Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 283 What If It Was Fu Yanshen? !

Chapter 283 What If It Was Fu Yanshen? !

And after one sentence fell, as if that sentence finally hit the defense in the man's heart, the smile on his face finally froze for a moment...

"We are so strange to each other? Is it true that if Fu Yanshen was here today, you would be eager to sit down and chat with him? How many hours? It doesn't matter how many days and nights?"

He suddenly stopped smiling, with a cold and indifferent expression on his face, just like her first impression of him, indifferent as if he came from a place of ice and snow, unkind...

Listening to his words, Qiao Qiancen felt inexplicable in his heart, bit his lip, turned around and was about to leave.

Shangguan Yuyan is a psychopath!Ask her to come out here, and don't explain clearly what's going on, just talk about inexplicable things!
And thinking of this, at this moment, she had already turned around and was about to leave, when suddenly, a big hand grabbed her from behind, with a little force, she was directly pulled into a big embrace.

The man used a lot of strength, but the strength of men and women is very different. Now that he is still trying his best, how can Qiao Qiancen be his opponent?
"You! What are you doing! Let me go!" Qiao Qiancen panicked, frowning slightly, trying to struggle away.

One is that she doesn't want to have more contact with this man, and the other is that she is worried that a reporter will take pictures of this scene, and if she posts it on the Internet, she will be finished!

But at this moment, Shangguan Yuyan deliberately imprisoned her as if he just refused to let her get what she wanted.Lowering his head, he smiled lowly in her ear, and said in a magnetic voice, "Qiao Qiancen, you haven't answered my question yet, how about it, will you? If it was Fu Yanshen today, wouldn't you wish he didn't leave? ?”

Qiao Qiancen was almost driven crazy!
She couldn't struggle no matter what, and this man didn't show any signs of letting go, he clearly did it on purpose!

At last.She had no choice but to yell, "No way! Can't it work?! We won't just sit here!"

She didn't know what kind of nerves Shangguan Yuyan was having, and suddenly asked such a question, she had to force her to answer it!
Besides, she and Fu Yanshen are not fools, why do they have to sit in the coffee shop for so long, they can still go to the movies, eat, go shopping, and do a lot of interesting things.

However, after Qiao Qiancen's words fell, Shangguan Yuyan seemed to feel the meaning of speechlessness in her words, as if the smile that had disappeared had gradually recovered.

It was as if she just said something that made him happy...

Qiao Qiancen just thought this man was really weird!I have no idea what he was thinking!
He took two steps back and looked at him vigilantly with distrust in his eyes, "Okay, I've finished answering your question, now, can I leave?"

She had nothing to say to him.

After the words were finished, Shangguan Yuyan smiled lightly, but instead of answering her question immediately, he clapped his hands, and soon, a woman with a violin came in.

After saying hello to them with a smile, they began to play, and Shangguan Yuyan finally spoke at this time, "Today, may I have the honor to invite Miss Qiao Qiancen to have dinner together?"

Qiao Qiancen thought for a while, and there was a lot of reluctance in his heart...

Just about to refuse, the next second, I heard Shangguan Yuyan's voice, "The photo..."

(End of this chapter)

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