Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 304 He Was Actually Crazy With Jealousy

Chapter 304 He Was Actually Crazy With Jealousy
Fu Yanshen's heart was full of bitterness. He never thought that Qiao Qiancen would be with Shangguan Yuyan. He clearly said that he didn't want to see them together. Why, she just refused to listen to him...

Why?Could it be that in her heart, he is really not that good?Or is it not worth being so heartfelt to him?

It's just that no matter what the answer is, he feels extremely painful. Why doesn't Qiao Qiancen understand his heart?Why, can't she think more about him?
Did you know that when he saw her with that man today, his whole heart was almost broken.

The girl he loves so much, just leave him like this, and stay with that man like this.

In fact, she didn't know that he was so jealous!No one can help him, no one can understand the pain in his heart, that's why she wants to hurt herself to make her feel her pain...

How can she understand his heart? !

"Fu Yanshen, you, why are you here? Aren't you...drinking inside!"

Qiao Qiancen's tone was a little bit bad. It was because this man didn't do well on his own, so now she naturally couldn't change her attitude towards him all at once.

It's just that Fu Yanshen looks drunk now, she is really worried, and there is no way to leave him alone.

After all, this man made her unable to relax!But when the voice fell, the man behind him fell silent, and the next second he spoke, his voice seemed a little lonely.

"Do you think that I am dispensable... Even without me, there are still Shangguan Yuyan and other men, so I am in your heart, there is nothing worth caring about..."

Some heartbroken voices rang in his ears, and Qiao Qiancen couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect Fu Yanshen to think so.

Didn't he just see her walking with Shangguan Yuyan?This is obviously just playing on the spot, he himself brought a female companion, why is he so concerned about his matter now...

There was some vague worry in her heart, but in the end, she didn't say a word. After all, she didn't do anything wrong now, and no matter what happened, it was the responsibility of the two of them.

He can't accuse her unilaterally!

But when the words fell, Fu Yanshen couldn't wait for Qiao Qiancen's response, and suddenly, he was completely flustered. Looking at Qiao Qiancen, he felt a little uneasy and gloomy.

"Why don't you talk? Is it true that I guessed it? Do you think it's okay to have me or not? Is it in your heart that I don't deserve to care at all?"

Fu Yanshen is like a child, insisting on entangled in this problem, to get a result, but Qiao Qiancen listened, but at this moment, he just felt extremely helpless, why did he have to be so cautious, it was clear that she had done nothing !I didn't feel sorry for him.

Feeling very uncomfortable, gloomy...

"What on earth do you want? Didn't you do the same thing yourself? Why are you only blaming me now? Fu Yanshen, you are unfair to me. Can I also ask you, is there me? It's the same, you can choose Yu Tiantian, I'm not the only one!" After listening to Fu Yanshen's remarks, Qiao Qiancen was not convinced after all, and directly asked the question in reverse.

(End of this chapter)

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