Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 419 My New Girlfriend, Jo Cen

Chapter 419 My New Girlfriend, Qiao Qiancen

Qiao Qiancen listened to the voice of the woman leaving outside, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, with a mocking look, and she was sneering in her heart, didn't Shangguan Yuyan let her come over as a female companion today because she wanted to humiliate herself?
Let his girlfriend appear in front of her, and before she knows, he already has a girlfriend, and he is loving and happy, unlike her, her boyfriend is not by her side.

Her heart sank, she just felt that she used to look down on this man too much, he is not a good person at all, let alone give her a little dignity and kindness, such a man just likes to put a person's dignity under his feet , the more she struggled, the happier he was...

Her heart sank, she didn't say anything, she washed her hands silently, and left the bathroom.

Now that he already has his own heroine today, there is no need for her to be so stupid, staying here to humiliate herself, it is better to go back earlier, she has not memorized the script yet.The day after tomorrow, that scene will start shooting.

Qiao Qiancen walked towards the gate of the venue, and when he walked through the venue, he realized that the banquet had already started.

She chuckled, Shangguan Yuyan didn't find anyone to urge her, it was because she was no longer needed, and she was deliberately found here, but because she wanted her to go for nothing, and trample on her dignity and face .

Knowing very well in her heart, she walked away directly.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a voice from the stage, it was Shangguan Yuyan speaking with a microphone on the stage.

"Thank you very much for coming to my banquet today. Next, I think everyone knows what I am going to do, which is to announce the identity of my new girlfriend so that everyone can get to know her better."

After the words fell, Qiao Qiancen raised his lips.

I thought, is that really the case?This man, she will never listen to him again, let him force her to do anything!

She walked away directly, and at this moment, a voice sounded, which made her completely stunned.

"That is, our popular little girl, Miss Qiao Qiancen, she is my new girlfriend."

After one sentence fell, the audience was in an uproar, and Qiao Qiancen was about to walk towards the door, but in an instant, his whole body froze...

Just now Shangguan Yuyan, what did you say? !

His new girlfriend, is she? !
Shocked and stunned by something in my heart, I didn't expect that this cat person would spread rumors about her in front of so many people!

At this moment, he was shocked in his heart, and he, without saying a word, just announced it suddenly, without giving her any chance to react, the whole person seemed to be stupid, it was clear that she was also the person involved...

I couldn't believe it in my heart, but the discussion below had already started, "What?! Qiao Qiancen, I heard it right!"

"The two of them seem to have been together before, why this time, it's her!"

"Yeah, is it possible that this Qiao Qiancen really attracted Shangguan Yuyan so much? I can't bear to forget it all the time!"

"Oh my god, I'm so shocked, how is this possible! This is clearly impossible?!"

"My God, I really can't accept this matter now, I need to calm down, who do I think?!"

"Damn, big news, big news, when this matter explodes on the Internet, it will definitely cause heated discussions!"

(End of this chapter)

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