Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 365 Just To Frame Her

Chapter 365 Just To Frame Her
It is unlikely that she committed suicide by herself, because she could never touch the chandelier. It can only be said that the possibility of suicide is also very high...

The outside world suspected that it was Qiao Qiancen, but he had been with Qiao Qiancen before, and knew that she didn't seem like someone who would kill someone. Now the outside world is suspicious of her, but it's because the two of them had quarrels and disputes before. Now, there is no definite proof that she did it at all...

His heart sank, he didn't say a word, he studied the stool silently, feeling a little strange and puzzled.

"Who else is related to Yin Susu?" He wondered in his heart and muttered to himself in a low voice.

And at this time, suddenly, as if he remembered something, his heart skipped a beat.

"By the way, where's her boyfriend?!" The man suddenly thought of something, no wonder he always felt something strange, it turned out that her boyfriend had disappeared.

It stands to reason that this is impossible, but now her boyfriend has never appeared since the incident, as if he disappeared, and there is no trace of the two of them.

This is... too unreasonable, right?It was very strange in my heart, and I didn't understand what went wrong.

Maybe her death has something to do with her boyfriend? !Thinking of this in his heart, he was suddenly direct, as if suddenly enlightened, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't understand it.

"Why? Her boyfriend is going to hide? Logically speaking, shouldn't he show up immediately when his girlfriend has an accident? But now..."

He frowned, he didn't understand, he didn't understand what happened, and now, is there any possibility?

It seems that this conjecture is very possible...

"Where did you hide?!" The handsome man frowned, thought for a while, and made a phone call.

"Are you there? Now, help me find out the whereabouts of a person, that is, where is her specific location."

"Where is it possible to go? It seems impossible, right?"

"Okay Captain, I'll check now."

Hearing the other party's answer, he walked directly to the door, looked at the surveillance camera outside, and was puzzled in his heart, not knowing what else could be going on.

There is obviously a surveillance camera outside, but why the local investigation bureau said it didn't find it, it's very strange...

"Qiao Qiancen, there is clearly an alibi, but there are still waves of public opinion on the Internet. Could it be that someone is secretly manipulating something behind the scenes?"

He muttered to himself, suddenly, as if thinking of something, his heart sank.

I have a conjecture, I don't know if it is correct...

That is, someone is controlling the public opinion on the Internet behind the scenes, trying to divert the attention of the police and the public to Qiao Qiancen, so as to get rid of suspicion for another person and buy time to escape!

Now the real murderer is on the run!

With this conjecture in mind, it was immediately verified in his heart, his eyes widened in vain, and he was a little immersed.

"This matter is too serious, isn't it? Doing these things silently behind the scenes. Just to frame a girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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