Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 319 How is our Zhang family?

Chapter 319 Shall We Go Home?
At that moment, he was stunned for a moment, thinking of the picture of himself coughing and bleeding just now, he couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

His condition won't be leaked out, right? !Thinking of this, his heart sank at this moment. He didn't know if the other party was an enemy in the mall, or...

His eyes were slightly calm, and he turned around and chased him out. Anyway, the most important thing to do now is to be cautious. If you don't know the origin of the other party, you need to be even more cautious. Even if it is a strange paparazzi reporter, two things may be exposed. !

In the future, not only Fu's stock market will be hit, but the most important thing is that Qiao Qiancen will also feel sad for him. Such a scene is something he doesn't want to touch...

His heart sank slightly, he didn't speak, he buried all his emotions in his heart, he didn't want to deal with it, he didn't want to be found out, he just wanted to keep this secret silently, only he knew it, and it was good if he knew it...

He had immediately chased after him, but the other party seemed to know that he was following, and immediately ran away!Not a single clue was left!

Fu Yanshen felt extremely strange, but there was nothing he could do. That person had completely disappeared into the night, no matter where he went to search, there was no clue!
As if, it was just a ghost!No one at all!

At this moment, his spine felt a little chilled, but he had always believed that there were no ghosts in this world, and he only thought that the scene just now must be caused by humans!
"Fu Yanshen!"

Suddenly, Qiao Qiancen's voice sounded behind him, Fu Yan was startled for a moment, then turned around, "Why are you here?"

His consciousness is full of the figure just now, he just chased here, and that figure disappeared!

Is it possible...

A trace of doubt crossed his mind, but he clearly felt that it was impossible!

How could Qiao Qiancen come here...

"Something happened just now, but now that it's over, I'll come to you, Fu Yanshen, shall we go back? I don't want to stay here anymore."

Qiao Qiancen said with a smile while taking a deep breath, now she is very tired, people here can't bear to bear and speculate on her, which makes her feel physically and mentally exhausted, clearly at first she just followed her heart and did a good deed, but in the end I still have to suffer such a blow, I feel really helpless and sad.

Had she known it would be like this, would she still have done the brave thing?She had doubts in her heart, and after hesitating again and again, she finally thought it would.

After all, I just followed my heart and did a good deed. There is no need to deny myself just because of other people's words. She clearly did a good deed!It's not a bad thing, why should you punish yourself for someone else's mistakes now?
She enlightened herself in her heart, and she felt much better.

When Fu Yan heard Qiao Qiancen's words, he felt a little bit suspicious, but he still didn't say anything, turned around and smiled at her, and took her hand.

"Want to go home? Then go back. Just in time, I'm a little tired too."

Qiao Qiancen nodded with a smile, and leaned her head on his chest while walking out with him.

"Fu Yanshen, let's not let what happened tonight happen again. From now on, let's love each other and be together."

Qiao Qiancen took a deep breath, and smiled at him with relief, but when Fu Yanshen heard the words, the emotion in his eyes was slightly startled.

He naturally understood that what she meant was that they misunderstood each other today, but in the end, he also wanted to agree, but his body...

(End of this chapter)

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