Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 421 In this case, goodbye

Chapter 421 In this case, goodbye
Naked provocation!

The two assistants next to her were also very angry when they heard Qiao Qiancen's words. She didn't want to hear anything about Qiao Moli, let alone what she did wrong, so why should he admit it.

"Sister Jesse, good evening."

She looked out the window and her voice was gentle.

"Qiancen, what happened to the news a few days ago? I haven't got a signal when I go back to my hometown for the past two days, and I saw your news when I came back online!"

At this time, Jesse was driving on the road, rushing to the company, looking irritable and depressed.

"I... I'm sorry Miss Jesse, I didn't know that someone would take such a photo."

Qiao Qiancen stroked her drooping hair and lowered her voice a little. Although she was also a victim of this incident, it still had a bad influence.

Nowadays, there are many rumors on the Internet, and she also has a lot of black fans and negative comments. Some scold her for being greedy for vanity, selling her soul and body for the sake of profit by any means...

All kinds of unsightly words abound, and Qiao Qiancen doesn't want to care about it, but the company can't make things easy after all. After all, the energy and resources spent on her before are ironclad facts, and they haven't been brought to the company yet. Benefits will bring negative impacts, and the company's leadership cannot sit idly by!
"Qiancen, what do you mean, is that thing true? Are you with that young master Shangguan?!"

When Jessie heard her words, she thought she was admitting it, and she was going crazy.

"No, you misunderstood me, Miss Jesse, I have nothing to do with him at all. It was I... who owed him money before. I happened to see him on the street a few days ago, and I wanted to pay back the money. How do you know that? They were photographed like that."

Qiao Qiancen explained that after all, he was concerned about how the company would handle this matter.

She understands that if the leader gets angry, the resources she gets in the future may be very poor, and her future will be buried...

She can only plan in her heart, how to explain clearly, at least make the company's leadership believe her.

Hearing this, Jesse breathed a sigh of relief.While driving, looking at the road ahead, she shook her head and sighed, "You, you, Qian Cen, do you know that this matter will cause trouble if it becomes serious! From now on, you have to be careful, don't What messed up scandals are involved. Otherwise, your stardom will be buried in your own hands!"

After hanging up the phone, Jesse rushed to the company, knowing that what would meet her next would be a bloody storm, but at this moment, after all, Qiao Qiancen was the person she brought along, so she had to keep whatever she said, and she couldn't just be buried like this is.

As for not telling her that the company leader was very angry and called her for a meeting, it was just because he didn't want to add trouble to her!
When Qiao Qiancen came home, she saw Fu Yanshen in the living room drinking wine and watching the football game, so she also went straight over, threw her bag on the sofa, picked up the bottle and drank.

Fu Yanshen raised his head, and saw Qiao Qiancen standing beside him in a white shirt and A-line skirt, drinking from him without even changing his shoes.

Following the light, he could still see her slightly frowning brows, as if she was very troubled.

He leaned over, took her hand, brought her directly into his arms, and let her sit on his lap.

"What's the matter, did something unpleasant happen?" He looked at her with a clear and handsome face, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Could it be something about Qiao's family?
In this life, she will never forgive.

"I was wrong, let's do it." Seeing Qiao Qiancen's full resistance, the man had to give up and sighed, "I came here today not only for her business, but also to take you home. The security is not good recently, you It's not safe for a girl to go back."


Qiao Qiancen refused him without hesitation, since he was not familiar with him at all, there was no need for him to send him back.

What's more, it's not suitable for her to go to the pharmacy to buy that kind of medicine later, and he is by her side.

Now that she is single without a boyfriend, if he finds out that she buys that kind of medicine, many things will not be covered up...

"Qiancen, I'm your brother too, there's nothing wrong with sending you home."

Cheng Yanshulang said in a calm tone, as if he was just saying something that couldn't be more natural.But in the end, Qiao Qiancen fell silent after hearing the words, she didn't say a word, her eyes were fixed on the front.

"Don't be angry, baby. I'll teach her a lesson today and avenge you. I promise that she will never dare to bully you again!" Lu Sichen looked at the front with dark eyes, and his voice was scary. "

"Well, Sichen, you are the best, I love you~" Yin Susu said in a sweet voice.

Thinking of Qiao Qiancen's rejection of Lu Sichen before, and now breaking up with Fu Yanshen, she wanted to laugh happily.

A woman like her is too greedy to have nothing!Unlike her, occupy one first, and then get close to Fu Yanshen when there is a chance in the future, so that she will never worry that no one will be her backer.

What a stupid woman she is! -
"I'm very sorry about what happened to Jasmine last time. I apologize to you on her behalf." Cheng Yan walked beside Qiao Qiancen and said in a low voice.

Last time, Fu Yanshen helped her investigate clearly. He is the adopted son Qiao Huacheng's elder brother Qiao Shengye brought home from the orphanage. In terms of seniority, he is indeed Qiao Qiancen's cousin. He didn't lie about this at the beginning. she.

It's just... Qiao Qiancen didn't want to get involved with anyone in the Qiao family, including her unrelated cousin.

For a long time, she just wanted to stay away from everything about the Qiao family.

It never occurred to me that Qiao Qiancen, a small supporting role, dared to talk about her. She was extremely annoyed, but she couldn't say a word. Now that nearly a hundred people in the crew are watching, she can't get angry and ruin her image...

After hesitating for a while, she could only swallow her anger, "I'm sorry, I will pay attention next time."

As she spoke, she looked at Qiao Qiancen, her heart full of resentment and resentment...

Originally, Qiao Qiancen should be blamed for his mistakes, but he never thought that she would use the same method to frame her first!
What a bitch!

But Qiao Qiancen just looked at her with a smile on his lips, with a look of indifference, and ridicule and disdain in his eyes.

It's too immature to frame her in this way. From now on, she will not tolerate anyone who wants to hurt her.

"Shooting here today!"

Yan Yi was probably so angry by Yin Susu that he was no longer in the mood to continue shooting, so he just waved his hand, said this sentence and left.

Walking to the front intersection, she finally stopped again, "It's fine, just send me here!"

There is a pharmacy ahead, and he can no longer follow.

Cheng Yan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, and smiled helplessly, "Miss Qiao Qiancen, I think... I shouldn't be ugly enough to walk next to you, making you feel uncomfortable, right? Just resist me and send you off like that?"

Qiao Qiancen's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, but he still turned his eyes away from him, "I'm really uncomfortable if you walk beside me."

After the words fell, even if Cheng Yan wanted to send her off, his patience at this moment was finally worn out, "Okay, okay, okay. Is it okay if I don't send her off? These days, it's so hard to be a good person."

He shook his head helplessly, and finally gave up.

Qiao Qiancen ignored his words and strode away directly, disappearing before his eyes.

She and Cheng Yan are people from two worlds. As long as they are related to the Qiao family, she will never have any contact in this life. Therefore, she will not end his kindness, and will never let him approach her...

When she came to a small path, she was about to cross the opposite road.It's a little late today, and she plans to take a taxi back directly.

And unexpectedly, at this moment...

"Qiao Qiancen, stay safe and sound!" A familiar voice sounded, Qiao Qiancen froze for a moment, turned his head, and saw Lu Sichen standing there.

Beside him, there were three or four men in black, none of whom seemed to be good-natured.

For some reason, she had a feeling that the other party was not kind...

"Why are you here?"

And with that slap just now, she could feel that she had used a lot of strength!Obviously revenge!

