Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 271 What Is This Man Here For?

Chapter 271 What Is This Man Here For?
Fu Yanshen looked at her back with some doubts, and then followed where she pointed, but there was still nothing...

But after the voice fell, Qiao Qiancen stopped the swing on his own initiative, turned around, looked at him nervously and said, "No! There was a real person just now. I saw it with my own eyes. It is impossible to make mistakes! That person is standing there The position is watching us!"

Qiao Qiancen felt extremely uneasy, that person was extremely weird just now, the balcony was not turned on, and the whole room had no light coming through, yet there was clearly someone standing there just now!

Just staring at them without moving like that was clearly a deliberate act!
In other words, it is monitoring them!

She is very confident in her eyesight. She has never been short-sighted since she was a child. She is not addicted to games, nor does she play too much with mobile phones and computers, so her eyesight has always been very good.

But just now, she really saw a figure, and she backed away when she found out. This was clearly a voyeuristic intentional attempt!

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen felt cold sweat all over his body, and he had an ominous premonition. He always felt that something was about to happen...

Seeing the exact appearance of what she said, Fu Yan knew in her heart that she was serious. After thinking about it, for the sake of safety and for her peace of mind, she called the property management of the apartment.

I wanted to ask what was going on in the apartment upstairs, but the response was a very definite answer from the property staff.

"Mr. Fu, no one has lived in that house for a year, so the situation you just mentioned should be impossible..."

Qiao Qiancen was listening together, hearing the words, Fu Yanshen and her looked at each other, but Qiao Qiancen shook his head vigorously, apparently not believing the answer.

Fu Yanshen thought about it in silence, and then said to the staff on the other end of the phone, "Then, send someone to check tomorrow, and be sure to give us an accurate answer."

"Okay, Mr. Fu, we will."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Qiancen closed his eyes tiredly and leaned into Fu Yanshen's arms.

"I just, really..."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Yanshen gently held her little hand, "I know, you must have really seen it, and you didn't talk nonsense. That's why I asked the property management to check it tomorrow. Don't worry, if there There are really traces of someone showing up, and they will definitely be found out tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, his big hand gently patted her back, trying to calm down her restless heart.

Qiao Qiancen had no choice but to bite her lip slightly, and nodded slightly in response.

I hope, there is nothing wrong with it, it won't be as she imagined...
Qiao Qiancen went back to the company. Today all Moonlight members were going back to the company to discuss future development, and right after the meeting, she had to rush back to the crew to film.

Before leaving by car, he was stopped by a phone call, "Qiancen, come to the conference room on the 13th floor, there is an urgent meeting!"

"But, over there..."

"Ask for leave first."

"……it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Qiancen had no choice but to rush back to the company. When she hurried to the meeting room on the 13th floor, she was stunned as soon as she opened the door to enter...

Not far away, the person sitting on the main seat at the round table of the conference is Shangguan Yuyan!
What did he come to Xingyao for? !

A strange feeling suddenly surged in my heart, and I clenched the hem of my skirt with some unease, looking at the man sitting not far away...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket∽

(End of this chapter)

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