clothes suit me, and he often buys them for me. Many people say they look good when they see them."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Zhi'er's mouth. This sentence did not mean to show off at all, but his tone was full of admiration and respect for Fu Yanshen.

Qiao Qiancen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and laughed, "Yes, you occupy a very important position in his heart."

 It's on the shelves, and the cuties with monthly tickets vote for it~ Trojan horse?

(End of this chapter)

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