Immediately, she was furious. Now that she is the girlfriend of the producer's son and the heroine of this drama, why does Qiao Qiancen beat her?
She is just a female third character with no backing, what capital does she have to treat her like this, so that she is not afraid that she will complain in front of Lu Sichen, making her unable to live in the film crew? !

Thinking of this, Yin Susu made up her mind that when she returned, she would give Lu Sichen a pillow and sue her for Qiao Qiancen's behavior!

How dare you treat her like this because you are still Fu Yanshen's girlfriend?Oh, she is nothing now!It's just an ant!
"Let me tell you, don't pester him from now on! In this life, he has already paid off what he owes me, and he has no right to betray me!" Qiao Qiancen grabbed her by the hair, so powerful that her whole head had to be thrown back. .

If it wasn't for filming at this moment, Yin Susu really wanted to scratch Qiao Qiancen's face with her nails. Now that she is pulling her hair so hard, it is clear that she is deliberately revenge and avenging her personal revenge!

He stared at her sullenly, thinking to himself, tomorrow she will be finished!Let's see how she asks Lu Sichen to punish her! -
At night, a man in a nightgown came out of the bathroom. When he looked up, he saw Yin Susu in a silk nightgown with his back facing him.

But at this time, Qiao Qiancen felt that the woman looked at him with hostile eyes, extremely unkind, as if she was the bad woman who seduced her boyfriend...

Qiao Qiancen said nothing, he didn't do anything, so there's no need to feel guilty.

"My number is still the same as before, you can just tell me the card number by text message."

She looked at him and took a step back.

After finishing speaking, he turned and left directly.

Unexpectedly, at this time, his low and deep voice sounded behind him again, "Cen Dada, I have no habit of taking back the money I paid, and I will not accept your money."

Qiao Qiancen turned his back to them, and when he heard this, he paused slightly, but continued to walk forward.

No matter what, she would pay back the money she owed him, and didn't want to owe him a cent.
"Yan Shen, didn't I say not to pick me up? Why are you still here today?"

Opening the car door, Qiao Qiancen got into the car and said.

After dancing in the evening, she received a message from him saying that he was waiting for her in the back alley.

And she thought that he passed by here today and wanted to pick her up and go back together, so she packed her things and came to the back alley.

Sure enough, his car was parked here.

Unexpectedly, just as her voice fell, she was lowering her head and was about to fasten her seat belt. She didn't want to think about it for a second, but a shadow suddenly enveloped her...

Before Qiao Qiancen could respond, a big hand grabbed her wrist, and immediately pressed her against the back of the chair!

Qiao Qiancen's heartbeat faltered slightly, and the next moment, he saw the handsome face in front of him gradually approaching...

"Fu Yanshen, you... um!"

Her eyes widened, and she looked at him in surprise, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

At this moment, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that he was not in the right mood, seemed a little angry and dissatisfied...

Immediately, he squinted his eyes and smiled, and immediately walked over and hugged her from behind, wanting to make out with her.

However, Yin Susu, who was always active this time, pushed him away with a troubled and aggrieved look on her face.

Qiao Qiancen? ! "

Hearing this name, the man's eyes froze for a moment, "It's... Qiao Qiancen from Yunda Academy of Art?!"

"Yes, that's her!"

Yin Susu didn't feel the strangeness in the man's words. She nodded and said, "Now that she has broken up with Fu Yanshen, she still dares to show off in front of me. You don't know how annoying she is! Every day..."

Lu Sichen didn't listen to Yin Susu's words anymore, but was directly attracted by the name "Qiao Qiancen" and the words "she and Fu Yanshen broke up"...

"Sichen! I don't care, you must avenge me. Did you hear that, she slapped me and pulled my hair today, it hurts to death!"

"Okay, okay..." Lu Sichen replied somewhat absent-mindedly, but all his thoughts had already flown away...
The next afternoon, on Qiao Qiancen's way home, a car stopped there, and there was a tall man leaning against the car, holding a bouquet of roses...

It's a plot of a hero saving the beauty.

At this time, they were already standing in front of the set, wearing costumes, and the lighting and photography were all in place. Director Yan Yi looked at the playback screen in front of him, picked up the phone, gave an "action" command, and started shooting.

Qiao Qiancen waved his sleeves, and in an instant, Yin Susu fell to the ground as if she had received a huge force!
"You, why are you doing this to me?"

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and she raised her head to look at Qiao Qiancen with a pitiful look.

"Because of what? You don't know in your heart? Yi Shengfan is the person I have loved for 17 years, but now, you want to marry him... Do you know that all my happiness has been taken away by you?" ? I'm going to kill you, ruin your face, and let him come back to me!"

With calm eyes, Qiao Qiancen said resentfully and sadly, his heart was full of hatred for her.

"No, Shengfan doesn't love you at all. The reason why he wanted to be with you in those years was to strengthen himself so that he can marry me in the future!"

Yin Susu tried her best to prop up her body, but she couldn't stand up no matter what, she was extremely weak, but at this time she was resolute and stubborn, as if she would never change her mind no matter what.

"The love between us is upright, no matter how you, an outsider, slander it, it will not change after all!"

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Qiancen suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "You guys love with integrity? Am I a bad guy? Hahahahaha... ridiculous!"

As soon as the voice changed, she scolded angrily, squatted down in front of her, and then strangled her neck as a gesture.

"It's you who ruined my happiness, and he's the one who cheated my feelings all the time, but now, instead, I'm an insignificant outsider?! How can you... be so shameless!"

She put her hand on Yin Susu's neck, but she just pretended to exert force. After all, she was filming a movie, and she would not really move.

At this time, Yin Susu looked uncomfortable, and suddenly put a hand on her arm, as if trying to struggle.

"Let go, let me go..."

While she was reading her lines, a sinister sneer flashed across her eyes.In the next second, Qiao Qiancen's face suddenly changed. He never expected that Yin Susu was pinching her with his nails!
At this time, Qiao Qiancen's back was facing the camera, so what Yin Susu did, the camera couldn't capture it, but Qiao Qiancen really felt the sharp pain coming from her arm, and noticed the sinister smile on the corner of her mouth meaning……

Obviously, she did it on purpose!
Qiao Qiancen glared at her, indicating that she was filming now, not making small moves, but Yin Susu seemed to ignore her, still looking at her with a sneer, and there was a sharper stabbing pain in her arm.

"Qiao Qiancen, slap..."

Yan Yi looked at the monitor screen, picked up the phone and reminded, and hearing this, Qiao Qiancen could only calm down his confused thoughts, squinted his eyes, and stared at the face of a villain in front of him.

In this case, she will be on the first day of junior high school, and she will be on the fifteenth day!Who can't do a little trick or something?
He directly raised his hand, and in the next second, a slap fell on Yin Susu's face!

"Give me your bank card account number. Last time you helped my mother pay the medical expenses. I will call you when I go back today."

After the words fell, the man who originally had a wicked smile on his face at this moment froze slightly.

"You came to see me for this?" He narrowed his dark blue eyes slightly, looking at Qiao Qiancen and asked.

I don't know why at this moment, Qiao Qiancen always felt that he was a little unhappy after hearing what he said. It was clear that he was still joking just now, but now, there seemed to be danger in his eyes...


Even so, she nodded and admitted that she wanted to ask him to pay back the money during this time, but just happened to meet him today, so she stopped him by the way.

"After repaying the money, there will be no delays or debts between us. From now on, please...stay away from my life..."

She looked at him, and finally added this sentence.

Ignoring the gradually cold eyes of the man, at this moment, Qiao Qiancen was still looking directly at him without avoiding it.

They are not from the same world, and at the beginning, if they were not involved in the relationship of interest, they would not have known each other.

