Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 355 Definitely can't eat and walk around!

Chapter 355 Definitely can't eat and walk around!
"Jasmine, please stop this matter first, and don't continue. I don't think it's good if it goes on like this. It's not good for you, it's not good for our family!" Qiao Huacheng still didn't listen to Qiao Moli's words, and acted his own way.

Qiao Moli was quite angry, but she still didn't say a word that was too much.

I thought fiercely in my heart, why should I stop now, and not find her, it is something other people did wrong, and she has nothing to do with this...

"Hua Cheng! You are getting more and more outrageous like this! We Jasmine didn't do anything, it seems inappropriate for you to say that about her now, don't you need to respect the child's labor achievements?!" Zhang Manjie's face turned pale with anger Red, very dissatisfied, don't understand why Qiao Huacheng wants to be like this.

Seeing Qiao Moli hurt Qiao Qiancen, did he feel distressed?Could it be that Qiao Qiancen, that dead girl and her mother are more important to him now than she and Jasmine? !

He was very unhappy, but Qiao Hua shook his head at this moment when he saw Zhang Manjie's big opinion. After all, he still didn't seem to say anything.

This woman is so jealous that no one can speak ill of her, and there is no chance for anyone to retaliate, so they are really too lazy to argue with her.

"You, just indulge her, one day, you will kill her!"

Qiao Huacheng shook his head, and left helplessly and helplessly. He didn't expect that his wife could not distinguish between right and wrong now.

Looking at Qiao Huacheng's back, Qiao Moli and Zhang Manjie were very dissatisfied at this moment.

"What! Mom, Dad, why is he like this, he doesn't help me at all!"

"It's okay, Jasmine, don't bother with your father, he has no conscience! Even if I lied to him these past few years, saying that Qiao Qiancen's mother cheated on others, he can do everything I have done for him these past few years. You can see it, but now you treat me like this, it is really heartless!"

Zhang Manjie spoke dissatisfiedly, but the voice fell, "Bang——"

Suddenly, the sound of a glass being smashed on the ground was heard very nearby. It was so crisp and shattering that it was impossible to ignore it.

At this moment, Zhang Manjie and Qiao Moli both looked at each other, and suddenly had a bad feeling...

Just now, they told the secret they had been covering up all along, but now, who heard it? !
"Who! Who is where!"

Zhang Manjie immediately reprimanded sharply!But the voice fell, and after a while, a person came out slowly.

With a very hesitant expression and an extremely uneasy look, "Ma'am, it''s me."

The person who came was a new servant, who looked very young, weak and weak, making it unbearable to be bullied.

Zhang Manjie frowned slightly, and exchanged a glance with Qiao Moli, feeling in her heart that the girl must have heard what they said just now!
The heart sank severely, and after hesitating for a moment, Zhang Manjie suddenly scolded, "Bold girl, you can't even do a job! You even broke a cup! Butler! Butler, come here!"

After a few sharp shouts, the butler came over immediately. As soon as he saw this picture, he knew that the new servant must have made a mistake.

It's just that I can't help but feel a little strange. Usually when the servant made a mistake, she scolded the servant and left, but today, she looked very angry, as if she would definitely punish the servant if she didn't punish the servant severely. The appearance of not letting it go!

The housekeeper couldn't help but sweat for this girl. After all, Zhang Manjie and Qiao Moli were notoriously vicious, and if they provoked them now, there might be no good fruit to eat!
(End of this chapter)

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