Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 313 How can this happen? !

Chapter 313 How can this happen? !

And Qiao Qiancen was even more stunned, a little surprised in his heart, and looked at the master of the Yu family in puzzlement, and gradually, he seemed to remember something...


She suddenly remembered that on the first day she was reborn, she came to the Yu family's full moon wine banquet, and on that day, she saved the little great-grandson of the Yu family who was killed in the previous life...

Now, it turns out that the master of the Yu family wanted to recognize her as a benefactor because of this incident?
Qiao Qiancen thought of this, and finally understood everything in his heart. It turned out that everything turned out to be like this...

But at this time, the audience in the audience still didn't understand what was going on, especially Yu Tiantian, who was completely dizzy at this time.

Looking at Qiao Qiancen, combined with her grandfather's words, she immediately realized what was going on. Immediately, her eyes widened, and she said in shock, "What do you mean! Could it be the last time Qiao Qiancen rescued him?" It's..."

The master of the Yu family nodded, his eyes were very firm, "It was that time, if it wasn't for her, my little great-grandson and I would have died! It was her who stood up desperately for us. Now, it is time to come When our Yu family compensates others, shouldn't we give this savior a chance to let her understand that our Yu family is not ungrateful?"

Master Yu's words fell, and in an instant, the audience was in an uproar. Unexpectedly, at this time, this woman who looked very weak was actually the savior who saved the master of the Yu family and his great-grandson. At this time, everyone I was very shocked.

This was something they hadn't expected. They thought that this matter would be fruitless in the end, but now it seems that it is the master of the Yu family who is repaying their favor!

This is his savior, he has not forgotten, and there is no easy way to let this matter go,

Now, they finally realized that they were thinking too much!
Immediately, the opinions of the people on the field changed. Those who originally held opposing opinions now also feel that this should be the case. Repaying a favor is a matter of course.If you don't repay your kindness, it would be too unfeeling to treat it as if that incident never happened. How could this be the style of their Yu family? !
It was very clear in her heart that everyone gave in one after another, and Yu Tiantian was completely stunned seeing this situation now. She never thought that other people would shake their original decision because of this, and agreed to let Qiao Qiancen Enter their Yu family to be their family? !
She was shocked and angry at the same time, but helpless, she seemed to have too little strength alone, she just refused, and only she was alone, then everyone else would agree to this matter, no longer have any opinions, just, How can this be? !
This will not work at all!
"You were all deceived by her!" Suddenly, Yu Tiantian's voice came through, and everyone was stunned, looking at her in shock.


What's the meaning? !

And Master Yu looked at Yu Tiantian from the audience with complicated eyes, as if he was a little disappointed in his granddaughter.

"Tian Tian, ​​tell me, how did you cheat? Are you referring to her cheating? Or me?"

Mr. Yu looked at her and asked, feeling a little cold in his heart, and his tone was devoid of emotion.

Hearing this, Yu Tiantian felt a little uneasy, but now, it was too late, she didn't turn back to pay attention to it!

With a slight glint in her eyes, she pointed at Qiao Qiancen and said directly, "That's her! She's been lying to people all along!"

"There's nothing brave at all, it's just a play she directed and acted on her own!"

(End of this chapter)

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