Now that it's all over, there's no need to continue entanglement, anyway, they have nothing to do with each other, and it's the best ending not to disturb each other.

"No delays, no debts...Qiao Qiancen, you are neat, and you don't leave any room for breaking."

He looked at her condescendingly, wondering if it was an illusion, at this moment Qiao Qiancen actually saw sullen emotions in his eyes...

But after thinking about it, she just felt that she was worrying too much, there was no relationship between them, why should he be angry because of her words?
For so long, the woman who appeared beside him has never stopped, and how could she give birth to the ridiculous illusion that he doesn't want to be separated from her...

"Shangguan Yuyan, there are so many people here, it's not good to see the two of us standing together, just give me your card number, and I'll remit the money when I go back."

Qiao Qiancen somehow didn't want to meet his eyes, so she looked away and said.

Hearing this, Shangguan Yuyan didn't know which sutra was wrong, or what she said made him dissatisfied, so he suddenly lowered his head and approached her, grabbed her wrist, "Cen Dadai, you Are you so afraid of getting involved with me? Why, do you hate me?"

He was so close that he could kiss her just by bowing his head. Qiao Qiancen was so flustered that he struggled, "Let me go! What are you doing?!"

She clearly just wanted to pay back the money she owed him, but why was he so unwilling to cooperate, and made such an intimate move in the street.

But Fu Yan's deep and gloomy complexion didn't seem to be relieved by this kiss. He stretched out his hand and tugged at the tie knot, his eyes were dark and cold.

"What happened between you and Shangguan Yuyan on the street today was photographed by a reporter and posted online." He didn't intend to hide it.The calm tone highlighted his gloomy mood at the moment.

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen was stunned, never expecting such a thing to happen...

He just shook his head and smiled lightly at his mother, "Mom, don't worry, I can't guarantee others in this world, but Yan Shen, I can be sure that he will not betray me. He once promised that he would give me a justifiable name." identity, so I have to trust him."

Hearing this, Li Yiyuan couldn't say anything after all, he just looked at the tall man who came back from fetching water, and comforted himself to relax in his heart.

She clenched her fists tightly, and at this moment, the sharp nails had sunk into the palm of her hand, and she couldn't feel it at all.

People who don't know will think...

"Why are you so shy? Between us, didn't you ever..." He sneered and whispered close to her ear.

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Qiancen guessed what he was going to say, and was about to protest, when he heard the sound of the car door being pushed open.

Then, a charming voice sounded, "Honey, who is she?"

At this time, the woman in the car came out and came directly towards them.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

The sound of the high heels stepping on the ground seemed to fall on her heart, so dull and dull...

"Fu Yanshen, what's wrong with you?"

Finally, she plucked up the courage to turn her head to look at him and asked, her voice was full of puzzlement and confusion.

She really didn't understand why he was angry...

"What are you talking about?! I don't know... What is this life, this life, Qiao Qiancen, I don't understand what you are talking about!" Qiao Moli shook her head vigorously, her tears couldn't stop, her eyes were full of fear, and she kept wanting to She spared herself.

But at this moment, Qiao Qiancen had been blinded by hatred, so he couldn't listen to her explanation. He bent down and picked up the kettle that fell on the ground, and wanted to hit her hard.

I only believed in my heart that only by killing her can I and my mother be redeemed. In this life, they can live happily and healthily, and no longer suffer any torture or disaster...

Qiao Moli was also so frightened that she burst into tears, crying and hugging her head tightly, afraid of what she would do next.

Qiao Qiancen didn't think about it at all, he just picked up the kettle and was about to smash it at her!

There is only one thought in my heart, and that is to kill her and avenge myself and my mother in the previous life!
The opportunity is in front of her, what is she waiting for...

Unexpectedly, just when she was determined to kill Qiao Moli, suddenly, she swung her hand clenched to the kettle in mid-air, and was shackled without warning!

Qiao Qiancen couldn't move, she was stunned, turned around to look, unexpectedly, she saw Zhang's unfamiliar yet familiar face...

It's him!

"It's so lively, is this the scene of the murder?"

He pursed his lips slightly, put one hand in his pocket, and looked calm and relaxed.

If he hadn't held Qiao Qiancen's hand at this moment, he might really have thought that he was just here to watch the show.

"Let go of me! Leave my business alone!"

Qiao Qiancen tried hard to break free from his hand, but the man's hand was very strong. It seemed that he didn't use much force on the surface, but Qiao Qiancen couldn't break free no matter what.

Qiao Moli thought that what would meet her next would be a severe pain, but unexpectedly, not only did she not experience the pain she imagined, but she also heard a familiar voice...

In an instant, she opened her eyes, and when she saw the man in front of her, she seemed to have hope in her heart!

"Brother! Brother, save me! Help me! She's going to kill me... Woohoo, help..."

Qiao Moli cried and knelt and crawled towards the man, she was sobbing, as if she had finally escaped from the desperate disaster.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen was shocked when he heard Qiao Moli's address and looked at the man.

Unexpectedly, the two of them knew each other, and Qiao Moli even called this man her brother!
"Go back, don't say a word about this matter!"

Cheng Yan looked at the woman on the ground who was holding on to her trousers while asking for help, and ordered in a cold voice, which was completely different from her attitude towards Qiao Qiancen just now.

"Brother, why... Just now, I was almost killed by her. You have to make the decision for me and put her in prison!" Qiao Moli cried and shook her head, unwilling to accept his decision.

But upon hearing this, the man was not moved at all, "If you want to die, just keep making trouble."

In a word, Qiao Moli had no choice after all. Although she didn't understand why a man would treat her like this, she had no choice but to drag her scarred body to stand up and run away.

"Why do you meddle in my affairs!"

Qiao Qiancen finally shook off his hand forcefully, her voice was as cold as treating an enemy, since she knew that he was Qiao Moli's brother, she put them in the same category!

He is different to Qian Cen. From the beginning to the end, he has truly loved her. As a mother, she should also believe in the relationship between them...
At noon, Qiao Qiancen still had no appetite, and there was a show in the afternoon, so she had to eat again.

But she really couldn't eat the box lunch of the crew, so she decided to go out to eat.

After casually eating a bowl of light porridge in a small restaurant, he was about to go back to the set, but just as he walked out of the restaurant, he saw a familiar figure on the opposite road.

Her footsteps paused, as if she remembered something, she immediately ran across the road to him.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuyan was coming out of a high-end restaurant with a beautiful woman in his arms, and was about to get into the car.

There is a film and television city nearby, so you don't need to think about it. The reason why he appeared here must be to pick up his female partner who just finished filming.

There are many pretty actresses here, and luxury cars often come and go here every day, but Qiao Qiancen never thought that she would meet Shangguan Yuyan here...

She has always known that he is not a good person, or in other words, not a good man.Changing girlfriends is faster than changing clothes, and she is playful and affectionate, so Qiao Qiancen always keeps a distance from him.

At this time, Shangguan Yuyan was wearing a pair of black super, wearing sports shoes for rest, and opened the car door for his girlfriend. With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, he was indescribably handsome and charming.

As for him, he is completely like a yuppie and evil upper class boy, doing nothing, just standing there, attracting the attention of the whole street...

Qiao Qiancen knew that this man already had the capital to charm women. He was rich and handsome, so which woman would not be tempted?
He stood by the car door, and after his female companion Shi Shiran got into the car, he closed the car door, walked around the front of the car and walked towards the driver's seat.

Qiao Qiancen was worried that if she missed this time, it would be difficult to find her again, so she called out his name from a distance away.

"Shangguan Yuyan!"

