Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 442 What? !pregnant!

Chapter 442 What? !pregnant!

And the man didn't want to pay attention to this woman at all. He usually looked at the gentle and gentle girl, but he didn't expect to be so difficult.He really got himself into a big trouble!

Now Qiao Qiancen is still in her car, I don't know how she is, she seemed a little uncomfortable just now,

Fu Yanshen didn't realize that she was already on Qiao Qiancen's body. Seeing her in such an uncomfortable state at this moment, she couldn't bear to cry after all.

He didn't know why he had such emotions, but seeing Qiao Qiancen in such pain, he felt uncomfortable after all.After all, the two have known each other for so long, so long that he has almost forgotten that the reason he approached her in the first place was to take advantage of her...

His heart sank, at this moment, he still didn't say that person

Leaving the car door behind, carrying Qiao Qiancen, he was about to leave immediately.

"Hey! It's too much? You can't go! Stop, you can't leave! It's too much, I won't allow it!"

Her voice was extremely angry, she never expected that Shangguan Yu Yanhui would change his mind so quickly, it was clear that he should have been talking sweetly a few days ago, but today...

"That woman, what a shame!"

"I've been dumped, and I'm still entangled. I've been entangled with others, so shameless!"

"I really think it's funny. No one is really ashamed. It's also the first time I've seen a woman so ashamed!"

There were mocking voices all around, but the woman listened, her face turned blue and red, and she was embarrassed to cry after all, so she obediently let go of her hand?

And Shangguan Yuyan drove the car directly, drove Qiao Qiancen away, and drove very fast, without any consideration for the woman who was looking at him from behind.

The woman looked at the direction in which the car left and stomped her feet, a little unconvinced in her heart, but in the end, there was still nothing she could do, she just said "Shangguan Yuyan, you have the guts!", turned around and left.

I vowed that the next time Shangguan Yuyan came to find me again, I would never forgive her again. I was angry and dissatisfied in my heart, but I didn't expect that Shangguan Yuyan had already made up his mind not to pay attention to this woman, and let her No matter how much you make trouble, you will never pay attention to her from now on!
When the two arrived at the hospital, Shangguan Yuyan asked the doctor to give Qiao Qiancen the best ward, and then he walked in and sat on the sofa next to the bed.

"Look at him, what's going on, all right, like a lost fool on the road!"

Shangguan Yuyan spoke very bluntly, but the doctor seemed to have expected it a long time ago, without any strange emotion at all, he just walked over to the bedside as soon as possible, and took out tools for treatment and diagnosis.

"This lady must have been greatly stimulated, and her mood fluctuated violently. Next time, she should be careful not to let her get caught in the rain. The child is almost two months old, why are you still so reckless?"

The doctor's tone couldn't help being a little angry. Thinking of such a pregnant woman walking on the main road with a big belly, getting wet in the rain, I felt angry and dissatisfied.

But when the words fell, Shangguan Yuyan's face turned blue and purple, and he felt embarrassed after all, so he didn't say anything.
Just stunned for a moment, the next second, the whole person seemed to be stunned, his eyes widened, "I'm pregnant?! What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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