Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 434 He Doesn't Answer Her Telegram

Chapter 434 He Doesn't Answer Her Call

The assistant nodded, but his eyes were helpless, "Do you think I came up just because I saw the reporter's question? Look at yourself, your legs are red from the cold, why don't you come up, I just froze on the stage , it will not end well at that time.”

The new assistant was a child, but he seemed to be articulate when he spoke, and he was not afraid of people at all.

Qiao Qiancen listened, and looked down at her exposed thighs.

Indeed, her legs were originally smooth and white, but after being frozen on the stage just now, the whole leg was flushed red!

Feeling helpless, she looked at her legs and laughed, "Then what can I do? It's not like you don't know that my legs tend to turn red when I'm frozen, but these Party A's fathers are the hardest to wait for and participate in a release." It’s just a meeting, but I still asked to wear cool clothes. I couldn’t help it, so I dressed like this. This is the most conservative clothing they provide. Oh my god, you don’t even know what I feel when I change clothes and go out. What a breakdown."

While rubbing her hands, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but said that her heart was full of helpless emotions. If she dressed like this and went out, if Fu Yanshen saw or knew about it, she would definitely be scolded. After all, she was doing this for work. That's all, but to ruin his body for work, this is something he definitely doesn't agree with, and maybe he will really scold her severely at that time.

Feeling helpless in her heart, but thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't heard Fu Yanshen's voice for a long time, and she didn't know how he was doing now, whether he was taking good care of himself when he was alone abroad.

Thinking of this, she wanted to call Fu Yanshen tonight and ask how he was doing recently.

She misses Fu Yanshen a little in her heart...
The assistant heard Qiao Qiancen's single complaint, but couldn't help laughing, "Sister, actually think about it, Party A didn't do anything wrong, think about it yourself, when did you meet?" Celebrities wear like zongzi when they do endorsements. Of course, short skirts, high heels and low cut are standard! You can’t blame them. After all, at this time, no one cares whether celebrities are cold or not. What they want is As a result, I took a fancy to your current popularity, so I let you be the spokesperson, otherwise, you would have no chance to participate in the endorsement event in such a small amount!"

The assistant said with a very serious face, without giving Qiao Qiancen any face, but Qiao Qiancen couldn't help laughing at this moment when he heard his words, "I didn't expect that you, a little assistant, are not very young, but you are quite vicious. , yes, if a reporter comes to ask me excessive questions in the future, you can come forward and speak for me."

Qiao Qiancen nodded, and successfully stuffed back all the words the little assistant wanted to say later.

"Hey, I can't help it. Let me tell you, don't make excuses for me to act as a shield. Those reporters are killing people without blinking an eye! I'm a little girl, so I better not fight them! "

Qiao Qiancen nodded, and listened very seriously, but the voice fell, and when the assistant didn't want to say anything, she slightly curled her lips, and calmly replied a few words, "No, I'm an artist, I have the final say!"
Fighting with the assistant along the way, and returning to the car, everyone still had something to do, so she thought of calling Fu Yanshen to ask about his situation.

It's just that after a long time, no one answered his phone.

(End of this chapter)

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