Her voice was above average, but unfortunately, a car passed by at this time, overlapping her voice.

Qiao Qiancen thought that he would not hear him calling him, but unexpectedly, the moment he finished speaking, he stopped opening the car door.

In the next second, he raised his head and met her gaze accurately.
At that moment, Qiao Qiancen's heart seemed to tremble slightly, but she didn't show any abnormality on the surface, and ran to him quickly, still panting, "Shangguan Yuyan, wait a minute..."

"Cen dazed?"

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen only felt a headache, and quickly turned on the phone to read it, but unexpectedly, among the news that automatically popped up on the phone, there was actually one item about this matter...

On the cover, Shangguan Yuyan held her hand, lowered his head and approached her, and from this angle, it looked like he was kissing her!

What to do? What the hell to do?!
Her mother's condition has obviously improved during this time, why did she suddenly have a heart attack? This is impossible, how could it be so good...

Crying in pain and depression, her hands were tightly clenched, just like her heart at this moment, tense, and she didn't dare to relax easily.

At this moment, her heart was hesitant and uneasy. Thinking of the ending of her mother's death in the previous life, she was so scared that she didn't dare to think about it. She was worried that this life would also end in tragedy, and that the same mistakes would happen again in this life.
And she was so powerless after all.

Just like the desperate experience my mother encountered in her last life before her death, she also couldn't do anything.He could only watch her heart die step by step, and finally chose to understand her own life.

In this life, she clearly swore to rewrite the ending, why did her mother not wait for her to become strong again?
When the car arrived at the destination, she paid the money and rushed out of the car, heading directly to the emergency building.

When she arrived at the emergency room where her mother was, the operation was not over yet. Looking at the red light outside the door, at this moment, she only felt the pain of her heart being torn apart.

Fate is always in this way, it clearly gave her a chance to be born again, but before she was strong enough, it brought her back to the same desperate situation.

Could it be that she was blaming her for being too slow to become stronger, and gave her a fatal warning?
But if that's the case, why not put the punishment on her, why push all the pain and disaster to the mother.
Leaning against the wall, her body slid down weakly, and the pain, together with the beliefs that supported her persistence, all dissipated unconsciously at this moment.

I can't imagine how she can support her without her mother.
Suddenly, the light outside the operating room door went out, Qiao Qiancen didn't notice it until the door of the operating room was opened, and a man in a white coat came out.

Qiao Qiancen raised his head when he heard the voice, and the moment he saw the doctor, his whole body seemed to regain his strength, stood up against the wall, and rushed in front of him.

Doctor, doctor, how is my mother? Is she okay? Is there anything wrong? " She said emotionally, wishing to rush in and hug her mother tightly at this moment, but when she was uncertain about the situation, she dared not He rushed in to see his mother.
——"I was watching a show just now, so I turned my phone to silent"

"Sorry silly girl"

"Should I go back to the hotel and continue the video?"

Seeing his reply, Qiao Qiancen felt happy and relaxed, and slightly curled the corners of her lips, "Okay, but I have something to do today, so I need to wait until later to make the video."

Although she said so, she actually planned to go to him tonight, and asked him the hotel room number the day before yesterday.

"Okay, then tell me when you're done."

"Yeah okay!"

Qiao Qiancen sent him these words, and went back to the hotel to tidy up, with a sweet heart.

Here, Fu Yanshen was having a meal with Ai Wanyuan. He looked at the chat interface of the mobile phone, his heart was soft, and the corners of his mouth kept rising.

"Brother Yanshen, what are you laughing at? Is there something so happy?" Ai Wanyuan inadvertently looked up to see his smile, and asked out of curiosity.

It was rumored that he was cold, indifferent, and unreasonable, but after getting along with her for the past few days, she found that this did not seem to be the case.

He would smile when sending messages, and curl his lips when making phone calls. Such a tender and warm side was clearly contrary to the rumors.

Although now, he has not treated her so tenderly and intimately, but she always believes in her heart, just because they are not familiar enough now.

After getting to know her for a long time in the future, he will definitely treat her like this, as if she is the only one with his heart and eyes...

"It's nothing, friends in China are looking for me to chat."

Fu Yan smiled deeply, put the phone on the table, and didn't mention too much.

Hearing this, Ai Wanyuan couldn't help but think that he was about to leave country K and return home.
At night, Fu Yanshen nestled on the sofa after taking a shower, and programs were played on the TV at will.

He waited for a long time but did not hear from Qiao Qiancen. He picked up his phone and looked at it many times, hesitating whether to call her and ask her.


Suddenly, a doorbell rang.

The man's long fingers that were about to type on the chat interface froze. Just as he was about to ask her if she was done, the doorbell rang...

Putting the phone back on the table, he got up and left.

When I opened the door, I thought it was a hotel waiter, but unexpectedly, there was a slim woman standing outside the door. She wore a long off-the-shoulder dress, the skirt only reached her knees, and she was stepping on high heels. Her skin was like snow. The legs are thin and white...

Although she couldn't see her face clearly with the peaked cap on, she could guess that the other party must be a beautiful woman...

At this moment, she was leaning against the wall, curling her hair lazily, and said with an orchid-like air, "Sir, it's been a long night, do you need to..."

Her voice was sweet and soft, like a cat's paw scratching her heart.Slightly itchy, but completely messed up the heartstrings...

She quietly waited for his answer, but didn't say anything. At this moment, Fu Yan looked at the woman in front of her deeply, her eyes sank slightly, as if she was looking at something.

And ignored, in the next second, he uttered an astonishing sentence, "Is there an electric mosquito auction?"

The moment Qiao Qiancen heard the words, he was completely dumbfounded.

Blinking, she looked at him in bewilderment and puzzled, "Electric... electric mosquito swatter?"

Could this... be the legendary code word for a red-light place? !Countless question marks popped up in Qiao Qiancen's heart.

But at this moment, seeing that she didn't answer, Fu Yanshen was about to close the door, "Forget it if you don't."

"Hello, Miss Jessie?"

"Qiancen, where are you?"

"Brother Yan Shen, these necklaces are so beautiful, I want to buy one too."

Ai Wanyuan smiled lightly, her white onion fingers lightly slid across the glass wall, almost staying on each necklace for a while.

However, as if they didn't have a favorite style, their eyes never stopped on any necklace.

"Don't worry, take your time." Fu Yanshen replied to her in a calm voice, and didn't set her eyes on her.

With deep eyes, he has been staring at the amethyst necklace in his hand...

This necklace is very special. Under the light, the amethyst is crystal clear, and in the dark environment, it glows with a faint light, beautiful and mysterious.

The most important thing is that there is an English word "heart" engraved in the middle of the purple gemstone.

The font is small and the engraving is fine.It can be seen that it took a lot of effort to engrave it carefully, stroke by stroke, to have such an effect...

He wanted to give this necklace to Qiao Qiancen.


"Okay, I understand. I'll go back now." Qiao Qiancen hung up the phone with a regretful expression. He didn't expect that the company would suddenly assign a task at this time. It was originally scheduled to be a break this morning.

She had no choice but to give up her original idea, and finally took a look at Fu Yanshen's back, thinking that she could only find another chance to surprise him next time...

Putting on his backpack, he turned around and walked quickly towards the outside of the mall.

"Brother Yanshen, this necklace in your hand is so beautiful!" Suddenly, Ai Wanyuan exclaimed as if she had discovered something, her beautiful eyes sparkled.

It was as if she had looked through all the necklaces in the showcase, only to find that the one in his hand was the most desirable.

Fu Yan's eyes paused when he heard the words deeply.

