Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 262 See it clearly!This is a termination order!

Chapter 262 See it clearly!This is a termination order!
"What! All canceled?!"

Qiao Moli was shocked when she heard this!Looking at Ai Min in disbelief, a feeling of collapse and anger surged up!
"How can this be! Didn't we sign a contract with them? How can we just cancel it! I want to sue them! This is a violation of the terms of the contract!"

Qiao Moli shouted without any image at all, the bad days she thought were finally coming to an end, and the spring of her career was finally coming, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a daydream!
How could she accept it!

"Stop! Why are you suing others! You were right when you said you were a pig! Now that your reputation has been ruined and you have committed acts of deceiving the public, it's fine if the company doesn't sue you. How dare you turn against me?" Sue people in the past?! You are out of your mind!"

Ai Min said angrily, with a merciless tone, remembering that during this period of time, he had fantasized that Qiao Moli could become popular and bring him a lot of benefits, but now he found that everything was in vain, and he couldn't help but explode!

Qiao Moli was very dissatisfied with being scolded. Thinking of how he has been currying favor with her these past few days, but now he is berating her so mercilessly, he is full of anger and unwillingness!
However, thinking that I have nothing to rely on at this time, and I will rely on him to bring me resources in the future, I had to hold back my anger, and smiled flatteringly, "I'm sorry, Ai Min, I didn't expect that woman Qiao Qiancen to be so Vicious! I even secretly recorded a video! Sending it out at this time is completely driving me to a dead end!"

Ai Min sneered when he heard this.

"You only know now! She has been silent for the past few days. In fact, she is hiding this trick and deliberately releasing it when the public opinion is the hottest. The purpose is to play you to death! In the end, she will gain a lot of heat and Netizens' guilt kills two birds with one stone!"

When Qiao Moli heard this, she gritted her teeth in regret!The eyes are staring!

"It seems that I have been the one who underestimated her all this time! This time, she actually turned her back! Qiao Qiancen, she really is not as weak and innocent as she appears on the surface!"

Ai Min raised the corners of his lips in mockery, "Now! What's the use of you talking about this anymore! Qiao Qiancen has already gained both fame and fortune! Now, you are the one who is being abused and despised by the whole network! I see you this time, How else can I do it!"

Qiao Moli gritted her teeth, feeling unwilling. After thinking about it for a while, she lowered her posture and said flatteringly, "Brother Ai Min, please give me one more chance! As long as you invest resources in me, I guarantee that there will be unexpected surprises." harvest!"

She tried to increase opportunities for herself, paused, and said, "I'm hot enough now, netizens will pay attention to me, as long as I perform well enough, I can still be popular!"

After the words fell, Ai Min looked at her with a smile, and the strange smile made her inexplicably uneasy.

"Give you another chance?"

Qiao Moli no doubt had his nod, her eyes were very warm, thinking that Ai Min was really willing to give herself a chance.

But when the voice fell, Ai Min picked up the phone again, and showed her a chat record!

"See clearly for yourself, this is a verbal order from the boss to terminate the contract with you! I believe that within two days, you will receive the official contract termination document!"

These words hit Qiao Moli's heart like a blow to the head!

(End of this chapter)

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