Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 350 Is something wrong now?

Chapter 350 Is something wrong now?

Yu Tiantian's tone was completely coquettish, as if she was Fu Yanshen's girlfriend at this moment, such a dependent tone.

Fu Yanshen frowned slightly, a little impatiently, but still didn't say anything.

Last time, I had planned to send her to Africa to do an assisting mission, and I thought that I would not see her for a while, but her family came directly to intercede.

Fu Yan saw deeply that he was from the Yu family, and he just celebrated the birthday of the old man of the Yu family not long ago, so he couldn't refuse, so he had to give up the idea.

But he didn't expect that Yu Tiantian would come to disturb her again not long after, which made him extremely helpless!

Feeling a little troubled, at this moment, I heard the sound of Yu Tiantian walking over in high heels, carrying a scent of perfume.

"Boss Fu, I want to show you a piece of news." As she spoke, she had already placed her phone beside Fu Yanshen.

Fu Yanshen was a little annoyed in her heart, but she still couldn't say anything, so she put down the work at hand, looked at Yu Tiantian, and waited for her to speak.

"Look, Mr. Fu, Qiao Qiancen is in an accident now! Hahahaha!"

Fu Yanshen froze after Yu Tiantian's smug words. Looking at her mobile phone, she realized that she had gone to the police station to investigate. At first, she thought that something had happened...

There was a strange feeling in his heart, he didn't say anything, he just felt that the woman beside him at this moment was really abhorrent...

She was hoping that something would happen to Qiao Qiancen, thinking something happened to her, so she was smiling so happily...

He felt a little gloomy in his heart. At this moment, he only felt that there was such a person by his side, and the whole atmosphere became much gloomy...

"Yu Tiantian,"

Suddenly, Fu Yanshen called her name out loud. For a moment, Yu Tiantian was a little stunned. He didn't expect Fu Yanshen to call her name suddenly.

She was stunned for a moment to react, and suddenly felt a little pleasantly surprised. Could it be because of Qiao Qiancen's matter that Fu Yanshen had a better affection for her?

After all, I told him the news of his ex-girlfriend's distress. Everyone knows that Fu Yanshen was hurt by Qiao Qiancen, and they also know that it is impossible for the two of them to reconcile in this life. Now she said Qiao Qiancen The news of her distress, he must appreciate her very much.

Gradually, her heart became more joyful, and she began to look forward to Fu Yanshen's next words.

"Well, Brother Yanshen, I'm here~"

She said in a sweet voice, but when she finished speaking, Fu Yanshen's face turned darker.

I don't know how many times I have told her that outside, especially in the company, you can't call him that, and now, she always violates him again and again!

It's just treating his words as wind on his ears!
"I've seen your working hours. Recently, you can take an annual leave. It was originally twelve days, but now it's changed to one month for you."

After the words fell, Yu Tiantian's originally happy and expectant expression became a little dull and puzzled in an instant.

"Annual... annual leave? But, why do I have one month's annual leave? Will it be unfair to other people?"

Yu Tiantian didn't know what Fu Yanshen was trying to do. He didn't know if it was because he didn't want to see her for a month, or because he wanted to treat her preferentially and let her take more vacations...

And Fu Yanshen seemed to have guessed what Yu Tiantian meant, and smiled lightly, or in other words, it was a superficial smile.

"Haven't we known each other for a long time? For the sake of this love, I will give you a little more vacation and want you to have a good rest?"

(End of this chapter)

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