"We all fell in love with the same necklace?" He turned his head, looked at her and chuckled.

His eyes were dark, but at this moment, Ai Wanyuan only felt an inexplicable sense of oppression in her heart.

The hand hanging by the side slightly pinched the hem of the skirt, like a child whose mind has been seen through, a little anxious to look away, not daring to look at him...

"That's right... the necklace styles we like are actually the same, what a coincidence..."

She said with a smile, while pulling her hair down, she looked away calmly.

Fu Yanshen's eyes fell on her neck, which was smooth and white, and nothing was gone...

Normally, this is the women's zone. If the female partner who is traveling with you says she likes something, as a man, she will fulfill her wish.What's more, it was someone who had just given him a gift.

But at this moment, Fu Yanshen was unwilling to give this necklace to her. Although he knew that he would buy a gift for her, this necklace was carefully selected by him and was going to be given to Qiao Qiancen...

What's more, there are words with such meaning engraved on this necklace, it is not suitable to present it to Ai Wanyuan...

"Miss Ai, since that's the case, how about I choose a similar necklace and give it to you?" Fu Yanshen changed the direction of the conversation with a chuckle as if she didn't understand her meaning.

Ai Wanyuan was a little surprised, she didn't expect that when she mentioned this just now, he didn't give her the necklace that had been stuck for a long time, but just said that he was looking for a similar one to give her...

With an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart, she bit her lip, but still had no choice but to nod in agreement.

In the end, Fu Yanshen bought two necklaces.One is the amethyst necklace that he stared at for a long time at the beginning, and the other is a similar necklace that was found by the staff behind him in 5 minutes...

"Hey! Wait!"

Seeing this, Qiao Qiancen became anxious.He yelled to stop him from closing the door, and then threw himself into his arms in the next second!
"Fu Yanshen! You can't even recognize me! It's too much!"

Afraid of meeting, seeing the scene she least wanted to see...

"Don't worry, miss, the patient is out of danger for the time being, but you have to remember to take care of the patient more in the future, and don't let her be stimulated. Otherwise, if there is a situation like today, I don't know what to do." Can you be so lucky?"

After speaking, the doctor sighed and left directly.

And Qiao Qiancen was a little stunned when he heard the words, not understanding what the doctor meant.

Before she had time to think about it, Qiao Qiancen rushed into the emergency room. At this time, her mother was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed. If it wasn't for her pale and frightening face, she would have thought she was just asleep.

Qiao Qiancen trembling with long eyelashes, knelt by the hospital bed, clasping her hand tightly to her cheek, "What's the matter with you? I'm terrified, I'm so scared, you will leave again like in the last life, and you won't give me any chance to save you..."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen was stunned for a moment before realizing that he had come to country K with the company team, and Fu Yanshen didn't know about it yet...

After thinking about it for a while, she smiled and said bluntly, "I'm in the hotel right now." She didn't mean to hide him, but she didn't make it clear that she was in country K, so Fu Yanshen naturally regarded her as being in country Hua. in the hotel.

"I'm working late today, so I have no choice but to stay in the hotel first~" She curled her lips and explained, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, full of the coquettish attitude of a little girl talking to her boyfriend.

Fu Yanshen had no choice but to let her go, "It's so late, it's really not safe for you to go back as a girl. How about this, I'll let the driver pick you up for a few days, and then wait for me to go back in a few days, then change me go alone?"

Qiao Qiancen shook his head quickly when he heard this, "No need, during this period of time, my schedule is not fixed. Sometimes I shoot at night and rest during the day. So, I'd better stay in a hotel temporarily."

She lied to make this matter go away. After all, she is not in Huaguo now. If she is really sent to pick her up by the housekeeper, wouldn't all her painstaking efforts be in vain?
She still wanted to give him a surprise!

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiancen didn't wait for Fu Yanshen to speak again, and asked directly, "By the way, which area of ​​country K are you in?"

She needs to understand where he is now, so that she can suddenly appear in front of him and surprise him...

Hearing this, Fu Yan's deep eyes paused for a moment, just about to ask her what's the matter, why did she suddenly ask about this matter, but then she thought that she is in Hua country now, it is impossible to come to K country at all, so she directly He replied, "West District, what's wrong?"

"West End?!"

Hearing these two words, Qiao Qiancen's voice couldn't help raising a bit, and there was a smile that couldn't be concealed from the corner of her mouth.

Unexpectedly, the two of them are in the same district, is this a predestined fate?
"You, have you come to the West District?"

Smart as Fu Yanshen, when he heard Qiao Qiancen's reaction, he immediately asked in doubt as if he had noticed something.

Qiao Qiancen only hated herself for speaking too quickly,
Ai Wanyuan waited for a while, seeing that Fu Yanshen hadn't finished the call, so she had to turn her head to look at him.

And at that moment, I don't know if it was her illusion, but she discovered that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile was gentle and tender, as if filled with infinite tenderness...

Ai Wanyuan stared blankly, but at this moment, her heartbeat couldn't stop speeding up.

For some reason, a picture of him looking at me with the same gentle smile suddenly appeared in my heart, so warm and beautiful, better than any fireworks in this world...

Involuntarily, a burst of sweetness surged up.

Ai Wanyuan raised her lips, slightly avoiding her cheeks, for fear that he would turn around suddenly and realize her cherished thoughts...

After talking on the phone with Qiao Qiancen, Fu Yanshen turned around and walked towards Ai Wanyuan, and as soon as he approached, he saw the smile on her lips...

"What are you thinking, so happy?"

He walked to her side, and asked curiously with his handsome brows frivolously.

And hearing this, Ai Wanyuan finally came out of her own thoughts, and looked up at Fu Yanshen, her delicate and refined face was blushing, as if someone had seen through her heart...

"No, nothing... just suddenly, I thought of a happy thing."

Indeed, if the thing she thought in her heart came true, it would be a happy thing for her...

"Then respected Miss Ai, we can have dinner at this point, let's go."

Fu Yanshen didn't delve into it anymore, glanced at his watch, and reported her the next itinerary as if he was on official business.

But hearing this, Ai Wanyuan was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't react.I never thought that Fu Yanshen would be so shrewd...

"No, I just heard that the western district of Country K is very interesting, and I've always wanted to go there."

Hearing this, Fu Yanshen felt a little relieved.He promised Mr. Ace to spend a few days in country K with his little daughter Ai Wanyuan.

And if Qiao Qiancen knew about this matter, with her temperament, she would definitely misunderstand and complicate things, so it would be best to keep her secret.

"It's okay, I have a chance to bring you here," Fu Yanshen slightly bent her lips, "Tomorrow I will go to the most famous Acton shopping mall in the West District, and then I will pick out gifts for you."

He really has no reason to refuse this request...

After a pause, he nodded with a chuckle, without any strange emotion on his handsome face, "Of course there is no problem, Mr. Ace."

He knew that she didn't like to eat meat that was too raw, so the steak was fried until it was medium-rare.

Qiao Qiancen's eyes were full of stars and stars, with a bit of admiration and reverence, "What about Yan Shen? I feel so happy... You are handsome and can make little surprises. Now, even The cooking skills are so good, I feel like I am dreaming, a very beautiful dream, I don't want to wake up!"

Hearing this, the man's mouth twitched into a slight smile, gentle and charming, "Then don't wake up, anyway, in this world, I have already identified you, from now on, you can't escape even if you want to escape." , can only be exclusive to me.”

The corner of Qiao Qiancen's mouth couldn't stop smiling, and the bottom of her heart was full of happiness, she chuckled softly.

It was a beautiful night.

