Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 306 She is the only one who makes him feel a sense of failure

Chapter 306 She is the only one who makes him feel a sense of failure

After the words fell, Fu Yan fell silent, and he didn't seem to know how to explain it.When did they start arguing again...

The apex of her heart sank a little, she kept silent without saying a word, but silently hugged Qiao Qiancen more and more tightly.

Between them, they clearly said that there should be no more disputes, because they all knew in their hearts how difficult it was to walk along the way, but now, it has become such a situation, no one is having a hard time, no one will give in, suddenly Force the opponent.

As if I got the answer I wanted, with a resounding ending, I can make myself happy and happy.

It's just clear, no...

They all love each other, but they treat each other like this, as if the relationship between them has reached such a situation, so that no one can regress, and no one can get better.

Qiao Qiancen also understood that Fu Yanshen knew that she was being serious, so she touched slightly quietly, and then she slowly covered Fu Yanshen's hand.

"I don't want to quarrel with you. You have to understand that I don't want to do things that make you unhappy. It's just that sometimes, I have to, I have to... Do you understand?" Qiao Qiancen slowly opened her lips, expressing the loneliness in her heart Come out, "Many times, I don't want to do this at all, I don't want to do it at all, but there is no way, really, there is no way at all..."

Her voice was very low, like a lonely person telling herself the true feelings in her heart, it was so distressing.

Now that they have calmed down, she can finally tell him that her inner thoughts are just for this moment, but she doesn't know how to explain it to him. In fact, she is not happy at all, not at all.

There have been too many things in the recent period, and he didn't understand her, and forced her to such a point, and now, how can I explain to him clearly that she is not what he imagined, and there is no need for her to be like that Do.

She loves him too, why, why doesn't he try to believe her once?

In the past, they separated because of misunderstanding and mistrust. Is it possible that they will repeat the same mistakes in this life?

Qiao Qiancen didn't want this, it wasn't what she wanted to see, and I believe Fu Yanshen certainly didn't want to see it either.

Fu Yan listened deeply to Qiao Qiancen's words. At this moment, her tall body froze slightly, she fell silent and listened to her words and her inner explanation.

In his heart, that somewhat frozen heart finally warmed up slowly and gradually disintegrated...

This is not what should have happened to them. They were finally together again, they should be happy and happy, why now...

"Qiancen, I'm sorry, I...was too impulsive." Fu Yanshen realized her mistake, but after all she was embarrassed, and apologized to her.

He didn't know why he lost his mind so much, but as soon as he knew that she was with Shangguan Yuyan, he couldn't control his emotions. was robbed,
He was worried, panicked, uneasy...

Who can help him, who can understand him?He wanted to tell her, but he was worried that she would find that he was actually not confident.

In all matters, he can be in control with ease, and he believes in his ability and strength.

But only in her, he tasted the feeling of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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