Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 244 It is clearly Zhang Qingchun's face, but his eyes are full of fierceness

Chapter 244 It is clearly Zhang Qingchun's face, but his eyes are full of fierceness

The tall man stood behind her, watching what she did, and never said a word, as if waiting for her to respond.

But the eyes, at the moment when the flower branches were cut short, turned a little bit gray.

"Things with sharp thorns should be cut and destroyed, and be used by me. In this way, that thing will have no chance to hurt me again, don't you think?"

The woman said in an unhurried tone, while she was talking, she used scissors to cut off the sharp thorns on the flower branch, and then, the woman chuckled and pinned the flower to her ear.

Turning around, she looked at the man with a bright smile.

It was clearly a pure, beautiful and peaceful face, but the eyes were full of viciousness and viciousness, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

It seems harmless, but it hides its sharp claws and fangs in the dark, waiting for you to deliver a fatal blow when you don't pay attention...

The man's heart was slightly calm, but he never said a word, just nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, the woman raised one corner of her lips, with a look of disdain and sarcasm, "The next task is the same, there is no need to do anything. Continue to win her trust until she is willing to listen to you 100%."

After the words fell, the man stared at the woman with deep eyes, and his thin lips under the black mask were tightly pursed into a straight line.

"Why do I do these things? It seems that I have not made any progress towards my goal? I'm getting impatient!"

The man's attitude was considered respectful, but after hearing what the woman said, he was no longer willing to endure it, and directly yelled at the showdown!

But Wen Yan, the expression on the woman's face remained the same, but her eyes narrowed slightly inaudibly. She walked in front of him slowly, still smiling purely and innocently.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, suddenly, a small white hand pinched his throat!Five fingers hard!As if to kill him!

"Are you distrusting me and suspecting that I use you?"

The man grabbed the woman's small hand with his big hand and struggled, his eyes fixed on the woman, but he didn't use all his strength to break free.

His face was livid, but his face was covered by a black mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

But the woman just sneered, the corners of her mouth looked sinister and fierce, like a porcelain doll walking out of hell.

"Warning, this is the last time, if you dare to speak rudely in the future, you will only end up-death!"
Every day, Qiao Qiancen seems to be having fun, watching the black people on the Internet spraying her, what kind of marketing accounts are rhythmic, and making up all kinds of stories about her.

Talk about how many godfathers she had, how romantic and happy she was, how many abortions she had...

And Qiao Qiancen always took an apple and gnawed it, shaking his head and sighing while eating. This year's netizens are not good, and they are taken away with a random sentence. Then when her "trump card" is released, wouldn't it be a bunch of people? Want to slap in the face?

While watching happily, at this time, a call came, Qiao Qiancen glanced at the caller, hung up without thinking, and continued to eat his "melons" online.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the call came again, and Qiao Qiancen hung up again.

I thought I could finally calm down for a while, but when she got excited again, the phone rang...

This time, Qiao Qiancen finally couldn't bear to connect directly, but she wanted to see what this man really wanted to do? !

But she didn't speak, just waiting for him to explain, but she didn't want to, but the man on the other end of the phone said directly, "What's the matter? Seeing that I called you, I couldn't say anything that touched me." ?”

 The sixth update is over∽If you have votes, please vote for it, and you must vote for the monthly ticket recommendation ()
(End of this chapter)

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