So beautiful, she hopes that time can be frozen at this moment forever, and never move forward...
The next day, the president will do it.

The man was sitting at the desk dealing with work. Suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open. The next moment, Yu Tiantian hurried in with the documents in his arms.

"The big thing is bad, Mr. Fu!"

"what happened?"

The man said coldly, his work was suddenly interrupted, and the other party barged in without knocking on the door, he was in a gloomy and dissatisfied mood at the moment.

When the voice fell, Yu Tiantian hurriedly said, "The responsible party who was scheduled to deliver the gold and aluminum materials today has been dishonest and unable to contact since eight o'clock in the morning! And we tried to contact other companies for emergency response, but found that the domestic The gold and aluminum industry was fully monopolized by the Shangguan Group as early as a week ago! Now in the entire Hua Kingdom, only the Shangguan Group controls all the gold and aluminum materials!"

After one sentence fell, the man's tall body stood up suddenly, "Lost contact?! Monopoly?!"

"Yes, Mr. Fu, we have tried all the methods, but there is no way out. Three days later, the project deadline will come again, so we can only report to you."

Yu Tiantian lowered her head and replied very helplessly.

Now that the situation is critical, she originally wanted to use the business management knowledge she learned abroad to let him see her emergency response capabilities, so that he could admire her with admiration and praise.

But unexpectedly, this matter is so difficult, it is not like an ordinary problem at all!
She was finally panicked, so she could only come and tell him about it, hoping that it was not too late...

Hearing this, Ethan, who was standing behind him, couldn't listen anymore, and said in disbelief, "Can't get in touch at eight o'clock? Secretary Yu, it's already eleven o'clock now! It's been three hours since you came to report, Do you know that if this matter is not handled well, the follow-up process will be very complicated! There are many companies involved and the number is large, and it is very likely that Fu will face a lawsuit because of it!"

"Me! How would I know!"

Yu Tiantian felt so sad that she was about to cry when she was accused. When she came to work at Fu's, she just thought that she would be able to get the moon sooner rather than later.It seems that this position is really not for ordinary people!

"Brother Yan Shen! Do you believe that Tiantian is good? Tiantian didn't mean to let the company fall into such a predicament. Tiantian just wanted to... try his best, and didn't want to disturb you..."

Yu Tiantian deliberately pretended to be very aggrieved and said in a voice. When he walked over, he wanted to hug Fu Yanshen's arm and explain coquettishly.

"Hey, that's really great. The little girl will be very happy to hear the news." Mr. Ace said with a smile on his face.

Fu Yanshen chuckled, and had to hand over all the work to Ethan temporarily. Now he still needs to stay with Mr. Ace's youngest daughter.
At night, Qiao Qiancen really called Fu Yanshen. She was used to sleeping with him during this time, but now that he was gone, she couldn't sleep by herself for a long time, so she had to call him and listen to him. sound up.

"Yan Shen, how many days are you going?"

Her petite body was curled up in the quilt, covered with the quilt, while holding the mobile phone to make a call, while looking at the night sky outside the window, her eyes were empty and lifeless.


Fu Yanshen's tall body stood in front of the French windows of the hotel, looking at the bright moon in the night sky. At this moment, his voice was low and hoarse, "It won't be too long, Qiancen, don't think too much, I'm done with this side I will go back immediately. At that time, I will bring you a gift back, which will be regarded as compensation, okay?"

When Qiao Qiancen heard this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Well... you said, you can't just buy something to perfuse me."

Her voice was tinged with a bit of happiness and sweetness that she didn't even notice, and the corners of her mouth were slightly dimpled.

She looked like a young woman in love.

"Fool, of course, when have I ever been perfunctory to you?" He smiled lowly, his voice very tender.

I don't know if it's because of electromagnetism, but at this moment, Qiao Qiancen only felt that the man's voice on the phone was so magnetic that his ears turned red when he listened to it, and he really wanted to fall asleep listening to his voice all the time.

"Okay, I know you won't perfunctory me. But, are you busy with work these days? What are you doing, are you tired?"

Qiao Qiancen said in a soft voice, and couldn't help wanting to continue to care about him. Hearing this, Fu Yanshen on the other end of the phone fell silent at this moment, and didn't answer her immediately.

In fact, the work of the past few days was basically handed over to Ethan, and he mainly accompanied Mr. Ace's young daughter to visit museums and scenic spots, but he didn't really work much.

"I didn't do anything, it's the same as usual in the company, processing documents, reviewing and signing, there is not much difference..."

Fu Yan smiled lightly, and thought of a lie to reply her.Now, I can't tell her to spend a few days with a girl, otherwise, according to her temperament, she will definitely get jealous and angry.

"Oh~" Qiao Qiancen didn't doubt his words too much, but asked puzzledly, "Since they are all similar jobs, why don't you come back and do them? Do you know, I miss you for a long time..."

"Yan Shen, why...why did you prepare this for me?"

With a bit of astringency in her voice, she pointed to the ones he had prepared for her on the balcony. Hearing this, Fu Yanshen smiled lightly, with an affectionate look on her brows.

"Silly, didn't I promise you before? Now I just fulfilled my promise." His big hand wrapped her hand, warm and dry.

At this moment Qiao Qiancen listened, her heart felt as if she was wrapped in warmth, so hot, so touched, her eyes turned red, and finally she could no longer hold back and threw herself into his arms.

"Yan Shen, you actually... you don't have to be so nice to me, I, I'm not worth do this..."

She threw herself into his arms, crying uncontrollably.

She did such an excessive thing before that the entire Fu family almost fell into the abyss, and the achievements of several generations of the Fu family were almost destroyed in her hands.

And almost all the people around him who know the truth are fighting for him, thinking that she is a woman without conscience and greedy for vanity, and they hate her so much.

And even she herself felt that she was unforgivably sinful, that she was the most hateful person in the world, and she actually betrayed the only person in the world who sincerely treated her well.

However, just when she thought that there would be no chance of reconciliation in the future, he brought her back to his side regardless of everything, and sheltered her under his wings, never saying a single sneer...

He was kind to her, and there was no way to repay him in this life.

But now, he still wants to continue to treat her well and give her warmth...

In her heart, it was really hard to convince herself not to be moved by him, but wished that she could dedicate all the good things in the rest of her life to him at once...

"Qiancen, there is no value or not. To me, you are the most worthy."

He hugged her gently with his big hands, his voice was low and deep, solemn and without a trace of jokes.

For him, there is no one more worthy than her in this world, only she is the one he wants to protect with all his life, so even if the whole world is turned upside down, even if everyone criticizes him in the end, he still wants to To protect her...

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help crying even more. Could it be that in his heart, he really didn't hate her at all?

At the beginning, not only did he steal Fu's secrets, but he also created the illusion that he was with Shangguan Yuyan. Could it be that he didn't resent and blame her from the beginning to the end?
Why do you treat her like this?
Let her be immersed in happiness like this, she will feel uneasy...

Worrying that one day in the future, will he suddenly stop loving her, will he get tired of her, and will drive her away, and at that time, what should she do?
In this world, she has nothing left, and now he is the only one she can rely on, who can make her feel better and relax her tired heart...


Seeing that she was still crying deeply, Fu Yan couldn't bear it in the end, held her little face together, and coaxed extremely tenderly, "Don't cry, you are the most precious to me. If you cry any more, my heart will It's going to be uncomfortable, be obedient, be good, come here and I'll show you another thing."

His warm fingertips gently wiped away her tears, and then he led her to the balcony.

Hearing this, Fu Yanshen was silent for a while, and only said, "There is no way, most of the remaining work is dealing with people from country K, and I can't leave."

