Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 372 Pay attention to rest, you, Cen

Chapter 372 Pay attention to rest, you Qiancen
Qiao Qiancen has been resting for a few days. During this time, the crew can't go, but she still goes back to the company to practice dancing, and the group work can't be delayed either.

And every day, she entered the company through the back door. In the building, many artists from the same company saw her, and they all got hired without saying a word, which formed a sharp contrast with the previous scene.

Qiao Qiancen knew it in her heart, but she didn't say anything after all, as if nothing had happened. Now, everyone is blaming her.She felt that she had done something wrong, that someone was killed because of her, and even though the police report had come out, everyone just didn't believe it, and only thought that Qiao Qiancen must have bribed someone to clear herself of the crime.

Qiao Qiancen was also noncommittal.Just like this, I continued my previous life. When I should eat and eat, I should sleep and sleep. When I practice dancing, I still concentrate on dancing.Determined not to let anything affect her.

Fu Yanshen just looked at Qiao Qiancen on the Internet, feeling distressed and sorry for her. This girl clearly did nothing wrong.She just wants to stick to her dream, she just wants to do her best to become a powerful person, but now, she is being abused by the whole network, as if she did something heinous wrong, so called People feel tired and feel that they have failed a game.

But he knew so clearly in his heart that these people were just wronging her, and everyone felt that Yin Susu was very pitiful.So I was eager to find out the cause of her death.

But Qiao Qiancen is this poor person!Sent to the abyss of despair by them, a desperate and beautiful flower blooms in the abyss!

Qiao Qiancen only felt that he was really tired, what should he do in this kind of situation?Nobody knows.

She can only try her best to do what she thinks she should do, including everything.All the things she thinks are worth fighting for.

In the dance practice room, Qiao Qiancen was thinking about something while dancing to the blaring music.It's just that she does every movement fluently and appropriately, which is probably due to the fact that she practiced a lot.

Practice makes perfect, and it actually makes sense in dance.

"Very good, two beats, let's go!" The dance teacher is now at the front, leading the dance while watching everyone's performance in the mirror.

This action is to tap the toes on the ground, keep turning in circles in situ, and finally jump up quickly.

Qiao Qiancen was about to follow suit.All of a sudden, he thought of something again, and couldn't help but pause for a moment.

She touched her stomach hesitantly, lost in thought, now that the child is still in her stomach, she can't do such strenuous exercise...

There was hesitation in my heart, but when the dance teacher saw it, she just wondered what happened to Qiao Qiancen.I was dancing well just now, but why did I stop dancing once it reached the second beat.

"Qiao Qiancen, can't you?"

The dance teacher stopped asking questions.And Qiao Qiancen and Zheng He were stunned, and the others also looked over.

"No. It's not like that, I'm just, a little uncomfortable, can't do this movement."

Qiao Qiancen explained, but the dance teacher felt even more strange, and walked over, "What's the matter? Why can't it work? What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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