Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 333 Such an explanation is too far-fetched

Chapter 333 Such an explanation is too far-fetched

Cheng Yan seemed to be indifferent to Qiao Qiancen's opinion. When she asked this question, he responded accordingly without saying a word.

Qiao Qiancen only felt a little inexplicable and puzzled in his heart, hesitated for a while, but still didn't say a word in the end.

She couldn't guess what this man was thinking and what his thoughts were.

After all, there is such a close relationship between them...

When he got home, Fu Yanshen had already changed into home clothes, and was sitting on the sofa, working on the computer while wearing a bluetooth headset, as if he was talking on the phone with someone.

From time to time, he uttered a sentence or two, which was short and concise.When Qiao Qiancen came back, he looked up at her, smiled slightly, and nodded his head lightly, as if greeting her.

Qiao Qiancen was a little stunned, then chuckled and walked over.Sitting next to him on the sofa.

"If your subordinates see your current appearance, they will definitely be surprised."

Qiao Qiancen clung to Fu Yanshen's ear and said these words softly, and when the words fell, Fu Yanshen also laughed along with him.

Without explanation, without any more excuses and excuses, he nodded his head to express his agreement.

This is indeed the case...

Those subordinates avoided him like snakes and scorpions, as if they would feel scared and uneasy if she looked at him more than once. Fu Yanshen naturally understood their feelings, and knew that Qiao Qiancen's words were not wrong.

The subordinates in Fu Yanshen's earphones were still talking, but he didn't say much, just whispered "um" from time to time, answered, and then stopped talking.

It seems to be talking to each other all the time.

Fu Yanshen finally nodded, and tapped the notebook on his lap with his long fingers, "Okay, then handle it as you said, and leave the other things to my assistant."

After hanging up the phone, he threw the phone to the side, then turned around and hugged Qiao Qiancen.

"Why is it so early today?"

There was something in his words, Qiao Qiancen naturally heard it, this man has always been like this, no matter what emotions he has, he doesn't show it, and he speaks with a high-sounding appearance.

He deliberately didn't allow people to guess correctly, but if Qiao Qiancen really didn't guess correctly, he would only care more about this matter.There is no way for this matter to be properly resolved...

Sighing, Qiao Qiancen knew that there was no way around this matter. In the end, she thought about it and smiled, "Since you think so, you can call me or send me a message. Although I have something to do There is no way to reply in time, but I will never let you misunderstand like this regardless."

She said in a serious tone, without the slightest feeling of being pretentious, and every word convinced her.Very decisive, did not let him explain his worries about taking one step closer to success.

Fu Yanshen listened at this moment, and couldn't help chuckling, the girl who was born, who was once regarded by him as completely in the palm of his hand, has grown up at this moment, and will choose to resist.

Qiao Qiancen was such a woman.Let him love and hate at the same time, but it's a pity that he can't say anything later...

Many things, this is not just pretending!

"Qiancen, are you explaining like this? But I think this kind of explanation is not clear enough!" He leaned forward and kissed his lips directly.

(End of this chapter)

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