"All right……"

Qiao Qiancen complied in frustration, full of helplessness and loss. "Then you have to take care of yourself, we can meet in a few days."

"Okay, Qiancen, be good, wait for me to go back."

Fu Yanshen's voice was gentle and lingering. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen felt his heart melt into one piece.

Acton Mall in the West End?

Okay, she will go there tomorrow and create a "chance encounter" for him...

"Okay, then I'll wait."

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly.
The next day, Qiao Qiancen woke up early in the morning, put on a delicate makeup, put on a favorite dress, and appeared beautifully at the Acton Hotel.

Back downstairs to the apartment, it was already 08:30.

Qiao Qiancen didn't have time to take a shower after dancing practice just now, and now his whole body is sweaty and sticky.

After returning, she didn't bother to eat first, but went to take a shower.

About 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the bathroom door, "Miss Qiao Qiancen, have you finished washing? If you don't come out, the food will be cold."

Qiao Qiancen was stunned, her long eyelashes trembling. At this moment, she was standing at the door of the room in a daze, looking at the beautiful scene not far away, but she didn't dare to take another step forward.

She remembered that she once talked to him and wanted to try a candlelight dinner. It seems that all the male and female protagonists on TV will have this experience, but she always ate in the kitchen with the servants in Qiao's house since she was a child, so she didn't try Once, even if there was a gathering in the family, she could only watch such a feast from a distance, and never had the chance to try it herself.

But he didn't want to, he remembered her words, he had promised her back then that he would take her to try once after graduation, but then they broke up near the time of graduation...

She thought this matter would be nothing, but unexpectedly, he has always kept it in his heart, and now, he personally fulfilled her wish.

Fu Yanshen placed tableware on the balcony, and when he looked up, he saw her standing at the door of the room.

He waved at her and signaled her to go over, but at this moment, she didn't know why she didn't dare to go over.

Ever since she was a child, she has been used to standing outside the beautiful world and looking at the joyful and happy smiling faces of the people inside, looking at the bright and gorgeous lights inside, and she seems to be standing outside the beautiful world, that In a dark corner.

Not saying a word, silent like a speck of dust, inconspicuous and unassuming, waiting for a gust of wind to blow it to pieces...

Facing such a beautiful scene now, she can only subconsciously feel that it does not belong to her.

She had exhausted all her luck to meet Fu Yanshen, and to be reborn to return to him. Now, it is impossible for her to be lucky enough to have other happiness...

Seeing that Qiao Qiancen was not moving, Fu Yan walked towards her with a tall body and took her hand, "Didn't I let you in, fool? What are you doing standing here?"

Qiao Qiancen had just finished blowing her hair and was applying body lotion. Hearing this, she quickly sped up her movements, "Come on, come on, Mr. Fu wait for me!"

The corners of the mouth are raised slightly, and it seems quite amusing to call each other like this.

But today she was filming and practicing dancing, she has been hungry for a long time, she just wanted to sit down and eat the dinner he made.

"Okay, come to the balcony of the room first, I have something to tell you."

Fu Yanshen leaned against the wall, said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, after saying this, she left without waiting for her reply.

Qiao Qiancen was left puzzled in the bathroom, "...Oh."

If you have something to say, why don't you just say it during the meal, and go to the balcony of the room?
She was puzzled.

And when she was wearing a nightgown and her long wet hair and pushed open the door, she found that the room was pitch black... Xingyao Entertainment had already arranged a star-making plan when they signed Qiao Qiancen. In addition to receiving endorsements and filming, her job also requires training with the same batch of trainees in the company, training her to become an excellent artist in all aspects.

After passing the company's professional evaluation test, Qiao Qiancen was indeed the weakest in dance, so the company asked her to learn dance with the trainees all the time, starting from the most basic skills.

Every day, Qiao Qiancen filmed several hours of scenes in the theater, and would continue to sweat profusely in the dance room after returning home. The manager looked distressed at it, but knew that there was no way out. This is a process that every artist needs to go through.

Only with a solid foundation in art can one go further and further in the entertainment circle in the future.

Sitting by the side and watching Qiao Qiancen dance with the dance coach with the trainees, Jessie looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to end, so he helped Qiao Qiancen pack up.

How did she know that at this moment, the screen of her mobile phone lit up, and there was an incoming call.

Qiao Qiancen's cell phone was set to silent, and she was dancing but didn't know there was a call.

And Jessie picked up her mobile phone, just about to help get through, explaining that it is not convenient for her to answer the phone now.Unexpectedly, his eyes saw the note of the caller——Dear Sir.

For a moment, Jesse froze.

When she came back to her senses, the phone had automatically hung up.

"Okay, today's practice is over, let's go back and practice more." At this time, the voice of the dance teacher came, and the students quickly dispersed, some of them packed their things, some of them drank water.

But Qiao Qiancen stood alone in front of Nuo Da's mirror, fiddling with his body, trying to practice today's movements proficiently.

At this moment, Jess walked over with her mobile phone.

"Qiancen, that's it for today, don't practice yet." Standing behind her, she said as calmly as possible.

Qiao Qiancen heard the words, but still did not stop immediately, and continued to move, "Sister Jesse, you go back first, I will go back after I practice, I haven't mastered today's content."

"Qiancen, I have something to ask you."

Finally, Jesse spoke up.

Qiao Qiancen realized that there seemed to be something wrong, stopped her movements and turned to look at her, "Sister Jessie, what's wrong?"

"Qiancen, answer me honestly, who is 'Dear Sir'?" Jesse straightened his face and asked a little seriously, "I am your manager, you must tell me verbatim."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen was a little stunned.

'Dear sir', isn't it the phone note he gave Fu Yanshen?Could it be that Jesse saw...

Just as she was puzzled, suddenly, her gaze was drawn to the balcony at the other end of the room!
In the wide open-air balcony, the black railings are covered with small light strings, like bright stars filling the surroundings, and in the center, at some point, there is a table with red wine, flowers, steaks...

Lighting the shining candles, burning in the dark night, flickering, like a cluster of the most shining stars, so eye-catching, so bright...

Qiao Qiancen seemed to have thought of something, and her heart flustered a little. After thinking for a while, she still said, "He...he is, my father."

After the sentence fell, Jesse seemed a little disbelieving, "Father? Are you sure?"


Qiao Qiancen nodded with an unnatural expression, her eyes dodged a little, "I didn't lie to you, this is a note I gave to my dad. I have always respected him very much, so I gave him such a note."

When Jessie heard the words, she was a little dubious in her heart, but she still chose to believe her words.

"Okay, it's good to be a father. Always remember that according to the company's regulations, you can't have a relationship right now. What's more, this time is very important to you. Your focus should be on work. It's never too late to fall in love."

She didn't know why this man was here, it was clear that when he came in just now, there was no one outside.

Could it be that he came with her?
This idea popped up in her mind, and for a moment, Qiao Qiancen felt a strange feeling in her heart. Although she didn't recognize this man, she would come here with her for some reason...

Pressing her lips tightly, she said nothing.

Ready to walk straight away from him.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, a big wheat-colored hand was lying in front of him, and Qiao Qiancen noticed that he seemed to be holding something in his hand...

Involuntarily, she froze for a moment, raised her head and looked at him puzzled.

"what are you doing?"

She asked a little defensively.

But at this time, the tall man laughed lowly, his voice was thick and low, "I got scratched on my arm, wipe it off, it's not okay to leave scars on your body for what you do."

Only then did Qiao Qiancen realize that he was giving him ointment...

