Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 406 Can we have a show together?

Chapter 406 Can we have a play together?
The case was uncovered, and now the crew can finally resume filming. However, if a movie has a heroine, the movie is incomplete after all. The crew hesitated for a long time, and finally made a decision.

This show can't end without a beginning and an end.Therefore, it is necessary to give an ending, and among them.It directly tells that the heroine died of illness, and in the end, the third female lead changed her ways and became a kind person, taking the place of the heroine and staying with the hero.

The audience already had a good impression of the female number three played by Qiao Qiancen. Now that something has changed, naturally they don't have much opinion, and the only big controversy is probably the original party.
I think it changed the plot like this.It's beyond recognition, and I feel very helpless. How can I make the crew respect the original work, and don't change it without reason.

And many netizens saw such comments, and they all commented below to tell the truth, and some people just didn't want to listen, no matter how much they said, the rest of them just didn't want to believe it, they just decided that their beloved book was demonized. Changed, keep attacking the crew below!

And Qiao Qiancen became the heroine corrected in the later stage, so she naturally fell into the hot discussion of the original novel party. She felt that such a rash change of the plot was unacceptable in her heart, and the third female character is a character that everyone likes, because of her indisputable later stage. Don't grab it, look down on everything, and now that she has replaced everything about the heroine, after all, it is equivalent to changing a feeling, completely different.

Qiao Qiancen didn't pay any attention to it. After all, it was all other people's opinions. She just followed the crew's arrangement and didn't do anything at all.

From now on, she understands that regardless of her own affairs, it is better not to participate. After all, most of the time, netizens don’t listen to your explanation too much. Changed my mind.

So in the future, she understands that as long as she has no shame in her heart, everything will be fine, so why should she care about other people's opinions and live in the eyes of others?

That kind of her is not the real her after all, she doesn't want to care about it, and Qiao Qiancen also understands that she needs to develop a strong heart after all, only in this way can she not be afraid of any danger and irony, and won't let her The outside world hurts yourself!

After all, I need to grow up and become a person who cannot be offended by others at will or hurt myself.Only in this way can she gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, and she will no longer be afraid of any difficulties and injuries in the future.
What other people think of Zhang Yan is their business. Anyway, it is the fault of others if they get it wrong. There is no need for him to use other people's faults to punish himself.
Her heart sank, she didn't speak, she recited her lines silently, now that Fu Yanshen is no longer by her side, she should take care of herself and not be hurt by others.

After all, I have to learn to grow up alone. What other people think now is their problem. What decisions other people want to make and what they do are also other people's business. I don't need to care about it...

"Qiancen, can you cooperate with me in this scene, I'm not very good at it, please, please."

When Qiao Qiancen heard this, she looked up at the person who came. It was a newcomer actor in the crew. She was recently recruited again. Now she is not proficient in acting, which is normal.

(End of this chapter)

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