Chapter 388
Lu Sichen looked at the man in front of him, with shock and doubt in his eyes, as if he was worried and afraid of something, but at this moment, he understood that it was too late, no matter what happened, there was no chance to turn back...

He can only face difficulties...

His heart sank, he couldn't say a word, he pursed his lips tightly, and just looked at the man in front of him motionlessly, even though there was shock in his eyes, he still didn't allow himself to say something that revealed the secret at this moment .

Because she knew that there must be a recorder here!When recording his every word and deed, he has no choice but to be cautious about his words and deeds, and resolutely don't let them catch him!

Thinking of this urgently in my heart!
At this moment, she didn't say a word, she could only wait until the man spoke first, and then he came to show her tricks. In short, she couldn't even say a word!
Now that he is already in a weak position, he cannot be found to be more negative. With some more evidence, he is really going to be over...

He knew this very well in his heart, and at this moment, seeing that Lu Sichen didn't say a word, the man really spoke first, "Do you think this button looks familiar?"

After saying a word, Lu Sichen's hand tightened even more, and she knew that this man would definitely ask these questions!
He didn't speak, he thought about it for a while, and just when he was about to say "not familiar" to prevaricate, suddenly, his mind paused, and he just felt that this was inappropriate after all!
After all, it is the clothes I often wear, and now the buttons are in front of me, and it is unreasonable to say that I don't know them!
He knew this very well in his heart, so when he was about to speak, he changed his words directly, "I look familiar! I just have a dress with buttons that look like this. Of course I have seen it, but...just, this kind of button is very special. Popularity, you have no reason to believe that I am a murderer just because I am familiar with the buttons of this clothes?!"

A sentence fell, but the man didn't seem to be asked, as if he had expected her to say this, he just smiled, and next, he picked up the bag in his hand and said directly, "Yes Ah, if it looks familiar, it doesn’t matter, of course, but...if there is your fingerprint on this button, then there is a problem, right?"

He looked at him and smiled, the emotion in his eyes was very clear, he was questioning why his fingerprints were on the button.

For a moment, Lu Sichen had no words to continue, as if he had guessed what was on his mind, he remained silent, after all, he never said a word again.

The man chuckled, glanced at his watch, and said to the recording police officer next to him, "Okay, now go back with him to collect the evidence, and be sure to bring back the whole suit!"

After a word fell, the man immediately responded.

But Lu Sichen looked at the two men in front of him, after all, his heart sank, and he was silently thinking about countermeasures, feeling flustered in his heart.

If one pair is taken over as evidence, then everything will be over!
At that time, the reputation of a murderer will never be shaken off!

At this moment, Lu Sichen was full of pain, he never thought that Yin Susu would leave evidence after all, and this time was enough to kill him!

Lu Sichen didn't understand, she clearly hated Qiao Qiancen too, now that Qiao Qiancen was wrongly imprisoned, isn't everything what she wanted?What's wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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