Chapter 273
Shangguan Yuyan's voice rang in her ears, Qiao Qiancen turned her head, and saw him curling his lips slightly, pushing a confidential document in front of her.

For some reason, an unknown fire welled up in her heart at this moment, she looked at the man in front of her, and asked back: "Mr. Shangguan, why do you see it?"

She kept a smile on her face, but her tone of voice was slightly sullen...

She clearly told him more than once that she would never have any contact with him again in the future, and she would not let others know about their previous intersection. She wanted to start over and make a break with everything in the past.

However, he seemed unwilling to let her get what she wanted, always violated her bottom line again and again, and looked at her with a smile, as if she didn't know anything.

This man just doesn't want to make her feel better!
Sister Jessie felt the sullenness in Qiao Qiancen's tone, and felt a little uneasy. She didn't understand what the two of them had in common, which would make Qiao Qiancen, who was always good-tempered, angry. It was clear that Shangguan Yuyan hadn't done anything.

What's strange is that Mr. Shangguan, who has always been rumored to be ruthless, didn't look angry at all. He just looked at Qiao Qiancen with a smile on his lips, as if he had already expected her reaction...

What is the relationship between them?
"Miss Qiao might as well open it up and take a look, maybe you'll be really interested in what's inside?"

Shangguan Yuyan looked at her leisurely, leaning back with a tall body, with clear eyes, like a male protagonist who came out of a Korean drama.

However, the evil in his eyes is so obvious that people can't ignore it, let alone take a breath...

Holding back her temper, she had no choice but to open the confidential document and pull out the document paper inside, but unexpectedly, she found a corner that looked like a photo.

Doubt and uneasiness flashed between her eyebrows, and when she carefully took out the photo and was about to take a look, she only glanced at it, and her face turned pale from shock!
She slapped the file bag on the table and looked at Shangguan Yuyan in shock, as if she couldn't believe that he would do this...

"Are you crazy?!"

She lowered her voice, and fixed her eyes on the man beside her. After she finished speaking, the corners of the man's mouth curved upwards.

He also lowered his voice, but he approached her with a smile, and said, "Yes, I'm crazy, because of you, I've been crazy for a long time..."

Qiao Qiancen's long eyelashes trembled, and the hand resting on the file bag couldn't help tightening, as if he was about to be unable to restrain himself, he slapped the man's face directly.

There are too many people here, can't...

"Mr. Shangguan, so these are the conditions in your so-called confidentiality agreement. Could it be...too despicable?"

She suppressed her anger and watched him speak word by word.

After one sentence fell, everyone in the audience was shocked except for the two of them.

How dare Qiao Qiancen speak to Shangguan Yuyan like this, is she crazy?Do you still want to hang out in the future? !

But when everyone was sweating for Qiao Qiancen, they heard Shangguan Yuyan's low laugh.

His tall body sat back on his seat, gently rubbing the center of his brows, "Miss Qiao should know that I am a businessman, and a businessman pays attention to profit, so why would he care about being mean or not? The so-called soldiers are not tired of deceit, don't you think so?"

In a word, neither anger nor displeasure.

On the contrary, it is more like, with a bit of teasing...

(End of this chapter)

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