I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it was like, looking at the ointment swab in the man's hand, I didn't reach out to take it for a long time.

For so many years, I have long been used to others' cold eyes and neglect, and suddenly someone treats her well, I just feel unaccustomed...

And more, it is doubt.

She never believed that there would be people in the world who were kind to others for no reason. In her opinion, all kindness was exchanged with equal value.

She was playing with this stranger in front of her, but she didn't feel that he really wanted to help her.

Qiao Qiancen never liked to owe others, after much deliberation, she still chose to decline, "Thank you very much for your kindness, but this little scar doesn't need to be treated with medicine, it will scab over by itself in a few days."

After finishing speaking, she finally didn't want to have any more entanglements with him, so she just walked past him.

But at this time, she was about to turn a corner and leave, but she didn't want to, the voice sounded again, "Is it because I don't look like a good person?"

"Heh... What a failure! It's the first time I did something good, but I was rejected as meddling in my own business."

Hearing this almost self-deprecating voice, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but pause.

"It doesn't matter, it's already bought anyway. If someone doesn't appreciate it, they can only throw it away. In the future, it's better to be an indifferent person!"

The voice fell, and there was a sound of footsteps behind him. It seemed that he was really about to leave, and he walked away step by step.

Suddenly, Qiao Qiancen's heart was agitated, and he didn't even realize what he was thinking, so he acted rationally first.

"Wait a moment!"

With a loud cry, she stopped the man who was about to leave.

As expected, the man stopped when he heard the voice, "Changed your mind? Didn't you say... don't you need it?"

His voice was calm and fearless, completely different from the attitude he had just said when he said he would give her medicine.

Qiao Qiancen pursed her lips slightly, but did not speak.

He strode over directly, and took the ointment and cotton swab from his hand before he could react.

"Thank you."

He left this sentence with an unnatural expression, and hurried away.

Qiao Qiancen walked outside the studio, looking at the ointment and cotton swab in his hand, his thoughts fell silent.

She didn't know why she had changed her mind.

Could it be because he said that he would throw away the ointment, which she felt wasted.Or, because of his sentence, he will only be an indifferent person in the future and will no longer help others?Heart touched?
She herself doesn't know...

From childhood to adulthood, bumps and bumps were always unavoidable due to frequent rough work. At that time, both the housekeeper's wife and Zhang Manjie said that she didn't need to apply medicine pretentiously to a small wound, and Qiao Qiancen would suffer from serious injuries in the future. , and never took the initiative to rub the medicine.

It wasn't until a long time later that she realized that the reason why they didn't let her apply the medicine was just because they didn't want her to feel better.

Watching her wound fester and inflame, risking tetanus.And every time they were injured, they never rushed to the hospital...

Looking at the ointment in his hand now, Qiao Qiancen felt unspeakable emotions. In this world, except for Fu Yanshen, it seemed that no one was willing to treat her sincerely.

Yin Susu was used to being spoiled by the people around her, and this time she was the heroine in the crew, which made her even more swollen.

Now that Qiao Qiancen said this, combined with the hate and jealousy towards her in the past, at this moment, he rushed forward without any hesitation!Raise your hand, ready to slap him down!
"Bitch! Without Senior Fu, let me see how arrogant you are!"

Yin Susu yelled, thinking that Qiao Qiancen had no backer now, so he had no scruples about fighting someone.

But she didn't know that Qiao Qiancen had experienced it all his life, and now he is no longer the master who allows others to bully him!
Seeing Yin Susu's slap, she directly raised her hand to hold her hand, approached her and whispered, "Are you trying to find fault?"

"let me go!"

Yin Susu didn't know that Qiao Qiancen would grab her hand instead, and immediately struggled vigorously, grabbing her fair and delicate wrist with long and sharp nails.

Qiao Qiancen narrowed her eyes slightly, and in the next second, grabbed her hand and threw it aside!
In an instant, Yin Susu was unprepared and fell to the side!

The whole person fell on a piece of grass!

She looked embarrassed and miserable, and she was going crazy with anger in her heart!
"Qiao Qiancen! How dare you push me! Believe it or not, I will expose you to the director! Let him kick you out of the crew!"

She is the heroine, and Qiao Qiancen is just a supporting role, so it goes without saying which is more important, she doesn't believe it, the director can still favor her as a supporting role!
But hearing this, Qiao Qiancen slightly curled his lips, looking confident.

"Okay, you can go ahead and tell him everything. Tell him how you hit people first and how you insulted them. By the way, don't forget, there is surveillance here."


Yin Susu was aroused by Qiao Qiancen's confident appearance, and her face flushed with anger!
Pointing at Qiao Qiancen, it seemed as if she wanted to peel her off and cramp, "Okay! We meet again in the mountains and rivers. From now on, I will never let you off easily!"

After finishing speaking, she gave Qiao Qiancen a bitter look, got up from the ground and walked away. Her two assistants had no choice but to follow after her.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen looked at their backs, and finally, as if letting go of her breath, she straightened her clothes and turned to leave.

How did she know that when she turned around, there was a tall figure standing behind her, Qiao Qiancen was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, there was a person standing behind him. When did he come?Didn't he watch the whole thing just now?

Thinking of this, I feel a little uneasy.

He lowered his head and left without saying a word.

In the entertainment industry, dragons and snakes are mixed up, and people are separated from each other. She can't tell whether the person in front of her is an enemy or a friend. The best way is to ignore her, perform her own role well, and do her own thing well. She doesn't want to involve too much in other things .

Qiao Qiancen's pace was fast, but she didn't know that after she left, those deep eyes had been staring at her.

When I saw her name on the list of actors before, I thought it was someone else with the same name and surname. After all, Qiao Qiancen from Yuncheng University had disappeared for a long time since he broke up with Fu Yanshen. Now that I heard her name again, I just subconsciously I thought it was someone else, but how could I...

Qiao Qiancen looked at the girl in front of her, as if she knew her, but she couldn't remember her name.

"You are?" she asked puzzled.

Seeing that Qiao Qiancen didn't know her, Yin Susu couldn't help but feel a sense of anger. Although she was one year younger than her, she was her junior sister in name, but after all, she was also the beauty of the Art Academy for two consecutive terms, so she didn't even know her. Own?

Chi Guoguo's provocation!

The two assistants next to him were also very angry when they heard Qiao Qiancen's words.
Hearing this, the assistant held back a smile, but still deliberately said, "Miss Yin, maybe I can't tell this time. After all, it's a program hosted by Mrs. Fu. I think...the quality shouldn't be that bad."

Hearing Mrs. Fu, the beautiful girl raised her brows slightly, but after a moment of silence, she still said in a mocking tone, "So what, Mr. Fu has so many properties, and he processes hundreds of millions of documents every day, maybe This program is just one that he unintentionally approved, and it's not enough to take it to heart."

Her tone of voice was full of admiration for Fu Yanshen, and her disdain for this talent show, the two attitudes were completely different.

"What Miss Yin said is that in this world, only the honorable Mr. Fu can catch your eye." The assistant joked.

When the girl heard this, she raised her red lips and smiled.

"Mr. Fu is still my senior! I am from the Art College of Yunda University, and he is from the School of Finance. I have seen him play basketball several times! What a man with athleticism and business acumen! What woman doesn't like him .”

"Yes, yes, what Miss Yin said is true! Then with our Miss Yin's peerless appearance, Mr. Fu should bow down under your pomegranate skirt at that time, right?" The assistant flattered while fanning her.

Hearing this, the beautiful girl who had a smile on her face froze all of a sudden.

"Well, of course..."

say so

(End of this chapter)

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