Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 279 1 Everything will be fine

Chapter 279 Everything will be fine
Her gentle comforting voice sounded, and Ai Wanyuan, who was sad and sad, couldn't help being stunned when she heard this sentence, she raised her head, her eyes were red, and her face was still full of tears.

"Really? I'm here now? Can I still have a chance? But it's clear...he has clearly rejected me?"

Ai Wanyuan couldn't accept this fact in her heart, but now that Qiao Qiancen gave her hope, she held onto it tightly as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, never daring to let go.

"That's right, if that man is not with the girl he likes, you can pursue him again. At the beginning, you don't have to say that you still like him. You can say that you are doing it again from a friend." Let's start, strive for more opportunities to get along, if this continues, I believe it will be fine if you fall in love with each other."

Qiao Qiancen looked at her and smiled, giving her confidence and hope.

Hearing this, Ai Wanyuan's heart that was almost broken was finally repaired. She looked at Qiao Qiancen, she only felt grateful in her heart, and suddenly realized...

Yes, so what if he rejects her now?In the future, she still has a chance...

As long as we get along more, there must be a chance to be together...

After all, how can it be possible to say let go of someone who has loved him for so many years, and he can really let go.

"Thank you Qiancen. In the future, I will not give up so easily. Thank you for enlightening me. I am really much better now."

Ai Wanyuan looked at her with red eyes and raised her lips, like a rainbow after the rain, so fresh and bright.

Qiao Qiancen saw that her friend was in a better mood, so she was also happy.He reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "Yes, it's no big deal, just stand up again after falling down, now, all you have to do is recharge your energy and stand in front of him with your best appearance!"

"Okay! You're right!"

Ai Wanyuan looked at Qiao Qiancen, and laughed too. At this moment, the distance between them seemed to be much closer, and they also sincerely wanted to treat each other well and be happy for each other.

But they just don't know each other, what they love so much is actually the same man...
"Yesterday's episode was broadcast, and the response was very good! It can be seen that the audience has a very good impression of you!"

The assistant stood behind Qiao Qiancen and smiled heartily for her.

The make-up artist was helping Qiao Qiancen with her hairstyle, and when she heard the assistant say this, she couldn't help but chuckled, "What's the matter, have you forgotten, how miserable I was scolded before! Hey~"

The voice fell, and the makeup artist also laughed, "Yeah, I also saw it on the Internet at that time, and it was terrible to scold sister Qiaoqiao! I am still doubting that the one who scolded her at the beginning, and the one who is holding her now Hers, is it a group of people?"

"Hey, don't, don't, don't, don't, I can't bear it!" Qiao Qiancen said jokingly, as if he had been frightened, "The person who scolds me one time and praises me the next time, I really can't bear it!" If you’re scared, it’s better not to pay attention to me.”

The assistant smiled lightly and poked her on the back with his finger, "You, you, isn't it good for someone to pay attention? I don't know how much others envy you."

As soon as they said it, Yin Susu and her little follower came in just in time. When they heard this sentence, the faces of several people immediately changed.

Especially Yin Susu, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot!
She was a popular heroine in this show, but she was scolded by a group of people. It was a big joke!

(End of this chapter)

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