Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 397 Seems to have come to an end

Chapter 397 Seems to have come to an end
——The relationship between us seems to have come to an end. I remember when I asked you that we should be together forever. You always said that I was stupid. Isn’t that what it should be.We have already agreed that we will be together forever.

At that time, I always smiled foolishly by myself, even if I knew the possibility and credibility of this sentence, maybe it was not too high, it was very possible, it was just your rhetoric that deceived me, but unfortunately, I just don't want to wake up. Seeing you comfort me like this, as if the whole world is in my arms, I feel at ease and happy.

I'm thinking.If one day we break up, at that time, it must be like the sky is falling, it is very difficult to bear, and if we don't want to bear it again in the future, we will collapse and cannot bear it.

But I think, that day will be far away, as long as I don't care about it and try to grow into a strong adult, I won't worry or be afraid of this matter anymore.

I think, you won't let me down, right?
Looking at the envelope that his former girlfriend wrote to him, at this moment, his heart felt as if it had been cut open by a knife, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't hold on any longer.

Why, the reality is always so heart-wrenching, she clearly yearns for his sincerity so much, even if his words, she also knows that it is very likely to lie to her, but she still doesn't feel sad, and she hasn't given up all her beliefs , is still supporting.

And what did she gain in the end for being so strong?I'm afraid, there is nothing but heartbreak. Probably, everyone lives in their own world, and he was like that at that time, too selfish, and forgot that there was that little girl in this love.Let her suffer a lot by herself, and finally she was hurt.

He caressed the photo of the two of them, so happy, so warm, and sometimes he thought, if nothing like that happened at that time, they must be very happy together now.

It must still be very happy and happy, it must be like they said, have a warm little house of their own, a dog, and a cat, like their children, depend on them every day, and never leave.

It's a pity that these are no longer just fantasies, after all, they will never come back.

"I am sorry for you forever, I will always remember to love you, and you will forget me in the end, as if you want to forget all the hurts urgently, abandon me urgently."

The man looked at the photo and said to himself, suddenly a call came, it was an emergency call, the moment he heard the ringtone, he was stunned, and immediately connected the call, his expression was not very good.

"What's matter?"

"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, the man looked up at Fu Yanshen who was opposite, and said, "I have an urgent task now, I have to go back, you eat this first, the money is mine, see you next time."

After speaking, he immediately got up and ran outside.

Fu Yan looked at his back deeply, and chuckled, "The boy in my memory is still the same, has not changed, and there is still something in his heart that he insists on. This is just like his belief, and he also You can relax a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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