Chapter 448

Shangguan Yuyan detained Qiao Qiancen and refused to let her leave, and this approach made Qiao Qiancen feel uncomfortable in the end. He still didn't understand why he treated her like this. It was clear that they were not so relative at the beginning The relationship, but unknowingly, has gradually become such a strange and alienated relationship.

Why, what was the reason for all this, she wanted to know, but no one had ever told her.

All of this is like a curse, a curse that everyone can't undo, and they will never know how to choose. I feel a little sad in my heart. Why is it like this now? Who is behind it?
Who is it that makes them so desperate and walk with no way out?I always feel sad and broken,
But after the words fell, the man secretly evoked a smile. For some reason, whenever he saw Qiao Qiancen's desperate and sad appearance, he always felt sad and sad. It seemed that such a side was not something he should face after all...

His heart sank, but Shangguan Yuyan looked at the woman in front of him, and suddenly smiled, "Qiancen, we are very good friends, and now, shouldn't we help each other? I want to leave soon, and I don’t care about me, the person who helped you, but I will feel sad? You know! Qiancen, there shouldn’t be such a distant relationship between us. It should."

Shangguan Yuyan seemed to want to brainwash her, and what she said was brainwashing. Qiao Qiancen listened, but his heart became more and more sad. Why, everything will develop like this?
She didn't know, from the past to now, she didn't know, and now, it's the time when there is no way out, it seems that whoever will do this is nonsense.It's all meaningless things.

Qiao Qiancen sneered in her heart, wanting to leave, but the man's hand was holding onto her tightly, unwilling to let go.

"Shangguan Yuyan, what are you doing now? Let me go, do you hear me?!"

She was very angry in her heart, she didn't know what this man wanted to do now, she knew that she didn't want to talk to him, let alone stay with him, why this man still didn't want to let go of her.

My heart is full of confusion and anger, after all, it is none of my business, what I want now depends entirely on this man's mood.

Qiao Qiancen is full of anger and unwillingness in his heart, why has he developed into this appearance now, why can't he let each other relax?Qiao Qiancen really wanted to ask this matter clearly, but at this moment, it was difficult after all. Many times, many things could not be fulfilled!
But the mood now is naturally brilliant, I have no way out to go, now in this world, there is no way out to choose.

Qiao Qiancen closed her eyes and couldn't breathe anymore. Now she was full of troubles, but this man was still unwilling to let her go.

What does he want?After all, how can I stop pestering myself?Now that it has reached this point, I still don't want to let it go...

I feel very sad, I have no choice but to go out...

(End of this chapter)

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