Chapter 436

Qiao Qiancen was originally in a gloomy mood, but the moment she heard the man's words, she was stunned. At this moment, she would just stay where she was, as if she hadn't reacted at all. Can't tell.

"You, what more?"

It took Qiao Qiancen a long time before she finally found her own voice. At this moment, she just felt inexplicably uncomfortable. Why did everything develop into this way? It was clear that she didn't think so at the beginning...

"Ethan, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Qiao Qiancen almost paused several times before finally finding his own voice and speaking, and the voice fell, and immediately a man came from the other end of the phone disdain to the extreme voice,

"Miss Qiao Qiancen, at this moment, you'd better not pretend to be crazy! I advise you, just admit your mistakes obediently, and get away from the young master from now on..."

Ethan has received a good education, and being able to be Fu Yanshen's assistant is naturally a very qualified and unseen person, but the reason why he spoke so rudely to Qiao Qiancen today is just because he was too angry.

The anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed at all. When he thought of his young master being deceived again and again, and he himself failed to see her tricks, he felt angry and heartbroken.

His accusation had been made clear at the very beginning, which was to ensure that the trivial matters in Fu Yanshen's work and life were resolved, but now that Qiao Qiancen made him make mistakes again and again, he naturally felt gloomy and dissatisfied.

What else does this woman want?Their young master has clearly given her many chances, why does he just feel dissatisfied, why does she still not know how to have a long memory after going through so many things?
Could it be that her heart is really made of stone?She doesn't know how to resolve it, and keeps revolving around her own interests. No matter what others say or talk about, she can ignore it...

One person really couldn't hold back his anger. He just felt that Qiao Qiancen was the first person to make him lose his composure in a long time.

He probably understood that Qiao Qiancen was the young master's favorite person, so her betrayal and lack of gratitude made him angry.

Just imagine how their young master would feel if he found out about the woman he loves and has been teasing him like this, treating him like a kitten or puppy.
I'm afraid, I will only feel the pain!
How much does a man have to love a woman to be so lenient? Ethan can't imagine her hurting herself again and again, but such a woman doesn't know how to appreciate it, and tramples on other people's sincerity. Not giving a chance to let go...

His heart sank completely, and he never said a word again. Perhaps his life in the future would make Fu Yanshen very painful, and as an assistant, he could never say anything, and could only help him to get rid of the hateful things around him. People are expelled!
As Qiao Qiancen listened, he felt as if his heart was pinched by something. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't even breathe smoothly...

What should I do?How to solve this matter?

Full of doubts, after all, she didn't understand why she behaved so well, if anyone misunderstood her!

(End of this chapter)

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